View Full Version : Wally devoured his first HHB!

09-23-2010, 08:04 PM
I am amazed, He has devoured his first HHB.. well about half of it. I fed him some formula and then he nibbled at the other half until he fell asleep.

So now .. where do we go from here.. I didn't have to soak the blocks in formula or anything to get him to take it, so i assume i can offer him the blocks throughout the day. i was going to start with one twice a day and continue with the feedings of formula 4 times a day.

ive offered a few veggies but he is not interested in them yet at all, so im assuming the HHB's are ok for now. Now i have reviewed the list of healthy fruits and veggies, but my questions are what are the top veggies as far as nutrition is concerned. Like give me the top 5 veggies and top 5 fruits that i should be feeding. Maybe 2 veggies that i can buy every week and 2 fruits that i can buy every week.

I also threw some oak tree twigs in there for him to play with and chew on... I am just sooooo amazed at how much this little guy is growing!!!!

09-23-2010, 08:23 PM
That's easy.
You don't have any hard questions??!?:thinking :rofl4

How about asparagus, kale, cucumber, avacato, cherry tomato, mushroom, squash, canatalope, brocolli..etc.
Apple, pear, peach, cherry, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, berryberryberry.
Green twigs, brown twigs.
Chicken bones, just plain chicken. (cooked)
In the shell acorns, almonds, pecans, walnuts, filberts and evn Brasil nuts.
Please try to avoid peanuts. Tree stuff is far, far better.

The little one appears to be in the six-seven week age, so may be very picky at this time.
Just offer a little each day, and do not expect him to immediately take to solid food.

09-23-2010, 09:43 PM
That's easy.
You don't have any hard questions??!?:thinking :rofl4

How about asparagus, kale, cucumber, avacato, cherry tomato, mushroom, squash, canatalope, brocolli..etc.
Apple, pear, peach, cherry, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, berryberryberry.
Green twigs, brown twigs.
Chicken bones, just plain chicken. (cooked)
In the shell acorns, almonds, pecans, walnuts, filberts and evn Brasil nuts.
Please try to avoid peanuts. Tree stuff is far, far better.

The little one appears to be in the six-seven week age, so may be very picky at this time.
Just offer a little each day, and do not expect him to immediately take to solid food.
Yeah all that^^^
The block soaked in formula is to encourage independent feeding early on. For example when you are at work you don't have to worry about missing a feeding. You start it when their eyes first open. It's successful and it's horribly messy. I've never seen so many scuzzy squirrels but they move on to bigger, better, neater munchables in a couple of weeks.

09-24-2010, 08:28 AM
what about lettuce? like baby spinache, iceberg, spring mixes.
Carrots? I always have carrots in my fridge
Cucumbers and Celery I usually have also.

I always keep apples on hand because my kids love them and they keep them full.

cooked chicken and chicken bones really? We have chicken almost everynight, so i can just give him a piece when we eat dinner?

09-25-2010, 07:18 AM
ok ive put carrots and cucumbers and broccoli in his cage, ive tried offering them to him while im holding him and he picks it up and then puts it down. Everytime i offer the henry's blocks he munches on it till he falls asleep. I want to offer the most healthy nutrient rich vegetables before i offer fruits. I know the henry's blocks are complete nutrition. He is getting formula 4 times a day still. Any suggestions? Should i just keep putting the veggeis in his cage and then switching them out?

09-25-2010, 09:01 AM
ok ive put carrots and cucumbers and broccoli in his cage, ive tried offering them to him while im holding him and he picks it up and then puts it down. Everytime i offer the henry's blocks he munches on it till he falls asleep. I want to offer the most healthy nutrient rich vegetables before i offer fruits. I know the henry's blocks are complete nutrition. He is getting formula 4 times a day still. Any suggestions? Should i just keep putting the veggeis in his cage and then switching them out?
How old is he now?
To promote self feeding you want to have something available 24/7. Personally I make the BooBalls...they have the formula in them. I throw in a rotating variety of veg. At this point i am staying away from anything to sweet. YOu KNOW they will eat it but you have to be patient

09-25-2010, 10:33 AM
Love the picture. Num-Num HHB's:jump

09-25-2010, 07:53 PM
where is the recipe for the boo boo balls?
Are the HHB's sufficient enough to keep available if he doesn't eat anything else?

09-25-2010, 08:34 PM
oh i found the recipe for boo boo balls