View Full Version : Finally PICS!!
Finally I was able to find time to figure the picture thing out! Forget who posted about emailing the pics and them automatically resizing, But it worked! Thank you!
Here's Laya in her big girl bed and doin her thang....
I attached a pic of her bed. Let me know if it is sufficient.
Jackie in Tampa
11-11-2010, 07:36 AM
She is gorgeous...
I love her evil eye pic with apple...:)
as if to say..."I am eating please go away!':D
Sqs love to be high, I would hang the box in the upper area of her cage...
there are many simple safe ways to attach it:thumbsup
Give her some kleenex and paper towels, let her make a mess and customize her nestbox...
I love her gator too!
add some stuffies to ponch on and maybe tie one to a long pc of rope so she can bat at it!:jump
Ferret Nation is a very nice cage, however bar spacing is a wee bite to wide for my prefernce...:peace although Critter Nation is da bomb! same company. Both are very well made!
If she starts chewing bars, you will need to change cages...or add hardware cloth...yikes...
they can permantly damage their teeth, just a heads up.
Hopefully she will be content and never chew.:Love_Icon
She is very pretty and will follow her thread!:Welcome :wave123
11-11-2010, 07:53 AM
OMG - the fearsome Wide Open Mouth Of Death! I'm askeeeeeered!
I have that gator and my boy won't go onto it - he sits on top of it and smooshes it down...
I would attach the nestbox to the very top of the cage, as high as it will go, since that is where a nest would normally be.
What a cutie. I mean, what a fearsome beast. Yeah, that's the ticket!
11-11-2010, 08:07 AM
Laya's a beautiful girl. How proud you must be. Love the gator.:jump
Thanks Guys!! Laya has brought so much joy into this household...especiallly to me! I do all that I can to make sure that she is happy and healthy. Everybody at home thinks I have gone absolutely squirrel crazy... I admit it..I have :Love_Icon
She has a stuffed squirrel that she slept with when she first came and stilL snuggles under her blankie with it. Since she has been able to be loose in the house she has confinscated a velvety stuffed pink pig from the dog's toy basket that she wrestles with and buries under her blankie also. I added tissues yesterday and she merrily shredded them and tucked them under her blanket. I'm hanging some toys today.
I originally had her box at the top and then she decided she just wanted to curl up in her blanket and NEVER used the box. I put it on the bottom to give her more room but I will try it in the top corner.
Thanks for the tips everybody. I'll send more pics soon
11-11-2010, 01:34 PM
Awww she is a doll! I have a male grey squirrel, he is 3 years old! Big boy! lol We got him a HUGE cage inside the living room, yep! It's about 8 feet tall x 4 1/2 foot wide. I will take pics. Today was my first day here :) Trying to figure out how to put my pics up. By the way, my squirrels name is Paulie Walnuts, although most times we call him Squirrley, or Swirl boy lol Weird, but it just kind of grew on us, and him. But yea, like everyone's saying, the bed as high as can be is best. My squirrels bed (my old fleece hat) is hanging free at the top of the cage with wires holding it up! They do love being up high, feeling safe. Anyways again, SOO cute!!!
11-15-2010, 04:12 PM
What a cutie! How old is she?
11-15-2010, 04:40 PM
Laya looks like a lot of fun to be around and all so adorable too. Something about her reminds me of CritterMom's boy.
11-15-2010, 07:56 PM
What a gorgeous girl! Lucky you! Lucky Laya! Give her a smooch for Squantie Jill. I love her little pink mouth. She has a beautiful smile.
11-15-2010, 08:52 PM
You are definitely lucky with the camera girl!!! I love the wrestling match and squirrelskin rug...what a riot!
Of course having such an awesome subject doesn't hurt either.
Thanks for sharing her with the rest of squunkies!
11-19-2010, 10:15 AM
Laya is gorgeous! Thanks you for sharing such great pictures. :tilt I never get tired of seeing squirrel pics! They just have to be the cutest animal ever!
aww! I missed those times SO much back when I had Peanut "female" Once she weaned... things changed.... :(
thanks for sharing :)
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