View Full Version : FV formula to give away

10-29-2010, 08:38 PM
I have some left over FV formula that Wiggles of course doesn't need - I bought it just this summer and have better than a pound that I have kept in the freezer to keep it fresh. I used it to make squirrel balls for all the chippys and squirrels in cottage country - using HHB's unsweetened applesauce,peanut butter and crushed nuts along with the formula - so if you have babies that need this, let me know - was thinking probably would be better if someone in Ontario needed it as experience has taught me that cross border formula does not always make it to it's destination. I am in Oshawa - my email is magivent@bell.net probably put squirrel formula in the subject line so I will know it's safe to open. Beaulah - Wiggles mom.:)

10-29-2010, 09:08 PM
Perhaps if no one takes you up on it, you could hang on to it for a future Ontario (or Canadian) emergency. Of course that may not be til next baby season.


10-30-2010, 02:31 AM
I think there are some Ontario folks that might need it. Try GS1 or Runestonez, maybe even Astra might want it for whipping up boo balls or cookies for her wilds. I could use it, but the cost of shipping might work out to more than the cost of the formula... I am in Montreal, btw.

11-03-2010, 08:49 AM
Thanks for the notes to my FV formula - I have sent it to Astra and was happy to pass on a little bit of Wiggles. :D Wiggles mom. -

11-03-2010, 09:44 AM
It will last a year in the freezer:thumbsup I keep extra for emergencys