10-14-2010, 02:23 PM
I got a squirrel a week and a half ago. I have rehabbed several over the last 5 years and this is my first one like this. I have kept her away from all of my other squirrels in case what she has is contagious. When she came to me her head was twice the size as normal and both eyes were swollen shut. She looked like a chipmunk. She could hardly use her mouth from all the swelling in her head. I get my squirrels from a local refuge and the lady there just says some won't make it, that is just the way it is. I had 1 doctor in our area that would talk to me about my squirrels but never see them. He said "you have to let nature run it's course". Well with her since she obviously had infection in her eyes he prescribed me Neo-Poly-Bac over the phone and let me pick it up. He would not prescribe oral antibiotics. So....I know you are all going to think this is terrible, but here goes. I decided to open up an amoxicillan capsule and pour a tiny amount into her milk 3 times a day. The swelling went away all but it is still raised a small amount over the top of her right eye. Then she started having diarrhea. Feedings have been terrible since the day she arrived. It's a fight. She will gladly eat from the plate of veggies, fruits, nuts and nut balls (that I made from fv formula, corn meal, applesauce, and peanut butter). I was worried she wasn't getting enough calcium since I could only get about 4 cc's at most in her before I can't fight her anymore. All my other babies can't wait for their turn to eat :O . Well once the diarrhea started and the hair started falling out I stopped the amoxicillan and started calling vets on monday morning. I found a wonderful doctor that not only saw my little Love, but she did not even charge me for the visit. She said it was most like the amoxicillan causing the hair loss and diarrhea since squirrels don't do well with that. She prescribed her .10ml baytril twice a day and to continue the eye ointment twice instead of the 4 times a day the other dr said. Well since I was there on Monday she is losing even more hair and feedings are nearly impossible. She has learned that I don't like to be bitten very well. I am uploading pictures of her so that maybe you can see if you think it is mites or not. I have made her another appointment with that doctor for 4:15 tomorrow, but if it is most likely still the effects from the amoxicillan then I would hate to bring her in again if she is fine. She is drinking water from the water bottle and eating from the plate good, and doesn't have diarrhea from that but the formula feedings give her not quite diarrhea now, but very loose and messy to say the least. Thanks for any help you can give. mjs