View Full Version : Finally...I have pictures!
10-22-2010, 05:18 PM
Hello All,
:jump !!! I have finally mastered (yeah right) my smart phone that thus far has prooven to be smarter than me yet somehow totaly useless. LOL! So I get on here regularly but seldom post really. I am the one who usually saves large reptiles and in general critters that most dont want anything to do with or want for the wrong reasons. I ended up with my two baby girls at about 2 weeks old, mom killed and tree/home cut down. Anyway, they are about 9 months old now and doing awsome and I have pictures! I'm so excited to share them here.
10-22-2010, 05:24 PM
Ok, so how do I down size these to fit better and not take up the entire screen? I thought I had already done that but they are huge. Sorry for that.:thinking
10-22-2010, 05:27 PM
I have more pic to share but dont want to until I figure out how to put them on here in a smaller size.
10-22-2010, 05:40 PM
Cute little buggers!
For the sizing, you can open them in MSPaint (or download The Gimp ( and just resize them, save them to My Documents (or wherever) and then upload those. Generally, 800x600 is a good target.
10-22-2010, 05:45 PM
Awwww - :Love_Icon
Fox Squirrels are so adorable to me.
10-22-2010, 05:48 PM
I use for my Pictures... this way you can resize your pics while keeping them stored in a safe place in case the old computer goes down on you.
10-22-2010, 06:17 PM
Ok, so here I go again, I think this time I got it right. Sorry about the size of the last pictures, I am not the greatest at this stuff.
This is the first day I brought them home with me, I think about 2 weeks old.
This is my other half, who got up every 2 1/2 hours with me to help feed and who fell in love with the girls as much as I did. He ROCKS!!
This is the girls and I first thing in the morning, they are so cuddely. Taken earilyer this week.
Just snoozen
They had been home with us for about 2 weeks when this was taken.
Scrat, after play, taken a break
This is one of the drens, it actually is the one they where born in. My friend who cut the tree down (it was his job and he was unaware of them as the owner had shot the mom that morning) anyway, he saved it and brought it to us, we cleaned it out just a bit and Hammy has claimed this one.
This is just a nap basket in the bed room, they love their silk sheets, if you try to change them they have fitts and while I have offered them several differant options for nesting, they choose the silk.
My Hammy, she loves loven.
This is just a cute one of the girls when they where about maybe 2 months or so, give or take a week.
HA ha, I think I not only got them sized right but I even included descriptions under each one. I'm rather proud of this accomplishment.
love your pictures and babies.... and silk sheets ... oh my!!!:D :thumbsup
10-22-2010, 10:04 PM
Are your squirrels non-releasable for some reason?
10-22-2010, 10:56 PM
love your pictures and babies.... and silk sheets ... oh my!!!:D :thumbsup
Do you think they may be just a bit ....SPOILED????
I love that you were able to save their home, saddened by the murder of their mother.
Why do people think that's okay :shakehead
Glad you could post some pix ... I love the Foxers... so much mellower than the grays. You would never guess that by seeing them in the wild. :dono
10-22-2010, 11:07 PM
Teehee @ the silk sheets, makes me feel a little bit better about Littlefoot insisting on 800 threadcount egyptian cotton sheets ./sigh They're worth every bit though :)
The squees I mean... well.. the sheets are too but.. :)
10-23-2010, 11:45 AM
Yes, there is reason they are none releaseable, I currently live beside the interstate so setting up the out door slow release would not be very wise as they would end up interstate fouder, as well, it is a newer neighborhood and so the trees in the area where I am directly do not offer much. On top of that, we have converted an entire room over to them, where we have literally brought the forest into our house just for them to accomidate as well, we have built habbitate areas for them through out the house, we take them out side regularly for drives. Scrat if released in the right area would do fine I'm sure but Hammy would not, she has become very much a house squirrel, she does not like to really go outside at this point. We will be building a house that boarders on forest service land within the next two years and at that point, we have changed the blue prints to one of the spare rooms that will become thier habitate there and it will include an outside access area for habbitate and at that point I plan on setting up a few differant habitates specfaicaly for the purpose of rehabing wildlife as there is a great need for it in this area. Until then we simply do everything we can to insure their health and well being and honestly they are happy squirrels, very healthy per a vet check and anyone who has seen what we have done to accomidate the girls changes their mind about the fact that we have choosen to keep them. As well, just for the record, I have contacted every possable GF&P office, to find out the leagalities of keeping them and they are very aware of what we have and we are infact leagle despite the fact that we now have trapping fur bearers linces even though we would never even consider such a thing, but in South Dakota it is the only way to legally keep them in this state, one live fur bearer per liscense as this is a very conservatinve state and apparently the only way you can leagaly keep one is to have a liscense to kill them. Makes alot of sence right?
And to the rest of everyone that commented on our babies, yes, they are very spoiled, and very loved. LOL! We just went out and harvested a huge amount of walnuts and the girls are ging crazy over them and stashing them everywhere though out the entire house, including one of my son's back packs he had nuts fall out of his bag at school and people looked at him rather oddly. LOL! In an old thread, a member asked if I could post pictures of the habbitate we built for them and I will do that on Monday, my computer here at home is very old and very limited and so very difcult to get things done on.
Ultra Peepi
10-23-2010, 12:07 PM
cute pics! they are adorable!:thumbsup
Depending on what part of SD you're in, try to PM, TSB member "Peter".
He's in the Brookings area, and is quite familiar with squirrels.
10-23-2010, 09:35 PM
Your TWO are beautiful... Great Photos. Have they shown any signs of wilding-up ? I have a Tri-Colored Tree Squirrel, and we are in Costa Rica. Rama Rota will be ONE on Dec 8, just a few weeks older that yours.
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Stosh >>> keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )
10-23-2010, 10:12 PM
Your little foxers are so very cool/sweet/beautiful. Hope you can keep spoiling us with photos.
10-24-2010, 11:06 AM
No they haven't yet, Scrat the smaller one, she is very much a squirrel but still loves her loven and we keep enough things for them both to be squirrels so she is always busy. Hammy is the most domecsticated she is very happy to be a house squirrel. Right now they are both cleaning the outter shells off the wal nuts we harvested and stashing them everywhere, we will be finding wal nuts for the rest year.LOL! I tried to re-size the hab pics on this computer, but it is old and so is the programing and I can not figure out how to do it so I will have to wait until tomorrow when I am at my work computer. Ooooops, shouldn't say that to loud. LOL! I like what you did with the captions on the one with Scrat in the log dren.
Kelly Brady
10-24-2010, 12:05 PM
They are precious !!!! Just adorable.
Love the pics !!!!
10-25-2010, 06:43 PM
K, so I was not able to get the habitate pics into a file and emailed to my work computer last night so it will happen tomorrow but I do have some of the girls where it shows a part of thier habitate. So I will post those today and the others tomorrow. My computer at home is very old and very slow and very limited and very frustrating and I am sorry for the delay.
This is actually the top of Scrats Dren, but Hammy loves it there during the day and Scrat doesn't seem to mind at all. Half the time they still sleep together anyway.
This is the same but shows just a bit more.
This one is just plain cute plus it shows part of the tree that we put together for the girls out in the living room. It has been added onto since this pic was taken and I will also include pics of it and thier area of the world in the living room. We actually get lots of complaments from people on it.
10-25-2010, 07:06 PM
Great pictures :) Don't you just love a man that loves baby squirrels?:Love_Icon
10-26-2010, 01:39 AM
welcome to TSB.. i especially liked the 2nd n 3rd picture.. think they are wonderfully taken. Your squirrels have such a nice environment
10-26-2010, 10:35 AM
Welcome, Gabrielle :wave123
Beautiful fox squirrels. :)
As well, just for the record, I have contacted every possable GF&P office, to find out the leagalities of keeping them and they are very aware of what we have and we are infact leagle despite the fact that we now have trapping fur bearers linces even though we would never even consider such a thing, but in South Dakota it is the only way to legally keep them in this state, one live fur bearer per liscense as this is a very conservatinve state and apparently the only way you can leagaly keep one is to have a liscense to kill them. Makes alot of sence right?
Interesting info, Gabrielle. So it sounds like, even though not mentioned, the list below includes squirrel as well. I hope I never need to know that, but it might come in handy.
Possession of live furbearers is prohibited except
that no more than one live furbearer (either a
raccoon, jackrabbit, skunk, red or gray fox, or
coyote) per household may be kept as a pet.
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