View Full Version : Little 10 week old Taz has a problem

Kelly Brady
09-28-2010, 09:17 AM
Yesterday morning I noticed a very crusty rough white area on Taz's back leg. It looks like the skin condition excema (spelling sorry).
This morning the crusty has fallen off and it is very red as you can see from the pic. It is scarlett red as a matter of fact. No moisture to it and no seeping fluid or blood. Very dry and hard.
Some may remember the time that Paco had crusty ear tips very similar to this condition and a skin scrape revealed mange. Uggg
Any input would be great, however with it as red as it is I have made a vet appt. today at 4:30.

Now I have to tell the bosses I have to leave early for a baby squirrel appt. :thinking Whatever they will have to deal:D or maybe I am feeling ill all of the sudden.:rotfl

Any ideas????

island rehabber
09-28-2010, 09:22 AM
oooh, that looks painful :( It is a strange place for mange to start up, since you usually see it around the eyes and ears first, but it does look like it from the pic. You are smart to have him cheked out, because if it's a bacterial infection you'll want ABX as opposed to ivomec for mange.

09-28-2010, 09:25 AM
Kelly, see if you can get some Revolution from the vet. It will kill the mange mites and is SO MUCH SAFER than Ivermectin. A drop between the shoulder blades and you're done!

Contrary to popular opinion, the Revolution is all the same...small dog and cat Revolution is in a little tube, big dog Revolution is in a big tube. You only need a drop - and it wouldn't be a bad idea to treat all of your squirrels, either. Adults 2 drops, babies 1.

Kelly Brady
09-28-2010, 09:44 AM
oooh, that looks painful :( It is a strange place for mange to start up, since you usually see it around the eyes and ears first, but it does look like it from the pic. You are smart to have him cheked out, because if it's a bacterial infection you'll want ABX as opposed to ivomec for mange.
This came on very quick. The pic doesn't even show how red it really is. Poor baby. We will fix this up in a jiffy. I will let you know after appt. Thanks IR.

Kelly Brady
09-28-2010, 09:50 AM
Kelly, see if you can get some Revolution from the vet. It will kill the mange mites and is SO MUCH SAFER than Ivermectin. A drop between the shoulder blades and you're done!

Contrary to popular opinion, the Revolution is all the same...small dog and cat Revolution is in a little tube, big dog Revolution is in a big tube. You only need a drop - and it wouldn't be a bad idea to treat all of your squirrels, either. Adults 2 drops, babies 1.

Hi Crittermom,
I have used the revolution for Paco and Peanut since they go to the outside cage almost everyday. Many squirrel visitors come in contact with them on the outside of the cage. I just used the last of it for their treatment on the 10th of Sept. That is good to know.

I just would not have thought of having to treat the babies so tiny and protected in their wittle baby blankets.
I forget they came from a harsh environment prior to me getting them. :osnap I will stock up on my revolution today at the vet.

Kelly Brady
09-28-2010, 08:43 PM
Not a good visit and I am really upset with my vet.

Poor little Taz was a trooper. First she was impressive by moving and manipulating the joints to see to it they worked properly. Then inspected the wound. He was completely still in my hands for this. She really felt like it was mange with a secondary bacterial infection so she did a skin scrape which made him crazy and he bled all over the place.
The skin scraping was not conclusive of mange but she still thinks that is what it is. She ruled out any dangerous infection but is not sure what is causing the wound that he has.
She does not like giving revolution to young babies Taz and Figgys age and wanted them (Figgy to since they live together) to have an injection of invermectin ASAP. I was ok with that, but then she had the NERVE to tell me she had an new injectable antibiotic she would like to give a try and she said it is new and I do not know how well it works and I do NOT KNOW THE SIDE EFFECTS, but he is a release so why not give it a try, you would not have to give twice daily orally that way. OMG !!!!! I said you did not just say that to me.
I regret I was so upset by that comment that I did not even ask what this new drug was. I told her that I did not want my little Taz to be a test and if side effects were not yet known, I would never allow that.
If that is how she feels about a "release" I do not want to go back to her.
Clearly after the scraping he was hurting and bleeding so she put something on it to stop the bleeding which made him cry for five minutes. She prescribed metacam and Baytril for 10 days. He screamed through the whole rest of the visit along with chattering his little teeth, and it was awful. :shakehead never even tried to bite me the little sweet boy.
If he is not better in three to five days she wants to see him back. If he is not better in that amount of time I am going to a new vet.
I paid good money for that visit and have no definitive answer as to what Taz has.
Just keeping you all in the loop. Sorry to go on and on. But all of the love and care we give our babies and then she makes a comment like the squirrel is just a release so why not try something new. Just a release? I can't get that out of my head.

09-28-2010, 09:06 PM
She won't use Revolution but she will do injectable ivermectin? Huh? Poor little munchkin. Sounds like time for a new vet...

09-28-2010, 09:10 PM
Kelly, see if you can get some Revolution from the vet. It will kill the mange mites and is SO MUCH SAFER than Ivermectin. A drop between the shoulder blades and you're done!

Contrary to popular opinion, the Revolution is all the same...small dog and cat Revolution is in a little tube, big dog Revolution is in a big tube. You only need a drop - and it wouldn't be a bad idea to treat all of your squirrels, either. Adults 2 drops, babies 1.

Do you mean that it is the same concentration whether for kittens or cats, puppies or large dogs? If so, that is good to know...

Kelly Brady
09-28-2010, 09:16 PM
Yea I know crittermom. She said the invermectin injected is what she wanted to do today.
She is a true believer of the revolution and I did buy some for peanut and Paco.
i just don't know what to think. I think something else should be done to find out what this is. Maybe I am just over worrying, but what the heck is that wound from I ask. Really left with no answers. I hate that part.

island rehabber
09-28-2010, 11:20 PM
Kelly can you ask Jackie about her vet? She says she is wonderful....
I'm concerned as you are.....

Kelly Brady
09-29-2010, 09:53 AM
Yes I will from now on IR. I am done with that vet. I did call my local friend here in St. Pete and she is taking Taz to the vet she uses. She is a licensed rehabber. She is also the one that I gave my babies to years back when they were ready for release. They went to a huge release area up north country Florida. She is not able to take part in TSB but she has 13 baby squirrels right now along with possums and large birds and the occasional baby gator and more. Her vet does not charge her so she has taken Taz and is bringing him in as one of hers. She was concerned as well. We connected this morning.

In the future I will drive to Tampa to Jackie's vet or I had thought of using Grinn75's vet who was wonderful.

Grinn mentioned last night and she has not seen Taz's wound but could it be fungal? I would not know what a fungal issue looks like if it was in front of me. I did notice that both the babies are itching a lot lately, so my vet may be correct in the mange.

Am I crazy or being super sensitive to be offended by the fact that she wanted to try something new on Taz? Not knowing what the effects of the drug are or side effects? :dono

09-29-2010, 10:15 AM
It was probably her approach to you with the new med that got to you. It would have gotten to me too. I would be like, "Release or no, I still spent time, money and a ton of love on this baby. I did not do all that to take a chance on a drug that I AM PAYING FOR to take him out." If she'd said "Well, there is this new AB that is avail if you want to try it, but I'm not aware of the side effects on squirrels, so I will leave it up to you." Then you probably would have taken it better. The vet I work with doesn't do a whole lot when I ask typically, but he sees them and will send me babies to raise without question. Since I am in an illegal state, I am grateful for even the little bit of help he gives. I have some other resources that I will take advantage of if I need to, but I only ask in rare cases so as not to risk that thin thread leading to help when it is most needed. ;)

09-29-2010, 10:38 AM
Am I crazy or being super sensitive to be offended by the fact that she wanted to try something new on Taz? Not knowing what the effects of the drug are or side effects? :dono
no, don't think so, personally... I could have given her the benefit of the doubt that she just worded it wrong, but her "it's just a release" wouldn't let me, because that position of hers determines her concern for and the resulting treatment for a 'just a release" squirrel... so the worth of life of a wild squirrel is somehow less than that of a 'pet' squirrel?... am not sure I follow the logic behind it:thinking :shakehead

Kelly Brady
09-29-2010, 10:59 AM
Yes I do agree alot was the way it was said. It just immediatly like hurt my feelings. Just a release? Like he is a trial. What if he suffered ill effects from it? I take that as personally for my squirrels as I do my kids. How could something like that be offered if side effects where not known?

Any way I am going to get off my high horse and get to what really matters that I didn't even mention in my aggravation.

My vet said "I just don't know Kelly I don't have an extensive background with squirrels". That is the reason I am not going back. My squirrel issues all along have been quite simple so far, so yesturday the situation with Taz was telling me to establish with a more experienced vet now rather than later.

Kelly Brady
09-29-2010, 09:15 PM
Well I picked up Taz after work.

My friend says her vet got a positive skin scrape for mange. She said she thinks it is possible the dry spot had been there a while and I just didn't see it. She has seen mange do that in the past. Under the affected skin moisture builds and causes secondary infection. Now he has had another skin scrape which has irritated it but the boundries of the wound look better today. i suppose it is possible I would have missed a spot there.:dono

Figgy missed Taz today much. They were thrilled to be reunited.:poke Both also have eaten like crazy today. Both wanted 15 cc's before bed.
Bothers me how infection formed there, taking them to work makes me a crazy clean freak. Cage is cleaned with hot soapy water every night with fresh carefresh (thanks IR) and clean blankets at least once a day sometimes two in their hammack
Who knows. I will keep a close eye on this and stand by to see Jackies vet if not improving. Still feel uneasy. The wound is definitely not worse so this makes it better.
Any input gladly accepted if you have heard of this before. :bowdown

Kelly Brady
10-01-2010, 10:51 AM
I just had a friend at work take this Pic of my little Taz this morning.

I believe the wound is looking better expecially after having two skin scrapes. He gets his Baytril 2X a day and I am keeping it cleaned and putting neosporin on once a day at night.

Otherwise letting it have it air. Not the greatest pic but wanted to show off the cute little buggar including his head this time. Last time was just a boo boo shot and of course some private parts.:thinking Poor guy.

10-01-2010, 11:53 AM
I just had a friend at work take this Pic of my little Taz this morning.

I believe the wound is looking better expecially after having two skin scrapes. He gets his Baytril 2X a day and I am keeping it cleaned and putting neosporin on once a day at night.

Otherwise letting it have it air. Not the greatest pic but wanted to show off the cute little buggar including his head this time. Last time was just a boo boo shot and of course some private parts.:thinking Poor guy.

true -airing 'good & clean' wounds does heal them faster and better; hope the meds are working. What a cute little bugger he is! Good picture:Love_Icon

Kelly Brady
10-18-2010, 01:39 PM
Well Taz is all grown up and healed up. He is on a final week or so in the big release cage and sleeping at night in the nest box with his buddy Figgy.

I keep a journal of all of my babies and anything health issues they have and took a final pic of his leg this weekend all healed up and hair starting to grow back. Thought I would give all a look see.

10-18-2010, 01:45 PM
What a hairy little monkey! Can we see the top half?

Kelly Brady
10-18-2010, 01:49 PM
Oh my goodness how rude of me. Of course you can see the top half. Lets not tell him this post only contains X rated shots of him OK?

Here is the family rated version of TAZ !!!:D

10-18-2010, 02:04 PM
Kelly! I didn't know you rehabbed sloths!

What a cutie. I'm glad his problem isn't anymore.

Kelly Brady
10-18-2010, 02:26 PM
Yes you weren't aware that I am specialized in sloths? Looks like one doesn't it? I thought that picture was so interesting. Now that he is in the big cage he loves scaling everything up side down. :dono My goofy little boy.