View Full Version : injured or illness
09-20-2010, 09:51 AM
A squirrel that I have raised and released has come home with a lump under her arm that doesn't look like any of the pictures that I have seen of what the cause could be. There is not anything like a bite mark that I can see no hair loss. I had not seen her for 3 days then she comes home with this golf ball size lump. Any thoughts on what this could be?
09-20-2010, 12:55 PM
abcess? Bot fly? break? Non visable puncture?
09-20-2010, 01:27 PM
I have a now 9 week old male squirrel (found at 4 weeks). When we found him, he had no bumps/lumps. About two weeks later (age 6 weeks) two bumps began growing on his right shoulder area, down to his rib cage. No injury was noticed. I could feel that these lumps were kind of "squishy". I used a cottonball soaked in very warm (not hot!) water to see if I could draw whatever was in there out. After about 4 days, the larger of the two lumps opened (sometime in the night) and I found my poor guy covered in goop. I again soaked the area with warm water and gently prodded the area and more greenish/yellow goop came out. I flushed the area with warm water approx 5 times a day, and used hydrogen peroxide (on a q-tip) to clean it out. I would cover the area with triple antibiotic gel each time. It left quite a "hole" in his skin, but it healed up within a weeks time and now new hair is growing over the area. The 2nd bump I treated the same way it it opened up last week. It is healing nicely. Hedid not seem to be in any pain and didn't seem to be distressed.
As a side note, I did add baby yogurt to his formula, I figured the probiotics would help ward off any further infection.
Hope this helps!
09-20-2010, 03:23 PM
A squirrel that I have raised and released has come home with a lump under her arm that doesn't look like any of the pictures that I have seen of what the cause could be. There is not anything like a bite mark that I can see no hair loss. I had not seen her for 3 days then she comes home with this golf ball size lump. Any thoughts on what this could be?
There is not any type of injury that I can find. She will let me rub the location but is spending most her time sleeping with a sock buddy. She cant seem to eat the harder foods being offered she will take them but cant seem to bite into them. She will drink water when offered. The foods she will eat are all very soft such as avocados, peanut butter with finely chopped almonds and papayas. She has been very calm even when handling. She has been free since mid May and she did have a bot fly infection on her hid leg about a month ago.
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