View Full Version : hello to all
10-12-2010, 11:37 AM
We my husband and I are so thankful to have found this site. Our little man is a year and a few months old. Very spoiled. Hammy was saved from one of our cats when he was about 3 to 4 weeks old. I would set him free but I would be signing his death certificate. We have 23 cats and two dogs. Also our neighbors have many cats as well. Hammy has his own big living room space that has old furniture so he can chew it up and do what he wants. He has a big bed, a rocker, a wardrobe which has his box on top(his bed,that he made up himself with my old shirts and blanket) he has course many stuff animals, a cat tower that he has made his own oh plus his own t.v. Yes he does have his favorite channel, songs and shows that he does watch. I guess now the drapes and carpet is his as well. Oh big windows all around so he does get sunlight. The living room is his indoor cage which he can around in and do what he wants. He does have a medium rat cage that we just bought for him so I can sit with him outdoors. I do have pictures and videos that I will show later. Ok I think that introduces Hammy.
I have tons of questions most thanks to this site has been answered. I will start with travel. Does anybody here travel with their buddy and if so how? I also want to know if anybody has tried a collar and lead and if so how was your luck? Ok have many many more questions which I will ask later. I will end up writing a novel on here if I don't stop.
island rehabber
10-12-2010, 12:15 PM
:Welcome and feel free to write all you want -- Lord knows I do :D Hammy sounds like a sweetie who has the good life, thanks to you. Now if you've been reading a lot here you know that we are diet freaks -- about squirrel diets,. of course! So I'm going to ask you what hammy's diet is like so we can make sure that boy never, ever lacks calcium and gets sick. If you haven't memorized our Squirrel Nutrition section with its Healthy Diet for Pet Squirrels, you'd better get cracking - pop quiz on Friday :poke :D
10-12-2010, 12:24 PM
Thanks for the welcome, I am hammys dad..the shirt pocket he was in at 4 weeks :):thank you letting us join you.
10-12-2010, 12:25 PM
Does anybody here travel with their buddy and if so how? I also want to know if anybody has tried a collar and lead and if so how was your luck? Ok have many many more questions which I will ask later. I will end up writing a novel on here if I don't stop.
:rotfl You should have been in Tampa last year for the convention:rotfl There were some of the sweetest squirrels there on vacation...I do have a little short term memory loss but I remember Christine? and the little fox squirrel what was his name? So sweet. I personally don't travel with mine I hire a squirrel sitter mostly because the vacation is from THEM:rotfl . I never had any luck with the harness either Knothead hated it so he ate it:rotfl
Hammy sounds yummy can't wait for the pictures...There will be pictures??? RIGHT?:worthless
But :Welcome :multi :multi
10-12-2010, 12:26 PM
WOW that picture is HUGE...Looks like a monster squirrel:rotfl :rotfl
10-12-2010, 12:28 PM
sorry it was a pdf..
:Welcome ... he's a most beautiful little squirrel.....!!! :D sweet... adorable.:D :thumbsup
10-12-2010, 01:41 PM
lol wow my husband needs to crop that picture. He does look like a huge monster squirrel. Anyway the diet I have been reading on here about that. It has been my biggest concern. We are lucky to have pecan trees and we learned quickly about how nuts they go with their nuts. I give him many veggies to choose from such as avicados which is his favorite next to the sugar snap pea and spinach. I learned quick that too much spinach can be a problem. He is very picky and I am about to order calcium and the smaller rodient block for him off the henry site I saw on here. I have tried the booballs and he doesn't like them. He does not like anything messy. I make him up two dishes one in the morning and one in the evening. I give him a little bit of fruits such as apple sauce sugar free/mixed with baby cereal which I use the puppy formula milk to make that. Sometimes the mixture doesn't have the apple sauce but if he won't eat it I will take a cracked nut such as walmut, almond or salt free nuts and put the mixture on the nut. Not his favorite but he will eat it. I will try differnent fruits and veggies at each meal. Oh he loves cooked potatoes and most of his veggies he loves cooked. Oh I tried to mix the rodient block with his food and he hates it. I do have ear of store bought outside corn for him hanging on his cat thing also I have rodient food in his room from the pet store. He loves for desserts now and than pizza crust, home made bread. We also grow our own garden so he will get tomatoes, seeds and little bit of everything to try if he likes it. Oh I do leave fresh branches and the rodient chew sticks in his room. He has a cuttle bone which he will not use and he has a rawhide bone in his room and sometimes he will use that.
10-12-2010, 09:24 PM
Welcome to the board. If you don't mind me asking, what part of NC are you from? Hammy sure is a cutie!
10-12-2010, 09:32 PM
Thank you Sissy. When I have the chance I will post more pictures. we are in Greensboro.
10-12-2010, 09:41 PM
Aww thats wonderful! I'm only about 30 mins south from you so if you should ever need anything, I'm here to help. Give Hammy a kiss for me.
10-12-2010, 09:48 PM
Hey Hammy! Hey Hammy's family! Hey Sissy! GREENSBORO is just a hard hop from Charlotte and I'm from Charlotte. Hammy is SUCH a sweet little man! One of these days I'm gonna get to Charlotte and you're on the way. Maybe we can have a meet-up--maybe a Sissy/Hammy family/ Chicknlegs meet up!!!
10-12-2010, 10:17 PM
Ultra Peepi
10-13-2010, 03:25 PM
Hammy is very cute!:Welcome :D
10-13-2010, 09:15 PM
Thank you Ultra peepi. That would be great Chicenlegs and Sissy. We would love to meet you two someday.
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