View Full Version : Hello All Sparkle & Keith Here
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-12-2010, 01:17 PM
This is Sparkle, a beautiful loving Grey that fell out of the nest and was attacked by a small dog, then left for dead......all I can say is what a fighter! The first week was rough for her but she pulled through and has accepted us as her family!!!! I am a high school football coach that didn't think too much about squirrels.....until now! Its strange how helping a defenseless little squirrel could change your life! Sparkle was about 4 weeks old when she fell into our lives, here she is......119731
10-13-2010, 12:18 AM
She is super cute! Boy was she lucky to find you! She seems like a happy squirrel. :Welcome
10-13-2010, 12:36 AM
Awwww - i love the pic of her sleeping with you.... to cute.
And yes helping a helpless creature can change us for the best. :Love_Icon
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-13-2010, 10:53 AM
Thanks for the welcome!!! More pics and video to follow, if I can figure that out lol. She is a riot! More to come!:jump
10-13-2010, 10:59 AM
Oh, a beautiful little Western gray - we don't get to see too many of those! And a lovely specimen of an unconscious football coach, too!
island rehabber
10-13-2010, 11:14 AM
oh she is beautiful! That almost blue color of the Western Greys always gets me. :)
Please be careful of her with the doggie....I am always the Voice of Doom around here but dogs will turn in an instant when that "prey" thing kicks in.... :nono
Ultra Peepi
10-13-2010, 03:20 PM
:Welcome that is an adorable squirrel! so glad you helped and found a new friend.:D
10-13-2010, 10:08 PM
oh she is beautiful! That almost blue color of the Western Greys always gets me. :)
Please be careful of her with the doggie....I am always the Voice of Doom around here but dogs will turn in an instant when that "prey" thing kicks in.... :nono
Its cute but not worth the heart ache.
your baby is WAY to cute!!!!!!!!!!!
10-14-2010, 10:17 AM
wow great pics of a family :thumbsup
Sparkle is a great name for this baby; she is literally silver, wow.
Even the most *grey* I've seen around here has a lot of yellow.
It looks like Sparkle is a real character... great belly shot. Post more pics!
this is a great board with a wealth of information for SQs and ground SQs.
My SO and I weren't SQ people until 1 yr ago, but once you hold a SQ baby there is NO going back... well I'm sure you're already know that :D
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-14-2010, 01:36 PM
Thanks again all!!! Shes the greatest!
I thought she might be lonely while I'm away from her (about 4 hours a day) so I picked up a baby dwarf bunny....well shes not too excited about her new friend. I'm trying the slow introduction thing and Sparkle is flying through the house at record speeds when the bunny is out. If the bunny is taken into another room she calms down right away. This is day two so I'm hoping she will accept her new friend like she did the dog and cat. I have seen so many pics online with squirrels and bunnies together so I thought it would be a good idea.
Sparkle hates to go outside....birds flying around drive her crazy! She is very attatched to me and needs to be in the same room at all times. She is not afraid of strangers as long as they offer her a Honey Nut Cheerio they are a new friend. I hide food for her all over the house and she is so smart that she makes her rounds a few times a day and if its not what she wants she passes it by with a "bark".
I have learned so much on this site about care and nutrition and squirrels in general!!! Thank you! If it wasn't for this site and the information I recieved my bestfriend would have died. I am crazy about this little girl and after this football season I am going to retire so I can spend more time with her and give back by donating time to the Wildlife Care Association. Which ironically is only about five minutes from the field. Well I think I should take a brake....I could talk about Sparkle all day are some more pics....119848
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-14-2010, 02:09 PM
More Pics from today.......119862
10-14-2010, 02:48 PM
Holy cow, look at thos ears! She's a squabbit!!
Keith, my friend, you have it BAD. You're totally owned.:osnap
10-14-2010, 03:23 PM
Holy cow, look at thos ears! She's a squabbit!!
Dangit all Critter you grabbed my line!:rotfl
I know of only one other Sq with ears like that ...Finnagin!
He's an Eastern Gray Boy sqaubbit
If I ever get around to doing that ears and tails thread...
How does Sparkle get along with the kids thus far?
She's a sweety!!!
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-14-2010, 03:43 PM
Thats so funny!!! I had no idea her ears were rare...but I might have "willed" those ears to fruition. I have been singing a song to her since about day three or so and a verse of it goes like this....."Sparkle was a bunny in a previous life who used to run around the yard"
She is a riot!!! I do have it bad! My family thinks I have gone crazy!
Sparkle gets along with everyone so far but occasionally will grab your hand and go crazy. We call it "battle" (from the John Travolta movie Michael) and once she gets into full battle mode you must submit that hand and hope for the best. She never really breaks skin but you know when you have lost a battle! My youngest son is afraid of her, he's 15 and 6'0ft tall football player, afraid of a little loving squirrel lol. He has only lost a battle or two and won't anymore.haha
She is a full on part of the family like no other!!!!:jump
10-14-2010, 04:07 PM
Thats so funny!!! I had no idea her ears were rare...but I might have "willed" those ears to fruition. I have been singing a song to her since about day three or so and a verse of it goes like this....."Sparkle was a bunny in a previous life who used to run around the yard"
She is a riot!!! I do have it bad! My family thinks I have gone crazy!
Sparkle gets along with everyone so far but occasionally will grab your hand and go crazy. We call it "battle" (from the John Travolta movie Michael) and once she gets into full battle mode you must submit that hand and hope for the best. She never really breaks skin but you know when you have lost a battle! My youngest son is afraid of her, he's 15 and 6'0ft tall football player, afraid of a little loving squirrel lol. He has only lost a battle or two and won't anymore.haha
She is a full on part of the family like no other!!!!:jump
Yup she and the Fin monster are neck and neck in who's ear's are longer!!!
I like how they swivel those puppies around like radar arrays!!! tinfoil
That's funny that she spooks your boy. He's a smart man ...want's to keep all his fingers intact! Squirrels are the most FEROCIOUS beasties on the planet!!!!LOL Our Mugzi was much the viciousssss:D
Are you her primary caretaker?
Do your kids participate in caring for her at all?
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-14-2010, 04:35 PM
That's funny he is the smart one in the 4.0 student and class president. A very good boy!
I do take care of Sparkle primarily and as she is getting older the kids seem less interested. They loved to bottle feed her but now if you ask them to cut fruit and peel & pit an avocado they sigh, so I think it's easier that I just do it. Besides I think I'm the only one in the house with full on "Squirrel Fever".lol
How long did you have Mugzi?
10-14-2010, 04:51 PM
That's funny he is the smart one in the 4.0 student and class president. A very good boy!
I do take care of Sparkle primarily and as she is getting older the kids seem less interested. They loved to bottle feed her but now if you ask them to cut fruit and peel & pit an avocado they sigh, so I think it's easier that I just do it. Besides I think I'm the only one in the house with full on "Squirrel Fever".lol
How long did you have Mugzi?
Only one very short year :(
He went through some major developmental changes in that time.
He virtually took over our lives. Greeted everyone at the door with the dogs, rode in the car with with me taking kids to school, made nests in my youngest son's and my closet, and was the best friend we ever had. He certainly made life crazy. He and my son were a riot to watch. Mugzi followed Aaron and me all over the house. I had to put a bell on him so we didn't step on him!
It's because of him that I am into wildlife rehabilitation.
10-14-2010, 05:08 PM
awesome pics!
so, will you dress her up as a donkey or a bunny for Halloween :D
but just because she *look* like a rabbit, doesn't mean she'll like one...
the cat/dog were already there, the bun is an intruder in her eyes. maybe you can have him sit on a mound of peanuts?
jk. please watch her interact with a bunny, he is relatively defenseless and slow. treat the little fellow well, he deserves a good life, whether Sparkle likes him or not.
she is trully sweet and beautiful, what a coat... silver with almost lavender tint.
and her eyes; I have never seen that... are they light grey around the pupil (the iris part)?
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-17-2010, 12:18 AM
OMG Mugzi sounds just like Sparkle! She doesn't like it when I leave the room and will follow me all over. She still isn't too excited about going outside. I let her run around outside and she met another squirrel.....thought this was going to be great....she chased him for a min on the fence and he must have said something like,"go back inside and never come out again". She bolted for the door and won't go out anymore. I just got a harness to try this week. I'm crossing my
Sparkles eyes are beautiful. The grey/blue is around the pupil, only a little though and some days more than others. She is a crazy "Squabbit" (thanks Critter for the new nickname) and for halloween lol she has gotten into all of the decorations shredded the wiggs, spider webs and a broom.haha She is so funny and quite a handful. She brings a smile to everyones face that meets her!
Pics of Sparkle Playing with a stranger.....sparkles the larger one:)120105
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-18-2010, 11:20 AM
What a way to start a day!!!! Play with your squirrel, work a little, play some more with your squirrel and tire her out in order to eat breakfast. Take some pics.........What a day! Here is the Squabbit today....120148
10-18-2010, 11:46 AM
OM MY....I wuv dhose ears:wave123 :wave123
10-18-2010, 03:51 PM
What a life!
I eat.
I sleep.
I play.
I start over.
Kelly Brady
10-18-2010, 06:50 PM
Welcome to TSB Sparkle and Keith !!!!!!:Welcome
Sparkle is beautiful. Love the pics:D
10-18-2010, 08:46 PM
What a way to start a day!!!! Play with your squirrel, work a little, play some more with your squirrel and tire her out in order to eat breakfast. Take some pics.........What a day! Here is the Squabbit today....
HEY COACH! Whatchoo doin' to that squorl!!!! Making her do 100 pushups ?
We could not eat with Mugzi out and about. Finnagin is even crazier. they both liked to sit on my shoulder when I was cooking or working around the kitchen.
I am terrified I will end up with squirrel stew!!!
10-18-2010, 09:41 PM
Sparkle is too cute! What a spoiled girl! I love the rabbit ears. :thumbsup
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-18-2010, 10:26 PM
HEY COACH! Whatchoo doin' to that squorl!!!! Making her do 100 pushups ?
We could not eat with Mugzi out and about. Finnagin is even crazier. they both liked to sit on my shoulder when I was cooking or working around the kitchen.
I am terrified I will end up with squirrel stew!!!
LOL I wish she would do 100 push ups and tire out!
She is so crazy! I have tried almost everything to keep her out of my food! She is great while we are cooking but as soon as you sit down....its on!
Today she snagged a PB&J sandwich from my daughter and tried to take it behind the couch. This is after filling her up on her favorite snacks.
Oh well what can you do when you are in love with a squirrel?lol:wott
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-18-2010, 10:29 PM
Sparkle is too cute! What a spoiled girl! I love the rabbit ears. :thumbsup
Thank you so much!!! We love her ears too! They seem to be growing on a daily. She is the most spoiled little girl in the world!:crazy
10-18-2010, 10:29 PM
LOL I wish she would do 100 push ups and tire out!
She is so crazy! I have tried almost everything to keep her out of my food! She is great while we are cooking but as soon as you sit down....its on!
Today she snagged a PB&J sandwich from my daughter and tried to take it behind the couch. This is after filling her up on her favorite snacks.
Oh well what can you do when you are in love with a squirrel?lol:wott
Set out a plate for her why dontcha?
Gotta teach that Squorl some manners!
Ok I know they still end up walking through the spaghetti sauce and tipping over your beer!!!
You know how women are...have to have something off of your plate too
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-18-2010, 10:46 PM
Set out a plate for her why dontcha?
Gotta teach that Squorl some manners!
Ok I know they still end up walking through the spaghetti sauce and tipping over your beer!!!
You know how women are...have to have something off of your plate too
Good idea I think I will try that!!! If you can't beat them join them for dinner!
Shes the greatest so I really don't mind....she is so fast she snags it anyway.haha :jump
10-18-2010, 11:08 PM
Good idea I think I will try that!!! If you can't beat them join them for dinner!
Shes the greatest so I really don't mind....she is so fast she snags it anyway.haha :jump
Sqs love routine so i would bet that if you give her treats and set them out at dinner time on her special plate she will pick up on it fast. I also had a basket and branches for a nest for Mugzi to hang out in in the kitchen so he could hang out.
THese critters are really intelligent. They can be trained too. It just takes a bit more patience and time because they have this crazy instant gratification impulse that keeps them alive in the wild. THey also have a level of determination that no human can possibly measure up too. Pair that with that squirrely temperament and you have yourself a challenge!
I used to make Mugzi sit on the counter and wait for his treat. He would stand on his hind legs with his little paws waving. I also taught him to stay out of the curtains. Poked him with a broom, made it really uncomfortable for him:D Did a lot of things with that fuzzer :Love_Icon he was very special.
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-19-2010, 12:14 AM
Sqs love routine so i would bet that if you give her treats and set them out at dinner time on her special plate she will pick up on it fast. I also had a basket and branches for a nest for Mugzi to hang out in in the kitchen so he could hang out.
THese critters are really intelligent. They can be trained too. It just takes a bit more patience and time because they have this crazy instant gratification impulse that keeps them alive in the wild. THey also have a level of determination that no human can possibly measure up too. Pair that with that squirrely temperament and you have yourself a challenge!
I used to make Mugzi sit on the counter and wait for his treat. He would stand on his hind legs with his little paws waving. I also taught him to stay out of the curtains. Poked him with a broom, made it really uncomfortable for him:D Did a lot of things with that fuzzer :Love_Icon he was very special.
Thank you again you are giving me a lot of ideas! So its OK to discipline her? I was watching a mom squirrel discipline her little one by biting him on the back (which had no effect at all) but then she pushed him off the branch he was standing on.
Well I tried my version of that with sparkle and slightly pinched her back and pushed her a I think that meant our favorite game was on! Battle was on for a min and she won!lol I'm afraid of hurting her so I never go as hard as she does. When she plays "battle" sometimes she just about draws blood. I think we need to train her to battle a stuffy or something other than hands.
She is a very wonderful little girl.
How many babies are you caring for now? Do you rehab other wild animals?
10-19-2010, 08:08 AM
Wow what a nice great easten squirrel you got! Her light grey/white color is so nice, i loved it!
And i realise sparkle likes sleep on sofa? how cute!
Keep these pictures coming ya =)
little susie
10-19-2010, 08:18 AM
could you please give sparkle a rub and a hug for me.:thumbsup . What a girl!:jump
10-19-2010, 08:52 AM
Thank you again you are giving me a lot of ideas! So its OK to discipline her? I was watching a mom squirrel discipline her little one by biting him on the back (which had no effect at all) but then she pushed him off the branch he was standing on.
Well I tried my version of that with sparkle and slightly pinched her back and pushed her a I think that meant our favorite game was on! Battle was on for a min and she won!lol I'm afraid of hurting her so I never go as hard as she does. When she plays "battle" sometimes she just about draws blood. I think we need to train her to battle a stuffy or something other than hands.
She is a very wonderful little girl.
How many babies are you caring for now? Do you rehab other wild animals?
HAHAHA!!! She's training YOU!
I put Mugzi on a time out when he got seriously out of line . Gotta be fast decisive and bark NO!! when you snatch them up and haul them off. I would hold him, look in his face, and scold him. Damned if he didn't try to plead innocent with me!!!! He would talk back with wee squeaks and chirps. As the Mom I had to keep a straight face while splitting a gut!
I have to say that ultimately you cannot keep them out of trouble 100% but you can teach them a few thing that are within their natural ability and because these are the most ADHD animals on the planet, reminders are inevitable.
She is GORGEOUS and sounds like she's easy going...for a squirrel! Once She goes through puberty thing may change. There are all kinds of stories about that on TSB.
Mugzi was a classic.
He was an ANGEL to me and my kids and all of their friends but he LOATHED the ferret! He wanted to kill poor little Sasha who more than likely would have returned the favor in spades.
Mugzi Hated my X....ripped him to shreds every time he was in town :rotfl
He wasn't thrilled with other adult males either. My girl friends would get peed on...ownership status kind of thing. Ya know...if you can't get past the squirrel you can't get to me!!! :rotfl
Small mammals excluding RVS such as bats and coons. I am going to be a call on a box turtle that I will have to rewild and find a safe location away fro naughty kids. In the spring I may be going into a 1 on 1 raptor apprenticeship. Tossed my hat in the ring and it's looking good.
Migratory birds require federal licensing.
10-19-2010, 08:57 AM
on disipline...
never EVER try to spank a could lose a limb!
10-19-2010, 09:46 AM
Well I tried my version of that with sparkle and slightly pinched her back and pushed her a I think that meant our favorite game was on! Battle was on for a min and she won!lol
10-19-2010, 09:47 AM
THese critters are really intelligent. They can be trained too. It just takes a bit more patience and time because they have this crazy instant gratification impulse that keeps them alive in the wild. THey also have a level of determination that no human can possibly measure up too. Pair that with that squirrely temperament and you have yourself a challenge!
:thumbsup :jump :jump
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-19-2010, 10:40 AM
HAHAHA!!! She's training YOU!
I put Mugzi on a time out when he got seriously out of line . Gotta be fast decisive and bark NO!! when you snatch them up and haul them off. I would hold him, look in his face, and scold him. Damned if he didn't try to plead innocent with me!!!! He would talk back with wee squeaks and chirps. As the Mom I had to keep a straight face while splitting a gut!
I have to say that ultimately you cannot keep them out of trouble 100% but you can teach them a few thing that are within their natural ability and because these are the most ADHD animals on the planet, reminders are inevitable.
She is GORGEOUS and sounds like she's easy going...for a squirrel! Once She goes through puberty thing may change. There are all kinds of stories about that on TSB.
Mugzi was a classic.
He was an ANGEL to me and my kids and all of their friends but he LOATHED the ferret! He wanted to kill poor little Sasha who more than likely would have returned the favor in spades.
Mugzi Hated my X....ripped him to shreds every time he was in town :rotfl
He wasn't thrilled with other adult males either. My girl friends would get peed on...ownership status kind of thing. Ya know...if you can't get past the squirrel you can't get to me!!! :rotfl
Small mammals excluding RVS such as bats and coons. I am going to be a call on a box turtle that I will have to rewild and find a safe location away fro naughty kids. In the spring I may be going into a 1 on 1 raptor apprenticeship. Tossed my hat in the ring and it's looking good.
Migratory birds require federal licensing.
Thanks for all the info! I would never spank Sparkle but holding the straight face might be challenging! She is so funny and my house needed a remodel
When does the puberty thing end normally? Are the females as bad as the males once matured? I guess they are all different but most of what I read is about males. Hopefully that means Sparkle will be OK?
I have decided to get licensed to rehab some of these little guys. Years back I had a falconry license but the family came and away went my time. It was a wonderful experience working with birds of prey. Having sparkle around brings on that same feeling. Wild animals have such an incredible energy!
Mugzi sounds like he was a cool little guy!:jump
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-19-2010, 10:42 AM
could you please give sparkle a rub and a hug for me.:thumbsup . What a girl!:jump
4sure!!! She is the greatest!:D
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-21-2010, 12:35 PM
Hi all Sparkle and I are here in sunny northern California!!! It has been in the 70's all week and sunny. This is not normal but omg we are loving it!
Today, I finally gave in and took Mugzi's advice on the breakfast/lunch/dinner begging.......sparkle now sits on the table and eats next to me. Well the first time was today at breakfast and it was great. She stayed out of my plate and ate from her
Enjoy the pics........120432
10-22-2010, 11:17 AM
Are those banana pancakes???
Spoiled squabbit :D She is just too cute! I have NEVER seen a squirrel with this type of eyes…. Or a rabbit for that matter, lol.
Baby Squirrel Lover
10-23-2010, 01:18 AM
LOL as long as it comes from my plate she's happy.haha Right now shes on a bit of a banana kick. Even banana cheerios. Her eyes are beautiful with the blue and her ears seem to be growing. Its so fun watching her grow:)
Thank you!!!
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