View Full Version : Litter Box

09-14-2010, 03:38 PM
My little girl is pooping all over me whenever I pick her up! I didn't mind at first but now her poops are getting bigger, and it's like she waits to be picked up to poop. It's getting annoying. I have read that squirrels can be trained to use a litter box. How do I go about teaching her to do that? It would be so helpful...

09-14-2010, 03:46 PM
Hon, as you have discovered, the world is their litter box. The poop on the run and no, you can't litter box train them. They are hard little things and easy to pick up, though...

How old is your baby? Are you planning on releasing her?

09-14-2010, 04:11 PM
Poopie and peeee = LOVE:thumbsup

09-14-2010, 06:52 PM
We put a litterbox filled with Carefresh in our kids cage...they use it most times!
Our girl Mallie poops all over me when I feed her in the evenings!
I have just given up! :)
At least she doesn't pee on me! Poops are easier to clean up! :)
One of our boys is very picky and will only pee and poop in the box...although it really ruins the whole effect when he climbs out and drags his weiner along the blankies to dry it off! LMAO :rotfl

09-14-2010, 06:59 PM
That's why i try to have my contact with Mia before i take my shower in the working days!! :D

Poopie and peeee = LOVE:thumbsup

09-14-2010, 07:24 PM
Hon, as you have discovered, the world is their litter box. The poop on the run and no, you can't litter box train them. They are hard little things and easy to pick up, though...

How old is your baby? Are you planning on releasing her?

I hate to disagree with you, oh wise and mighty CritterMom, but Picabo is litter box trained for pee pee. She was always on me and when she would figget I would put her down in the litter box (filled with corn cob litter) and she would pee and I would pet her gently on her head and speak sweetly to her telling her what a good girl she is. Now she goes into her litter box when she has to pee. Picabo is such a sweet and smart girl. :D

09-14-2010, 08:12 PM
squirrels for the most part once they get older and get around are very clean and dont like pee or poop in there bedding area so if in a cage startin out i learned that they will come out of bed and pee and poop at the bottom and when holding them they will run off to go do business so then later having there own room set a cage in there and they will go there, it takes a little time but they learn thats were to go at least mine does, and yes tell them good boy or girl and reward them for doing right

09-14-2010, 10:47 PM
Hon, as you have discovered, the world is their litter box. The poop on the run and no, you can't litter box train them. They are hard little things and easy to pick up, though...

How old is your baby? Are you planning on releasing her?

How true this is!!! Wait till you find some golden nuggets in your bra!!!

09-15-2010, 10:22 AM
How true this is!!! Wait till you find some golden nuggets in your bra!!!

Been there ... done that. We have the pee pee taken care of but the poops ... well, that's a different story. The good news is they don't stink and are really easy to clean up.