View Full Version : Food fads

10-17-2010, 12:58 PM
Escarole,Endive and arugula are the in thing this week. Usually the princess chucks it out of her dish but this week she is chowing down on them. I am sure by tomorrow it will no longer be liked. I am amused by the phases she goes through with her food although my wife is not amused when she goes into gourmet mode and only wants the 4.99 a lb. greens. She also discover a little bit of pomegranate and boy was that gone in a flash.

island rehabber
10-17-2010, 01:11 PM
oh yeah, mine are heavily into raddichio ($4.79/lb), broccoli rabe ($2.99/lb), and snow pea pods ($2.99 for a 5oz tray that lasts maybe 2 days). Thank God they like kale -- only cheap thing they DO like....:shakehead

10-17-2010, 01:15 PM
I was wondering if broccoli rabe was okay....it is expensive here too. I got her some radicchio and Belgian endive and she nibbled a bit on it.

10-17-2010, 01:18 PM
I just got them some cantaloupe, and they wouldn't touch it even when they were hungry. Yet they are crazy about honeydew melon :dono . They sure are picky, little guys. I should introduce them to the squirrel I saw in the park last year who was trying to lick out a frozen ketchup packet.