View Full Version : Howdy From WV
10-28-2010, 03:48 PM
My names Michael Drake, i live in Charleston, WVa. I have had other species of squirrels in the past but have recently decided to get a pair of flying squirrels.. I havehad one while back but decided to join the forum in hopes of guidence for need to know basics... I am getting back in to breeding/keeping smaller exotics such as hedgehogs, sugar gliders, degus, flyers, and other smaller species of exotic pets...
10-28-2010, 04:04 PM
Welcome aboard! We are down in Bluefield WV. :thumbsup
10-28-2010, 06:31 PM
They could be doing better this year, though. I do have a WV sticker on my rear windshield (down and to the right of my Ducks sticker, of course).
10-30-2010, 12:39 AM
Thanx Deezer & PDXErik.... To Be honest im a Marshall Fan myself seeing how im a Herpetology & Zoology Student there lol... I am not having luck finding any squirrels around here... I had a lady bring me two babies that were about 4 weeks old or so, but someone here at my moms decided to turn the ac on and unplugged the incubator i kept them in and i lost the poor babies :-(.... i jumped everyone here except for my mom as she was the other care taker of them while i was at work or school...
But anywho... Ya'll know where i can find any books on Flying squirrels? we have 2 pair coming in about 3 weeks and i can find no books for my mom on them... i have kept them before but she hasnt only an evil lil male sugar glider who nipped a chunk out of my ear for no reason at all the sad part is i wasnt even messing with him as he always wizzed on me when i would hold him... he was as bad as my male chinchillas....
10-30-2010, 07:59 PM
There are many threads on this board about flyers peeing on their owners. Flyers also bite occasionally. I dont guess you are going to like them any more than you do your glider. Maybe these types of pets arent a good choice for you? When you tire of them and they are caged all the time and ignored it is they who pay the price for your not having done enough research. Please reconsider getting them and maybe look into a more domestic pet like a dog or cat. Stacey
10-30-2010, 08:15 PM
Actually like gliders, but this one in particular has it out for me... his sibling loved me to death as i raised both of them from weanlings... The flyers we have coming are babies so it will be easier bonding with them... The glider only dislikes me so i think it is his personal preferrence lol... as with any animal will choose who they like and such...
island rehabber
10-30-2010, 09:13 PM
I suggest these two links from our Flying Squirrel forum: everything you need to know and more.
I'd let everyone in your house know about these guidelines, as well....I mean, unplugging an incubator pretty much sucks.
11-05-2010, 07:35 AM
Please reconsider getting them and maybe look into a more domestic pet like a dog or cat. Stacey
These wont be the first flying squirrels i have owned... I have kept them in the past and have been working with small and large exotics for over 8 years... also i highly dislike cats... amd where i live i cant have dogs... they only allow small animals, birds, reptiles, and basically anything that can be kept in a cage which i will not do with a dog under no guidelines on how good it is for the dog to be locked in a crate 90% of the day...
As for the wizzing on me... i am used to it, but it is a pain when you get ready for work and out of the blue u get wizzed and worse when ur running late...
11-07-2010, 02:04 PM
Welcome aboard. :D
12-26-2010, 02:00 PM
Howdy y'all... thanks for the welcomes... I havent been able to get online due to the every growing number of rescued critters brought into Moonlight Exotics... We have a number of squirrels, rabbits, possums, fawns, baby bobcats, & even a couple baby mink that have been brought in due to cats, dogs, and other accidents that caused them to need urgent care and to be cared for... I have turned my hobby breeding in to a rescue and rehab center for hurt critters that people find... I got all my needed permits and licenses needed to preform what i need to do along with the help of the local DNR & WVFW... I will try to post some pics of our patients we are tending to and hopefully they will be able to be released back into the wild, but if not i have the needed care here for them or will find a top wildlife center for them... Hope everyones Holidays were filled with joy and happiness...
Michael Drake
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