View Full Version : Nut balls and daily food

11-27-2010, 12:23 AM
:wave123 Hey everyone I was wondering what you guys think about the recipe Nut balls here is the reciepe

1 cup rice flakes (Heinz or Gerbers' baby rice cereal -- do not use any substitute here, such as whole grain cereals since they all block calcium absorption)

½ cup ground-up pecans
2/3 cup sesame seeds
1 Tablespoon Brewers' Yeast powder. (Brewer's yeast tablets may be used. Grind up enough to make a full tablespoon of powder per 100 Nutballs). Do NOT use Baker's yeast from the grocery store since it is used for making bread rise and is not suitable for eating in this raw form. Brewer's Yeast is not the same thing and can be found in powder form at the health food store or in tablet form (cheaper) at Wal-Mart. (Tablets need to be mashed into a powder.)
1 Tablespoon Lecithin granules or 1 teaspoon liquid Lecithin -- (Lecithin capsules, also available at Wal-Mart, may be used since they are more readily available, cheaper, and are not sold in such large quantities as the jars. Cut the end off 3 or 4 capsules and squish the goosh into the liquid ingredients. Salad oil will remove this from fingers easily, since it is an oil-emulsifier.)
1½ to 2 heaping teaspoons KAL brand dolomite powder (about 1560-2000 mg. calcium) -- (Do NOT accept any substitute such as bone meal, oyster shell or egg shell calcium, or any other kind of commercial calcium tablets, no matter what the health food store people tell you. They are NOT the same. Substituting or omitting this key ingredient will only defeat the purpose of the nutballs which is to supply calcium and magnesium in the proper balance and proportions. Dolomite tablets may also be used as long as you crush them up to make 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls of powder.)
Vitamin C -- 1000 mg. (mashed tablets) - (Do not use powder which is too concentrated)
6 - 10 alfalfa tablets, mashed
1/4 teaspoon iodized salt
Cod liver oil (enough for 6000 I.U's Vitamin A and 600 I.U.'s Vitamin D) (Use liquid from bottle. Do NOT, do NOT, do NOT use capsules!) Liquid Norwegian Cod Liver oil IS a recommended kind to use. This should amount to approximately 1 ½ teaspoons cod liver oil per 100 Nut Balls. The cod liver oil is where the Vitamin D is that combines with the dolomite powder and other vitamins and minerals so calcium and magnesium can be assimilated.
Vitamin E 600 I.U.'s. (Use liquid Vitamin E --NOT capsules.) -- This amounts to 2 c.c.s (or ml) of Vitamin E
1 to 2 teaspoons salad oil, vegetable oil, or olive oil -- (NO salad dressing or lard, please.)
Choose from any of a combination of the following optional ingredients to make ½ cup liquid:
Mashed banana
Frozen strawberries with syrup or natural juices
Apple juice concentrate (no water added)
Fruit cocktail (in heavy syrup -- or natural juices) with maraschino cherries removed
Canned pears or peaches in heavy syrup or natural juices
Pure juice (100%) nectar
Frozen blueberries (or fresh if available)

Also how do you feed your squirrels I know some people have flyers and greys. So can you feed them the same?:thinking

Like what does your weekly food schedule look like and how much?
I am just trying to do some research and learn a little more thanks

11-27-2010, 01:21 PM
Is this from Clarissa Sommer's site?

11-27-2010, 09:04 PM
Yes and I found this recipes on another website as well except he added coconut oil

Jackie in Tampa
11-28-2010, 06:36 AM
Clarrisas nut balls are really not so bad...actually Sarah used to eat them daily, eons ago.
However they are not properly balanced.
If you go to HENRYSPETS.com, the ONLY SQUIRREL FOOD on the market can be bought along with the correct vitamin mixture.
It was designed for sqs by a member here that loves and lives for sqs , health always being a concern for sqs in captivity.
You can also make them yourself at home, she has shared the recipe!
See TSBs nutrition forum for the advised healthy diet.



I ALSO HAVE TRIED IT! Ceasar died from severe diarreha and organ failure.
Scalded milk kills sqs...do not use it...not for one second!
It took his sister, that barely survived, so many months to catch up, I wanted to shoot Clarrisa for publically displaying such a crappy sq formula...:nono
PS, dolomite, there are so many better options for calcium.:shakehead
HHBs {Henrys Healthy Blocks} are made fresh with no preservatives! They rock! I will swear by them.

COW MILK does not kill sqs. the lack of nutrition in cows milk is what kills!
They literally starve to death and poop becomes watery snot and dehydration is a slow painful death.,...PITIFUL...
I am ashamed that the recipe is still on the internet for desperate sq finders to use......
Thank Goodness for TSB and all it's great and smart members!
TSB saves lives, one sq at a time!:bowdown

Please keep reading...all the correct answers are here in this forum...

11-28-2010, 10:51 AM
Without doing an analysis of either I can't say for sure. I can tell you that many many things that are mentioned on the clarissa site are very wrong.
First of all Whole Grains do not 'block' calcium absorption as atated in the first line item...ridiculous
Secondly Scalded Milk formula is nutritionally lacking. Superheating destroys nutrients and breaks down proteins.
Third is the comment that if you don't feed these nutballs your squirrel will not do well... etc.
How do wild squirrels live without Nutballs, HHBs, and ratblocks I wonder?

There are hundreds of recipes and so many ways to feed squirrels that work.
These animals are opportunistic feeders. Any commercial rat block and a variety of fruits and veg along with green branches and insects (mealworms or grubs) cooked chicken bone...the list is long....will keep your squirrel healthy.

I would use caution with ANY privately formulated recipe. Overfeeding of these can become a health issue.