View Full Version : What can i buy at a local pet store

09-22-2010, 12:34 AM
What kind of rodent block can I buy at walmart or a local pet store???

09-22-2010, 07:13 PM
I ordered the henry's healthy blocks. They looked to be the most natural (homemade is best right?) The guy is noshing on cheerio's and ive offered him a few veggies but he's not interested in the veggies yet. Still on formula 4 times a day. I can't wait to get the blocks in so i can start weaning him!!!

09-22-2010, 07:29 PM
SOME pet shops sell Kaytee Forti Diet but I wouldn't use it as a staple diet. As usual, the stuff you really need has to be ordered. The above mentioned Henry's Healthy Blocks from www.henryspets.com; from www.craftyrat.com you can get Harlan Teklad lab blocks. Mazuri is another block - sometimes you can buy them locally, but I have never seen them...

09-22-2010, 07:37 PM
yeah i noticed they have rat and mouse staple foods at the pet stores, but the henry's blocks have way more protein and i can actually read all of the ingredients... :thumbsup so the squirrel will eat healthier than me :rotfl