View Full Version : Seizure meds
09-23-2010, 09:49 AM
I believe I had seen a post in the past that there's a med or seditive that can be administred to seizure babies to reduce frequency and severity. I cannot find that info, and I have a 4 week old that began seizuring today. If you have experience with this, please share.
09-23-2010, 10:16 AM
Seizures are treated in humans and animals with Phenobarbitol, which has a lovely host of side effects for both as well.
Have you tried puting them on Ventri-DMG from Chris' Squirrels? Some exotic vets have used to to reduce the amount of phenobarbitol required to treat the seizures, and if they are not bad, the Ventri might even be able to be used without the pheno.
09-23-2010, 10:41 AM
I will order it today. Thanks, CM. I'm also going to start feeding him in a dark room.
I thought somebody else had success with one of the depressants, like valium.
Of course, I realize it does not fix the problem if this is an issue from head trauma, but am praying it is something he outgrows in time.
09-23-2010, 10:56 AM
Hi Atlantasquirrelgirl.....I use the Vetri on Knothead and it seems to help. How often does he have the seizures? Knotty had them often as a baby but now that he is older he has very few of them.
09-23-2010, 11:31 AM
He just started today, very violent, and must have been painful because he cried at the end of it.
How often does KH have them? I need a unit of measure so I know if this guys is going to be releasable. It's been a BAAAAD season for me.
09-23-2010, 03:06 PM
I would keep an emergency supply of Midazolam or valium on hand (if you can get it) and administer it IM or rectally for any seizure lasting longer than 5 minutes, if he has more than three seizures in 24 hours or if he has cluster seizures (multiple seizures with altered level of consciousness in between). Also, consider Potassium Bromide as your daily anticonvulsant because it's safer for the liver. Unfortunately, it may take longer to reach the full effect and it must be specially compounded for such a tiny animal. Good luck!
09-23-2010, 03:35 PM
He just started today, very violent, and must have been painful because he cried at the end of it.
How often does KH have them? I need a unit of measure so I know if this guys is going to be releasable. It's been a BAAAAD season for me.
Sorry it's been such a bad season...It's supposed to be fun...
Knotty started his seizures around 2 weeks of age and had 3-4 a day as he grew stronger the seizures got much better. Now he is 13 months old and I have only witnessed 3 in the last 6 months. They are violent seizures. he will run in circles of course since he only has one eye that would be expected his little body will just stiffen up like a board. They last roughly 15-20 seconds when it's over he acts like nothing happened....How bad is his head injury? I only give him the Verti once a week. Poor baby I know he is in good hands.
Jackie in Tampa
09-23-2010, 03:42 PM
what are the seizures from Cheri?
09-23-2010, 06:36 PM
I believe he is having seizures because of head trauma when he fell from the tree 2 1/2 weeks ago. He has no other outward signs of head trauma, no bulging eyes, etc. He's too young for it to be calcium related; he's only 4-5 weeks old, and of course, he's getting good nutrition.
His seizure started as ears twitching and he stopped eating. He then froze up and began to throw his head back 20 seconds later. About 40 seconds after it started, his whole body was thrashing, and he was screaming. The whole episode was around 1 1/2 - 2 minutes.
Virgo, please also tell me the dosing you give KH.
Thanks for everybody's input, and thanks for the clarification of when the valium is used. If his seizures continue, sounds like I would not need it unless they get prolonged.
09-23-2010, 07:14 PM
I believe he is having seizures because of head trauma when he fell from the tree 2 1/2 weeks ago. He has no other outward signs of head trauma, no bulging eyes, etc. He's too young for it to be calcium related; he's only 4-5 weeks old, and of course, he's getting good nutrition.
His seizure started as ears twitching and he stopped eating. He then froze up and began to throw his head back 20 seconds later. About 40 seconds after it started, his whole body was thrashing, and he was screaming. The whole episode was around 1 1/2 - 2 minutes.
Virgo, please also tell me the dosing you give KH.
Thanks for everybody's input, and thanks for the clarification of when the valium is used. If his seizures continue, sounds like I would not need it unless they get prolonged.
I had a squirrel that was brought to me, Olive, That was rapping of Grand Mals. It was recommended that I try SMZ-TMP and dewormer. Worked like charm.
Parasites take awhile to do their dirty work. The eggs can walk in the door on your shoes or be lying dormant anywhere. Field mice carry Tapeworms and you know mice go anywhere they want. There is also mosquito and flea transmission. It only takes ONE BITE.
I feel like a broken record here but it was validated by the Vet at Willowbrook I spoke to today. They have hundreds of squirrels going through there a year Deworming will not stress the system as much as the parasites. All of our babies have something going on. It's only when they are stressed do the parasites get hold and lets face it, it doesn't take much.
09-23-2010, 07:32 PM
Was Olive having seizures as a result of parasites?
09-23-2010, 08:26 PM
Was Olive having seizures as a result of parasites?
Indirectly yes.
We did a fecal float and found tapeworm parts. Any parasitic organism that draws nutrients away from the hosts body has the potential to cause it to seize form hypovolemic or hypoglycemic shock. Other parasites directly invade the organs and brain which can cause seizures as well7 5
55.vvvvv 1111111111111wwwwwwwwwww and this is what happens when a squirrel sits on your keyboard
09-23-2010, 09:15 PM
Well, that's a good theory, then, because as mentioned, there are no outward signs of head trauma.
09-23-2010, 10:07 PM
Well, that's a good theory, then, because as mentioned, there are no outward signs of head trauma.
It certainly can't hurt to have a fecal float done or even deworm prophylactically. It certainly rules out some of the causes.
Another thing she mentioned was how the fall crop of babies seemed to be bigger and more sickly. We tossed around some theories and one of them was that there was a higher incidence of raccoon roundworm in the late summer babies. You are also going to see more tick, mosquito and flea transmitted diseases.
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