11-18-2010, 06:46 AM
About a week ago i rescued a baby flyer from our hosue cat. brought the cat inside and left the garage door open for the flyer to return home. i found him a couple days later, still in the garage, and decided to try to bring him up in our home, at least through the colder season here in florida, assuming he wouldnt be able to find his nest if he hadnt tried already.
im pretty sure he's between 7 and 8 weeks of age. he's been taking formula and starting to crack seeds himself. he's also jumped/glided at least 4-5 ft on his own will.
last night when i went to feed him some formula, he was very unresponsive. normally he'll be running all around my lap and up and down my arms, making small jumps from here to there. but at this time all he wanted to do was curl up in a ball in the palm of my had. he did still take to the formula well, but after a small amount began sneezing and looked almost immediately drowzy. i ended up feeding him a few eyedroppers of formula and lettign him go back to sleep.
a few hours later i went to check on him and he was the same way. i noticed on his underbelly it was moist and sweaty, and i,m not sure if his "part" looked normal or not. maybe just because the fur was wet it looked abnormal. anyhow, this time i thought i'd try just giving him some water as maybe he was dehydrated. he drank the water, but seemed to shake off and on while taking it. im not sure if the shakes were seizures as there was no foam at the mouth or any real bad convulsions. i also noticed that his body temp was low, so i added a heating pad under his cage and put him back in his nesting area.
about 3 more hours went by, and i checked on him again. he was more responsive, running up my arm a few times, but no jumping. i decided to feed him a normal size dose of half water half formula. i then put him back to his nest, keeping the heating pad on as his body temp still seemed a little lower than ususal.
So, now i'm waiting again to see if his conditions improve back to normal, or if they get worse again. Can anyone possible diagnose or give an opinion on what may have been the oringinal problem from the symptoms i described. Also, any advise on futher treatment or actions to make sure he'll be alright? We've grown quite fond of the little guy and definately dont wanna see anything horrible happen to him!
here's a picture from a week ago:
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1130.snc4/149267_1474285016631_1218847950_31176881_2900040_n .jpg
im pretty sure he's between 7 and 8 weeks of age. he's been taking formula and starting to crack seeds himself. he's also jumped/glided at least 4-5 ft on his own will.
last night when i went to feed him some formula, he was very unresponsive. normally he'll be running all around my lap and up and down my arms, making small jumps from here to there. but at this time all he wanted to do was curl up in a ball in the palm of my had. he did still take to the formula well, but after a small amount began sneezing and looked almost immediately drowzy. i ended up feeding him a few eyedroppers of formula and lettign him go back to sleep.
a few hours later i went to check on him and he was the same way. i noticed on his underbelly it was moist and sweaty, and i,m not sure if his "part" looked normal or not. maybe just because the fur was wet it looked abnormal. anyhow, this time i thought i'd try just giving him some water as maybe he was dehydrated. he drank the water, but seemed to shake off and on while taking it. im not sure if the shakes were seizures as there was no foam at the mouth or any real bad convulsions. i also noticed that his body temp was low, so i added a heating pad under his cage and put him back in his nesting area.
about 3 more hours went by, and i checked on him again. he was more responsive, running up my arm a few times, but no jumping. i decided to feed him a normal size dose of half water half formula. i then put him back to his nest, keeping the heating pad on as his body temp still seemed a little lower than ususal.
So, now i'm waiting again to see if his conditions improve back to normal, or if they get worse again. Can anyone possible diagnose or give an opinion on what may have been the oringinal problem from the symptoms i described. Also, any advise on futher treatment or actions to make sure he'll be alright? We've grown quite fond of the little guy and definately dont wanna see anything horrible happen to him!
here's a picture from a week ago:
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1130.snc4/149267_1474285016631_1218847950_31176881_2900040_n .jpg