View Full Version : Mazuri...is this ok?

m&bs mom
10-02-2010, 08:07 AM
Hi. First off I just want to say...I have never been so in love!! We have an 8-9 week old grey squirrel. He weighs in this morning at 286 grams. He was taking nutri-cal puppy formula and our fox valley arrived yesterday which he loves! He has also been eating the Mazuri rodent blocks along with other veggies (and 1 acorn every night). While he shows no signs of wanting to wean, my question is...will the Mazuri be ok too continue feeding him when he does wean? He really does enjoy them and EATS THEM! He does not stash them away. I have read about other blocks and while I try to buy local if he really needs something other than Mazuri for blocks, I will order. Wow! Sorry this is so long!

Jackie in Tampa
10-02-2010, 08:14 AM
:thumbsup mazuri is great...accompanied by the good diet of veggies and fruits!
I never want my sqs to wean...the formula is like insurance to perfection! :thumbsup

island rehabber
10-02-2010, 09:16 AM
I totally agree with Jackie. :thumbsup
And I discovered that PetSmart stores carry the Mazuri Rat & Mouse blocks so you don't have to order online anymore and pay shipping.
I offer my crowd here three different kinds of blocks: Mazuri, Zupreem monkey biscuits and HHB's. This way I find that somebody always finds SOME kind of block they like, and they actually eat it. Also helps to keep them from being bored, and squirrels as you know get bored with every food in under 9 seconds.....:shakehead

10-02-2010, 09:28 AM
I totally agree with Jackie. :thumbsup
And I discovered that PetSmart stores carry the Mazuri Rat & Mouse blocks so you don't have to order online anymore and pay shipping.
I offer my crowd here three different kinds of blocks: Mazuri, Zupreem monkey biscuits and HHB's. This way I find that somebody always finds SOME kind of block they like, and they actually eat it. Also helps to keep them from being bored, and squirrels as you know get bored with every food in under 9 seconds.....:shakehead

I second and third both of those statements. If it ain't broke don't fix it!!!

Jackie in Tampa
10-02-2010, 10:04 AM
my flyers love monkey biscuts!:jump

10-02-2010, 10:23 AM
I use both Mazuri and Haran Teklad. I find the Mazuri way more convenient because you can find it locally. I also use the Zupreem Monkey biscuit, which is honestly what my squirrel eats. I find quartering them will really help the squirrels eat them. I ALWAYS quarter my monkey biscuit! All the squirrels I've had love it but only if it's in smaller pieces.

m&bs mom
10-02-2010, 11:22 AM
Thank you for the replies. It is what I thought but just wanted others opinions! I feed him 2 a day of the blocks and anywhere from 18-21ccs of formula 3 times a day. He also gets different veggies of sugar snap peas, green beans, lettuce, broccoli and whatever else we may try but to be 100% honest he would prefer the blocks and formula to anything else we have offered. He does look forward to the 1 acorn that he gets for a night time snack. I am thinking as he gets older that he will start to eat more veggies (I hope!). I will keep him on formula for as long as he will take it...I just really enjoy feeding him with his syringes! He is a singleton so therefor he really has bonded with me more than any other wilds that we have rehabbed. He will even roll over on his back to get belly rubs!! We are soooo in love not to mention...so in trouble when springtime hits! I already don't want to see him go...but that is just me talking and being selfish!! Thanks again!

10-02-2010, 11:50 AM
Thank you for the replies. It is what I thought but just wanted others opinions! I feed him 2 a day of the blocks and anywhere from 18-21ccs of formula 3 times a day. He also gets different veggies of sugar snap peas, green beans, lettuce, broccoli and whatever else we may try but to be 100% honest he would prefer the blocks and formula to anything else we have offered. He does look forward to the 1 acorn that he gets for a night time snack. I am thinking as he gets older that he will start to eat more veggies (I hope!). I will keep him on formula for as long as he will take it...I just really enjoy feeding him with his syringes! He is a singleton so therefor he really has bonded with me more than any other wilds that we have rehabbed. He will even roll over on his back to get belly rubs!! We are soooo in love not to mention...so in trouble when springtime hits! I already don't want to see him go...but that is just me talking and being selfish!! Thanks again!
When you finally wean him you can grind the block and mix with FV 1:1. Make a dough by adding all fruit babyfood and rolling into balls. Good stuff!

m&bs mom
10-02-2010, 12:25 PM
Great idea! Thanks. How many would I feed? And would I continue to give the blocks or just use those in place of the blocks? I thought of a couple more questions. The blocks say on the bag that they can be frozen. Would I just put like enough for a week in a zip lock bag and pull them out as needed each week? Also do you guys still use the yogurt and cream in the fox valley? He really likes his formula and I had been adding that into his other formula but I don't want him to get to..."fluffy" if you know what I mean. The nutri-cal formula he was on is a high calorie formula and I still added the extra yogurt and cream. Not once did we have any issues with this formula...I have raised others on this stuff. We did switch him to FV 20/50 yesterday and will be on 100% FV later today. I just need to know if you think it should or shouldn't have the extra in there.

10-02-2010, 01:05 PM
Great idea! Thanks. How many would I feed? And would I continue to give the blocks or just use those in place of the blocks? I thought of a couple more questions. The blocks say on the bag that they can be frozen. Would I just put like enough for a week in a zip lock bag and pull them out as needed each week? Also do you guys still use the yogurt and cream in the fox valley? He really likes his formula and I had been adding that into his other formula but I don't want him to get to..."fluffy" if you know what I mean. The nutri-cal formula he was on is a high calorie formula and I still added the extra yogurt and cream. Not once did we have any issues with this formula...I have raised others on this stuff. We did switch him to FV 20/50 yesterday and will be on 100% FV later today. I just need to know if you think it should or shouldn't have the extra in there.
Personally I wouldn't add anything to FV because it dilutes all the other essential nutrients. I don't bother with yogurt cultures IN the formula. if you feel baby needs it put a dab on your finger and let him lick it off. I love watching their little faces and little pink tongues and stuff all over their whiskers. Probiotic cultures really only need to be pushed when they are on Antibiotics.
Freeze what you don't think you'll use in a month. I think the freezer makes thing taste funky.
The balls should be about the sie of a chick pea and I give a many as they'll eat. Start with four if you need a number :D later on down the road you can add finely ground nutmeats and you have Julie's famous BooBalls.
Adding nuts to the diet to soon will make them junkies :rotfl

10-02-2010, 11:15 PM
later on down the road you can add finely ground nutmeats and you have Julie's famous BooBalls.
Adding nuts to the diet to soon will make them junkies :rotfl

Junkies .... :osnap :rotfl