View Full Version : hey yall

12-02-2010, 06:11 AM
just a quick hi to everyone, to reiterate my point i prefer grey squirrels to red which so far as i have seen is pretty rare. is anyone with me?!

Jackie in Tampa
12-02-2010, 06:13 AM
:Welcome :wave123 I love grey sqs too!

12-02-2010, 07:42 AM
:Welcome Yes, love my grays, but we don't get reds here in Florida.~

12-02-2010, 12:52 PM
I love my grays but I love visiting with Jeffrey and Meemor a couple of red squirrels on the board. There may be more, I don't know.


12-02-2010, 01:01 PM
:Welcome I love my grey, but I also love them all the big and the small:jump

12-02-2010, 08:10 PM
I love the greys, the reds, the mixed, the blacks, the whites, the flyers and the chippies ... I just love ALL of them :)


But then, the one I always LOVED best of them all was my own and most precious grey, Scooter. :Love_Icon OF COURSE. :bowdown :) I mean who wouldn't when he always was such a prime, gorgeous, adorable, best looking example of his own species?!!! (Hemm hemm... can anyone spell the word "humility" for me??? ;) ) :rotfl


But hey! I just guess we can all toot our own horn when it comes to our own babies, right? ;) :rotfl

12-03-2010, 02:50 AM
:Welcome :wave123 I love grey sqs too!
Aw Jackie you never saw a squirrel you didn't like!
They could be orange with polkadots and you would break bread with them!

12-03-2010, 02:56 AM
I love the greys, the reds, the mixed, the blacks, the whites, the flyers and the chippies ... I just love ALL of them :)

Scooter ranks with my Mugzi...top honors as squirrels of a lifetime...

Finnagin just may top the charts though...I have stories untold
to the family