View Full Version : Possible Pox
Lulu-Bean's Mommy
09-24-2010, 10:01 PM
So here's some pictures that I took of the little Hercules. They are after she died (except where you can see her face, that one she was alive in), so I feel a little weird about them. They're not great, but any questions, I can answer. I remember it all pretty vividly.
But LMC had a good suggestion of taking pictures for reference and study. Whether it's pox or not, I'm pretty sure it killed the little girl. I wish I was could've done more to help, but I did what I could.
Plus, here's the last message I posted on her thread in the emergency forum:
just got back. One of my friends put a rock that said "RIP Hercules" on the spot where we burried her.
It was nice to know that once she smiled at me before I even got on TSB. You know that squirrely smile? She had it once.
I DID take pictures of the sores. I took as many as I could before I really didn't have the heart to continue.
I feel good about what I did, and what I tried to do. I feel good knowing that all of you helped, and that my friends tried too.
09-24-2010, 10:39 PM
LLB, were they bloody sores?
Mrs Skul
09-24-2010, 10:40 PM
Hi LuluBean:wave123
Did you pull the scabs off of the sores? Can you get a hold of Acyclovir? You need to get Echinacea from GNC. I posted a picture on Pappy thread about POX. The WalMart bran is not good. LMC has Acyclovir. Looks very suspicious!! How long has she had the sores??? :thinking
PS Is she a little Foxer Squirrel?????
Lulu-Bean's Mommy
09-24-2010, 10:55 PM
LMC, the sores were wet, and one was bloody for sure. Others had dried blood.
Mrs. Skul, I didn't pull the scabs off. But next time I go to GNC, I'll pick up what you were talking about. Just to have it on hand.
I don't know how long the girl had the sores, by the time I entered the picture, she was on the ground at the base of a tree and wasn't moving much. She did try to fight and get up and leave, but couldn't and I wrapped her up in fleece right away and gave her RR.
She was a little grey. Looked just like Lulu-Bean did when she was younger.
09-24-2010, 11:00 PM
Hi LuluBean:wave123
Did you pull the scabs off of the sores? Can you get a hold of Acyclovir? You need to get Echinacea from GNC. I posted a picture on Pappy thread about POX. The WalMart bran is not good. LMC has Acyclovir. Looks very suspicious!! How long has she had the sores??? :thinking
PS Is she a little Foxer Squirrel?????
I asked if she was a foxer as well because of the goldish coloring she's a grey.
LuLu didn't have any meds. I was scrambling on the net to see if there were any OTC anti viral meds she could try. Then I saw Echinacea and the light bulb went off in my pea brain...AH HA!!! Christal had just posted something about that!
It doesn't look like classic pox though does it? the wounds don't even appear to be deep enough for warbles either.
The sad part is that when a squirrel is sick enough for you to pick it up it's pretty far gone in my estimation.
i think it's sweet that his baby smiled...she knew she could let go peacefully.
09-24-2010, 11:03 PM
LMC, the sores were wet, and one was bloody for sure. Others had dried blood.
Mrs. Skul, I didn't pull the scabs off. But next time I go to GNC, I'll pick up what you were talking about. Just to have it on hand.
I don't know how long the girl had the sores, by the time I entered the picture, she was on the ground at the base of a tree and wasn't moving much. She did try to fight and get up and leave, but couldn't and I wrapped her up in fleece right away and gave her RR.
She was a little grey. Looked just like Lulu-Bean did when she was younger.
Since all of your friends know you are THE squirrel go to girl you will need to get some rescue supplies to keep on hand! :)
Jackie in Tampa
09-25-2010, 07:15 AM
I did not read much here, but that is pox...I am sorry you were not able to do more, but that is the virus, not you or your efforts!:grouphug
Thank you for helping her to the bridge.:Love_Icon
I hate to post this here, but I DO always have connections to meds...I should have been contacted sooner, please do not attempt to be glory seekeres at the expense of the sq...(NOT YOU LULUBEANS MOM) but the others on this board that know I hate this virus. Please please forever more call me when someone needs pox info or help...
I may not be in the cliche, but I am about sqs 100%. I am contacted at least once a week via email nation wide with finders needing pox info...come on peeps you know this.
With all the info that is filtered to me, I gain knowledge thru every triumph and every loss. Do not wait til we cannot help..I am not being ugly, I promise. I am a solo here truly full of love for sqs. I can, will and do bendover backwards to help when I can.
Sqs are what I love the bestest!:)
and again I apologize for posting this here in your thread.
Rest in Peace sweet poxy baby:Love_Icon
I am so so sorry:grouphug
09-25-2010, 08:10 AM
I did not read much here, but that is pox...I am sorry you were not able to do more, but that is the virus, not you or your efforts!:grouphug
Thank you for helping her to the bridge.:Love_Icon
I hate to post this here, but I DO always have connections to meds...I should have been contacted sooner, please do not attempt to be glory seekeres at the expense of the sq...(NOT YOU LULUBEANS MOM) but the others on this board that know I hate this virus. Please please forever more call me when someone needs pox info or help...
I may not be in the cliche, but I am about sqs 100%. I am contacted at least once a week via email nation wide with finders needing pox info...come on peeps you know this.
With all the info that is filtered to me, I gain knowledge thru every triumph and every loss. Do not wait til we cannot help..I am not being ugly, I promise. I am a solo here truly full of love for sqs. I can, will and do bendover backwards to help when I can.
Sqs are what I love the bestest!:)
and again I apologize for posting this here in your thread.
Rest in Peace sweet poxy baby:Love_Icon
I am so so sorry:grouphug
A big fat WHATEVER!!! if you mean me JIT!!! Yeah right I'm a glory seeker!
LuLu had no resources and I was scrambling to help her
I PM'd you and IR first!!!
no response
kindly go off forum (like a PM?)before you go nuts on me AGAIN!
If you don't mean me (who else would you be aiming at?) then I apologize
island rehabber
09-25-2010, 08:14 AM
Those lesions look exactly like what my Shanti had. :(
I got very very good results with the acyclovir and recommend it highly. Here's the thing: many people have it in their homes in the form of Valtrex, but they probably won't admit it to you readily. Valtrex is most often prescribed for genital herpes or shingles. I had one tablet here because my poor BF had shingles last year -- he would KILL me if he ever saw this because he was so embarassed ("What am I, like, a freaking SENIOR CITIZEN now???" he wailed. He's 62 :shakehead) since shingles typically hits us old farts. And the herpes thing...well...nobody wants to advertise that :D. BUT what I'm saying is, people may have "extra" Valtrex around and will give you a tablet if you ask! You can make enough solution with ONE 500mg tablet to treat a squirrel for 2 weeks. :thumbsup
09-25-2010, 08:23 AM
Those lesions look exactly like what my Shanti had. :(
I got very very good results with the acyclovir and recommend it highly. Here's the thing: many people have it in their homes in the form of Valtrex, but they probably won't admit it to you readily. Valtrex is most often prescribed for genital herpes or shingles. I had one tablet here because my poor BF had shingles last year -- he would KILL me if he ever saw this because he was so embarassed ("What am I, like, a freaking SENIOR CITIZEN now???" he wailed. He's 62 :shakehead) since shingles typically hits us old farts. And the herpes thing...well...nobody wants to advertise that :D. BUT what I'm saying is, people may have "extra" Valtrex around and will give you a tablet if you ask! You can make enough solution with ONE 500mg tablet to treat a squirrel for 2 weeks. :thumbsup
Touchy subject Herpes virus...the same meds are used for types 1,2 and zoster, not sure on this though so don't quote me
That's why I asked if luLu knew anyone with cold sores :dono
island rehabber
09-25-2010, 08:28 AM
Not sure if the strength (500mg) would be the same, but yeah I would bet people who are prone to cold sores have it in the medicine cabinet, too. :thumbsup
Lulu-Bean's Mommy
09-25-2010, 06:07 PM
Jackie, I really hope you don't feel like I've neglected to ask for your help. I didn't know we had a pox expert, and if you were closer to me, I would've made sure that the squirrel had gotten to you for help. And please don't feel like anyone else neglected to ask you either! Everybody values you!
So I guess I'm left with a few questions for anyone wanting to answer...
~How fast can squirrel pox spread?
~How long does the virus stay alive? Standard 14 days like other viruses?
~Even though Lulu-Bean was never close to Hercules (in her cage, in my bedroom, with the door closed) and I disinfected everything I touched before I even allowed LLB to enter the living room, how worried should I be about LLB catching the pox?
~What are the first signs of any possible pox?
~How can I treat it if I need to??
Lulu-Bean's Mommy
09-25-2010, 06:19 PM
Disregard that last question about how to treat it...I've found the instructions on the board, and I KNOW I can ask for help if I need to treat this!
09-25-2010, 06:32 PM
The best weapon against pox is a stong immune system and overall good health. It strikes them when they are stressed - by any number of things, but I bet LuLu-Bean is in very good health and has a good diet and very little stress. Wilds get parasite loads that stress them, insect infestations that stress them, times where food is scarce - they have a much harder life than our pampered babies.
09-25-2010, 07:16 PM
:grouphug Jackie :grouphug Wasn't trying to step on your toes, promise!
LLB, I'm glad you took pictures - I know it was hard. These will help in the future and anything we learn is good knowledge to grow on. :thumbsup
I can get acyclovir any day of the week. The liquid in the required strength.. but it is NOT CHEAP as I am not on a regular insurance plan, but an HSA plan..
09-26-2010, 12:49 AM
Jackie, I really hope you don't feel like I've neglected to ask for your help. I didn't know we had a pox expert, and if you were closer to me, I would've made sure that the squirrel had gotten to you for help. And please don't feel like anyone else neglected to ask you either! Everybody values you!
So I guess I'm left with a few questions for anyone wanting to answer...
~How fast can squirrel pox spread?
~How long does the virus stay alive? Standard 14 days like other viruses?
~Even though Lulu-Bean was never close to Hercules (in her cage, in my bedroom, with the door closed) and I disinfected everything I touched before I even allowed LLB to enter the living room, how worried should I be about LLB catching the pox?
~What are the first signs of any possible pox?
~How can I treat it if I need to??
Trust me LuLu it was nothing you did
I answered because I saw it and you are within driving distance if the need arose so I tried to do what I could. I PM'd anyone i could think of and Jackie was one of them...her mailbox was full.
These questions came up not to long ago and I found an article on Pox while doing a search as much for my own curiosity as to help anyone else that had to deal with it. I pasted it in and posted. Coincidentally it was written by a Vet from the wildlife center I work at. Apparently they do a good bit of research as well as publishing.
Quite honestly I hope I never have to deal with it.
Nasty nasty stuff
island rehabber
09-26-2010, 05:46 AM
Again -- if you catch it in time and are able to treat FOUR TIMES A DAY with acyclovir, it is nowhere near a death sentence. When pox is advanced in a wild squirrel, however, and when secondary infections like mange are also present, you get the nightmare scenario that Jackie and others experienced last year. :(
09-26-2010, 09:01 AM
Again -- if you catch it in time and are able to treat FOUR TIMES A DAY with acyclovir, it is nowhere near a death sentence. :(
regardless it is still a nasty disease....contagious too!!!
island rehabber
09-26-2010, 09:45 AM
regardless it is still a nasty disease....contagious too!!!
Absolutely. It's horrible when it ravages a whole neighborhood full of squirrels, and we can't catch them all to treat them. :(
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