View Full Version : Thomas has a bad paw

Pennys dad
09-23-2010, 06:46 PM
Hi all,
Thomas has a swolen and broken rear paw. He has had this for about 2 weeks now. He is a wild and has been holding his own but dosen't use it not even putting any weight on it. I concerned now that the foot might need to be removed by a Vet and thus making him a NR. I been reluctant to trap him and stress him out to the point of having him pass away. He is coming down from his tree about every other day and getting food sometimes in the morning sometimes at dusk. I'm not sure of a plan of action at this time for him. I need to get alot of input about this to make an informed decision for his welfare. I haven't been able to get pictures to post but I'm still trying for clear ones. Any thoughts and ideas would help me
Pennys dad

09-23-2010, 09:42 PM
It is hard to give a wild abx because they do not come by reliably. But I have done it using chunks of avocado. You put a hole or two in the avocado and then put the abx in there and then strategize how to make sure that the right squirrel gets it. A rehabber might be able to help with dosages. Jackie in Tampa helped me.

09-23-2010, 10:45 PM
Wilds with a health problem are the hardest to address.
Little Thomas is not the first to go though this sort of thing.
Squirrels are amazingly resilient. He may pull through.
If you can, provide him with anything you feel might be of help.
Special delivery of foods during the winter are wonderful.

Pennys dad
09-25-2010, 06:21 PM
thank-you both for the advice . I was hoping for more but I will settle for what comes. His foot is useless to hm and perhaps will drop off. I do believe that his life will be shortened. He is still special to us as is all of our wilds that we care for. It would be more easier if he was a non-release as we would give him the attention that would not stress him.
Pennys dad