View Full Version : new baby with scratched up eyelids?
11-12-2006, 01:47 PM
I just came from the park. when I pulled up I noticed a really small one on it's own. I knew right away that this one was too small to be on it's own. I went up to it and saw that it was in fact too small. I'd say about 5 to 6 weeks old. a black phase eastern grey. I noticed right away that her eyelids were really raw and scratched up. surprisingly not too puffy though considering. would this be from mites or fleas? she is very dehydrated. what would you say is the best way to rehydrate? I don't have any esbilac. what would be a good home remedy. she's not in too bad of shape but bad enough. looks mostly hungry and dehydrated. she ate some almonds and walnuts so far. I'll add a photo as soon as I can.
11-12-2006, 01:53 PM
this little girl is covered in at least two types of mites maybe three. one is a small dot of red, the other is white and more elongated. looks like a flake of skin and hangs on the base of the hairs. the third looks like the white one but looks more mature with a tiny bit of grey color to it. she also has fleas, well one that I found so far. what is the best way to get rid of them safely? there are just too many to pick by hand.
11-12-2006, 02:49 PM
here is one with her right eye showing. I also noticed that she has what looks like to be scabs but are just dry skin patches that come off really easy along with whatever hair is attatched. Is this from dehydration?
11-12-2006, 02:50 PM
pedialite for rehydration
oh I just noticd the picture, how dear. Poor baby. Thank goodness you found it.
As far as fleas blue dawn dish detergent, does she have lice?
I dont know about the dawn with the mites?
Wait for rehabber??
Secret Squirrel
11-12-2006, 04:09 PM
Hi squirrelfriend.....
This baby needs to be given to a rehabber with experience or take it to a wildlife vet IMMEDIATELY!!!! Rehabbers have meds on hand so, It's very important to get it to someone. I fear for this little fellow and I know you do too.
Mange mites are present....but I don't know what kind, so it needs to have scraping taken to determine what type of treatment is best. Maggots are present because his health is in... "near deaths door".
You are wonderful for helping this little squirrel, the world needs more people like you. :bowdown
If you did give it a bath in dish soap.....make sure you keep him warm. Hot water bottle, electric heating pad on low. If he gets too chilled then his body wont be able to recover. I suggest you use cotton balls soaked with very warm, very diluted mild soapy water.
If you want to chat....go to the chat room... main lobby. I will be there all evening.
Secret Squirrel
11-12-2006, 04:13 PM
11-12-2006, 04:16 PM
SF pm'd me & said she had to go to a meeting, she didnt mention Magots?
Squirrel Pox That's what the picture looks like. It is highly contagious to other squirrels. Usually treated with supportive care, rehydration and antibiotics. It is usually fatal, often can infect organs, that is not apparent until necropsy. But doesn't look like mites in photo. Pox are generally wart like with scaly areas. You did describe scaley areas. Please get this poor baby to a vet or rehabber.
hope it will survive.. i should be in bed, but have to know it will get help first.. poor baby, so sad..
Somebody's Mother
11-12-2006, 04:43 PM
i wonder what type of meeting sf went to??? hope she gets home soon!!
she is not with the baby??
11-12-2006, 05:10 PM
11-12-2006, 05:20 PM
pia it will be ok, you have a zoo there yourself girl!! get some sleep!
11-12-2006, 05:29 PM
Poor baby looks like she has been thru the mill! Doesn't look like pox to me, I would have to agree with mites. Either way, she needs to be taken someplace where she can get treatment asap.
island rehabber
11-12-2006, 06:20 PM
I've never dealt with anything like this so can't be much help does sound as if multiple bad things are going on with this baby, though. I hope it gets to a rehabber or vet QUICKLY....
11-12-2006, 10:32 PM
sorry to keep you guys in suspense. I got her washed up and she is sleeping in a towel on my lap to stay warm. she will have a heating pad tonight. I got her pedialite and she drank lots. she has been eating lots too. got a fat little belly already. there are no magots. she had lots of critters on her but the Dawn took care of that. I think there are lice eggs on her though. they are pretty tough to remove. any suggestions on how to get rid of them. I think the crusty areas are very dry skin from being dehydrated. she was VERY dehydrated when I got her. she really failed the skin pinch test. right now she looks a lot better. she is sleeping well and warm.
Hi, Im so glad u found that baby. She is a mess.
I always use Ivomectin from the vet to get rid of unwanted little crawly critters on my babies. I have found it works great. Dont use anything from the counter for flea and tick I have killed two babies doing that and that was with my vets suggestions! If u can get it to the vet or more importantly to a wildlife rehabber it stands a good chance of making it. If there are still crawly things on it thats not good. Sure wish I lived nearby so I could help u more.
11-12-2006, 10:57 PM
I rewalise that it sounded bad to go to a meeting but I had no choice. I found the squirrel an hour before I was supposed to be at the meeting. My manager is really scary.
she is doing pretty well. her eyelids already look a little bit better. the worst part is just the buggies. she is warm and pretty clean except for the eggs. at least nothing is biting her for now. she seems comfy and is sleeping for now.
she still has some fight in her. when ever I pass the cage she takes little pot shots at me. she's a feisty fighter. I think she will make it. I just need to get rid of the eggs before they hatch.
11-13-2006, 12:57 AM
I was looking up squirrel pox and ring worm. well at least I can rule those two out. the pictures I saw looked nothing like what she has. I think her main problem is the agrivation from the lice and mites.. she had scratched herself raw. she looks much more comfortable now. still sleeping in my lap.
The red dots you see are harvest mites.
They are reaaaaaaaaaallly itchy and will go on to humans so if you get itchy thats why ;)
The other types of mites i'm not 100% sure about but I agree ivomectin will kill them, have you got a nice vet near you?
Secret Squirrel
11-13-2006, 07:06 AM
She sounds like a fighter and that really counts when health issues are at risk. I hope you can get her to a vet or rehabber today.
Another set of eyes is always good because we can only tell you what we see in the pictures and try to diagnose by your descriptions. (Which were very good by the way.)
I hope you can get her seen by someone as soon as possible. What did you name her???
God bless and good luck.
11-13-2006, 07:30 AM
I have read the Ivectermin (sp) is good also it seems to be expensive SF if you arent up to spending the money please find a rehabber! She deserves to be cleared up all the way, since you have done this much for her.
SF R2 & Jasmine had lice Preston did not he had no hair. (seems to me the cycle was about 7 days, if I didnt get them all they reappeared after 7 days.)
It took 2 or 3 baths to get rid of them, you are gonna have to maybe flea comb & pick them off it sounds like a lot,, can you post another picture?
Keep her on the heat, on low. How is she this morning? You could start the formula & alternate with the pedialite. She needs the Esbillac not the kitten formula, she already has to much against her.
11-13-2006, 09:30 AM
at least the red ones are dead. actually anything crawly is dead it is just the eggs clinging to the base of her tail. how do I get rid of those? otherwise she looks great this morning. she is a little livelier the scratches on her eyes look half the size of yesterday and have dried up. they don't look raw like yesterday. I will take another photo later on today. I am a little tired right now. I sat up most of the night with her. keeping an eye on her and keeping her warm. I have noticed that she can keep her own body heat so she doesn't need the heating pad.
11-13-2006, 09:45 AM
maybe you could just rewash the tail part instead of doing her whole body again, rinse really well that detergent is wicked and dries my hands out terrible.
Are you giving her formula? I think she needs nutrition now if shes keeping her body temp?
You can get a flea comb at the local pet shop to comb those eggs out of her. Also, if u happen to have Frontline flea spray ( I know I said dont use flea produts but u have to do something, the flea comb wont get them all) spray a bit on a cotton ball and then rub the ball on the baby and dont miss the area with the eggs.Dont overdo it, u dont need much. Frontline is the only thing I would use, please dont go out and by something else. And I still would recommend Ivomectin over the spray because it also kills internal maggots if shes got em. The stuff is magic!
Also, please do not use kitten formula. Squirrels are mammels much like puppies, their nutritional needs are similar. As a rehabber I have seen babies raised on kitten formula that later get brought to me and they just dont look as good and usually need TLC.
Hope I helped u here. U can PM me if u have any questions. :)
I agree she definately needs Esbilac now. Do u know to dilute it and start out slowly with her? Dilute to 25% working ur way to 100% strength.
11-13-2006, 10:21 AM
DO NOT USE FRONTLINE, advantage, or any pet flea medicine there is only 1 that is safe for squirrels, with a squirel in this condition that would be deadly. I also asked my vet about a dot of advantage his reply was "Do you want the squirrel to live"?
I used the Frontline spray treatment from the vets office. I agree its not ideal but it sounds like she may not have access to the Ivomectin. U can safely give the Frontline if u lightly spray it on a cotton ball and then rub it on the squirrel. I have had success with it but I have also had two babies die from it from me over doing the application. That is why I dont like to suggest this treatment. And I also agree that it isnt the best treatment for a compromised baby but what do u suggest then? I have a feeling this one is going to have major problems with maggots and such. :sanp3
island rehabber
11-13-2006, 11:03 AM
Ivermectin is excellent -- so is Capstar, which kills fly eggs and maggots both internally and externally and is safe for even pinky squirrels. If you think she may have internal maggots it's crucial that you get your hands on one or the other of these meds. Sevin Dust is another safer way of "dusting" the baby's fur to kill fleas, etc....much safer than Frontline I think. (I have a big, strong cat that is horribly allergic to all the available flea meds -- they're not that safe, unfortunately.)
Somebody's Mother
11-13-2006, 11:26 AM
i did a little fishing on my other board and this is what i found there regarding frontline
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:23 pm Post subject: Frontline Warning
Dr. Cooley states, "Frontline can be lethal for rabbits and has been implicated in many rabbit deaths due to neurological side effects including seizures. Many grown flyers weigh only about 50 grams. Therefore, any absorption goes into a small body. The differences in absorption of the product are crucial. Skin absorption does not occur in the formulated pet product in the dog or cat, but it does occur in the rabbit."
Therefore, we caution HOFs NOT to use this product on their flyers.
this is in regard to flying squirrels but i still think it is a valid warning, especially since this little one's health is already impaired.
Thanks for the research, I have also heard it is deadly to rabbits. But I have used it on squirrels BEFORE I got my hands on Ivermectin. Anyway, after some thinking if your baby does not show signs of maggots and u have all the eggs off with the flea comb I would just sit tight and see if u get anymore critter action. If u do then I would try to treat. By then she should be in better health. It is definately iffy to use Frontline on a compromised baby such as yours or even a healthy one.
Oh my... I sometimes wish I could be the Ivermectin Fairy and fly to locations and use my magic medicine wand on the precious babies :)
11-13-2006, 11:51 AM
I have seen a stray cat in my neighborhood sometime ago that had the same looking eyes. Somebody told me it is eye mange. I wonder how painful it is.
11-13-2006, 11:55 AM
Sounds to me that if the "eggs" are at the tail base, they are also internal. Ivermectin is a must!! Esbilac is also a must. I won't go on and on...looks like all bases have already been covered. Sounds like a very tough little cookie...:thumbsup
11-13-2006, 01:08 PM
squirrelfriend, just got to read this, poor little thing, wishing you the best of luck. I have read all that has been written here and this is what I know for sure. Vets are not always right when it comes to what is right for squirrels.
I didn't know about TSB when I got henri, the vet told me to give him "kitten
milk" I bought cans and cans of that stuff. I guess that the squirrel God was
looking after henri, because he is still alive. I would never use "kitten milk" again, know better now. So that brings me to the things for fleas, I think that
I would listen to rehabbers here over what a vet said to use.........:dono
Just know which one I would listen too now....:)
Squirlgirl is right, there are ways to remove fleas, eggs, etc., but it should be done by a licensed rehabber. I have had vets administer the proper dose of advantage just to watch the squirrel die when I got it.
Island, how long does it take Capstar to work when there are internal maggots? There is good info on Capstar published by wildlife vets which I have given to my own vets in area, however, we don't know if we can use it on internal maggots, as sometimes time is of an essence.
11-13-2006, 01:20 PM
The lice eggs you should attempt to pick off by hand to get ahead of the game. It's really handy to have tweezers and a kitten-sized flea comb, but any smallish comb should do. Dip tweezers in rubbing alcohol to wash eggs off while picking.
My husband successfully picked lice eggs off of a baby squirrel, but it took alot of patience. Throw out towels or bedding used before and during the process.
11-13-2006, 01:23 PM
Forgot to mention when I was searching for info on lice when my squirrels had them. I came across info that said not to worry about getting lice from the squirrels human lice & animal lice are completly different.
Somebody's Mother
11-13-2006, 01:51 PM
The lice eggs you should attempt to pick off by hand to get ahead of the game. It's really handy to have tweezers and a kitten-sized flea comb, but any smallish comb should do. Dip tweezers in rubbing alcohol to wash eggs off while picking.
My husband successfully picked lice eggs off of a baby squirrel, but it took alot of patience. Throw out towels or bedding used before and during the process.
i read that a mixture of 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water would help to loosen the eggs so they could be more easily removed. also definitely replace the bedding and dispose of the old stuff!!
island rehabber
11-13-2006, 07:08 PM
Squirlgirl is right, there are ways to remove fleas, eggs, etc., but it should be done by a licensed rehabber. I have had vets administer the proper dose of advantage just to watch the squirrel die when I got it.
Island, how long does it take Capstar to work when there are internal maggots? There is good info on Capstar published by wildlife vets which I have given to my own vets in area, however, we don't know if we can use it on internal maggots, as sometimes time is of an essence.
Gabe it works very quickly and keeps working even after the first dose. Its particular miracle is that it does work on internal maggots but is safe even for pinkies. It's truly a miracle drug....if only it was OTC so it would be easier to get!
11-13-2006, 08:04 PM
Forgot to mention when I was searching for info on lice when my squirrels had them. I came across info that said not to worry about getting lice from the squirrels human lice & animal lice are completly different.
oh, thank god for that one. I really appreciate you telling me about that. I have been holding her a lot to keep her warm. I figured I would take the chance. doctors visits are free here in Canada and I get free meds for myself through work. I'll take one for the team if it is neccessary. I'm already married, it doesn't matter.:carzy2
11-13-2006, 08:12 PM
I have seen a stray cat in my neighborhood sometime ago that had the same looking eyes. Somebody told me it is eye mange. I wonder how painful it is.
The sores are form her scratching at the itch. I can see the direction of the scratch lines and it is deffinitly from her back feet. she scratched herself pretty deep but that is healing up quite nicely. the sores are already half the size and no longer gooey. they are dry little scabs now instead of open gaping wet sores. I am really glad that those didn't get infected. no pus or anything there. just looks a bit painfull.
I would really like all the attention and advice you all have given here. you guys are awesme. I don't know what I would do about this board.
I am going to have to name this girl soon. any suggestions guys?
I would have to go back to the thread to find out who said it but I do agree that vets don't always know what is right for squirrels. that is why I would rather get rid of the eggs by hand if possible. I would like to avoid any chemical meds that might end up poisoning her instead.
11-14-2006, 05:47 AM
can we get a new picture?
11-14-2006, 05:56 AM
above I ment to say "I really like all thew attention and advice you guys have given here." anyhow I will get you that photo soon.
11-14-2006, 09:22 AM
I took a sample of some of the eggs on her and photographed them with the microscope. can any of you identify what kind of eggs these are so that I know what I am dealing with here?
emailed this to my vet, maybe he can help, will let you know.
yes, I can email, just can't download pictures to this site :)
11-14-2006, 11:12 AM
Thanks Gabe!
11-14-2006, 12:33 PM
thanks Gabe! You're awesome!
11-14-2006, 12:46 PM
how is the baby?
11-14-2006, 01:21 PM
I'm new at this squirrel thing so I don't have any advise. Hammy is my first. I just wanted to say how precious she is. Good luck with her. She's a doll
11-14-2006, 01:45 PM
she is feeling ok and doing well. she is a sweety.
11-14-2006, 02:29 PM
does she try to play at all or want to crawl around?
11-14-2006, 02:34 PM
I took a sample of some of the eggs on her and photographed them with the microscope. can any of you identify what kind of eggs these are so that I know what I am dealing with here?
That is actually quite impressive!
Haven't forgotten about you, my vet is not online at the office and I have to wait until he gets home. As soon as he calls I'll let you know, hopefully he can identify, the picture is excellent
11-14-2006, 03:51 PM
I don't know what kind of eggs those are, but you took an awesome picture!
Still haven't heard from my vet. Sheesh, you'd think he has a life or something while I'm frantically waiting for the phone to ring, or checking my email every half hour. I better get off line just in case he calls, will let you know when I hear something.
11-14-2006, 06:38 PM
not play but she has started to wander in a cage a little. she has discovered the water bottle and has drank from it twice on her own.
11-14-2006, 06:40 PM
Still haven't heard from my vet. Sheesh, you'd think he has a life or something while I'm frantically waiting for the phone to ring, or checking my email every half hour. I better get off line just in case he calls, will let you know when I hear something.
thank you so much for your effort. the little girl and myself both thank you.
I wish I had gotten photos of the crawlies too but they were all gone before I remembered the microscope.
Somebody's Mother
11-15-2006, 06:34 AM
all i could find was this picture of a lice egg magnified.
Finally.... it is a lice egg. Just a common everyday wildlife lice egg. One way to treat them is with flea and lice puppy or kitten stuff, powder or spray. Spray the bottom of an aquarium lightly, cover with 6 layers of newspaper and a bath towel. Place squirrel on top. I use this method all the time for all admissions to prevent infestation with the general population. It is very safe and effective. Works in just a few hours, also good for ticks.
11-15-2006, 07:23 PM
I disagree Gabe, I know you are the rehabber here, but that dawn dish detergent will work just as good and be less toxic.
This little baby has enough going against him.:dono
I used the dawn on mine that had lice & fleas.
Somebody's Mother
11-15-2006, 07:42 PM
"One way to treat them is with flea and lice puppy or kitten stuff, powder or spray. Spray the bottom of an aquarium lightly, cover with 6 layers of newspaper and a bath towel. Place squirrel on top. I use this method all the time for all admissions to prevent infestation with the general population. It is very safe and effective. Works in just a few hours, also good for ticks."
i don't see how this could be that toxic. you would have to stand by and make sure the baby didn't get under the newspaper and directly on the treated area but otherwise it seems very safe to me?!
When I mentor new rehabbers I always tell them to talk to 2 or 3 other rehabbers when they have a particular problem and then find a way to solve the problem half way down the middle. Rehabbing is a growing field, we are always learning new tricks and better ways. I've never had a squirrel with lice, if Dawn has worked well in the past, then by all means use it. You're right that it is not toxic. I've only used Dawn on oiled birds. The pro is that it is not toxic, the con is that not all squirrels like baths, that one is only 6-7 weeks old by the picture and probably would not mind. The flea stuff truly is safe used the way I described, I've used it on hundreds of squirrels. There is really no right or wrong, what counts is what you are comfortable doing. But to grow, you need to be open to new ideas.
11-16-2006, 06:50 AM
The dawn worked excellent for me Gabe. I also read to get a human lice comb rather than flea comb. I dont know if they sell those seperatly.
Maybe the dollar store? I think I've seen the combs there, they always have oddball things.
11-17-2006, 06:48 AM
Squirrel Friend do you have any updates for us?
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