09-16-2010, 09:38 AM
Hello all. My name is Kit and I am the proud mom of 2 beautiful little boys, Shawn 6 and Talon 3mo. I am also the daughter of lilidukes a member of the squirrel board and an aunt to her Ella. Since i was a little girl my mother has installed in me a love and awe of nature and now that I'm a mommy I've been doing the same for my boys. Its a running joke in my family that I attract nature which I think must be true because even as a small child I would find wounded and abandoned critters and bring them home. I was determined to save them all. As reality goes I found out the hard way that you can't always save them all, but I still believe that its always worth trying and that God puts me and others like me in the path of creatures that need our help for a reason. Humans have taken over the world and through our own carelessness have destroyed the habitats of some of natures most precious gifts. I feel a personal responsibility to do what I can to save as many as I can, including educating as many as possible. I don't always have the answers in fact sometimes I'm clueless but I will always try to find them for myself and others. I'm glad that my little boy gets to experience these things firsthand. Just yesterday my mother and I rescued a 2mo. old fawn and my son was right there. How many kids get to experience that? How many kids have a squirrel living in their house? How many know that any animal in distress is welcome in there home? For the sake of our future I think its important for kids to not loose touch with nature and I'm afraid that this day and age with video game and internet kids are. I don't want that to be my children. so here I am soccar mom and squirrel saver. Shawn and I are big fans of the squirrel board and we've learn a lot from all the members. We are glad to be a part of it and I hope we can contribute.