View Full Version : trying to release from window.

Stephanie K Zon
11-09-2006, 03:56 PM
:morning How is every one ? Well itlooks like I need you again. I have my little Peek-A-Boo she has been going in and out of the window for 2weeks now and she is realy going for the nuts :crazy and they are a little expensive maybe some one can give some advice on what else to feed them. I put out corn on the cob that is hard and the grain stuff with seeds and things I put out apples and veges oranges ect. but the nuts are her main thing I don't know it they know where they leave them I see her bury them in the gutters where they will just rot or will they come back and get it? I spend all day putting nuts in the window. She has stayed out side 3 nights out of the last 2 weeks last night was one Ihave a feeling she will do it again tonight. How long dose it take for them to go and not come back it took hurt toe baby Missy 25 days and yesterday there was a squirrel out there with Peek-a- boo maybe it is Missy I called her name and she just looked at me now she is coming to the window for nuts to The grains and corn I leave on the porch so they can get to it and it not get wet with rain it rains all the time and they are both out there working away at burying there nuts.Do you think they will be friends? they were chasing each other out on the porch it looks like they are playing I hope so. What I realy need to know if I am doing it right and if they don't use the house you make them do they build there own she won't sleep in the one I put in the tree for her I put it about 8ft up in a pine tree I'm 55 years old, out trying to crawl up a big tree ::wahoo I could sit here all day with questions any more that is what I seem to live for is these baby squirrels I"m so hooked on them I belive in you so please write back and let me know if I am doing OK thank you so much Stephanie from Wash.:Love_Icon

Somebody's Mother
11-09-2006, 04:06 PM
i'm not the most experienced person on here but it sounds like you are doing everything you possibly can. it is wonderful that she is getting to decide for herself when she wants to spend the night outside. any chance you could get some antlers or kale or something to ensure they are getting their calcium?

11-09-2006, 04:14 PM
Hi stef, Mine went in & out the window also, they wont leave for the night untill they have a nest are you positive they dont use the box only to sleep in?
Thats what mine were doing when
they quit coming home at dark.
Its been my expierience once they leave for the night thats it.
No coming back anymore at night, thats for all 5 squirrels of mine.
Heres an example they get up in the morning eat & leave come home at dark to sleep.
This could go on a week, but this is just what has happened with our squirrels. Every squirrel is different yours could be working on a nest somewhere!
As far as nuts go island rehabber told me to crack them open & they wont bury them, unless you are buying the shelled.
You may have to put out enough to share to make sure your little one gets a good start. Its expensive buts its getting cold out there after all the care you wouldnt want them in the cold with an empty tummy right?
any more questions ask away.
My little Preston buried 2 lbs of mixed nuts 2 days ago worked untill they were gone.

Stephanie K Zon
11-11-2006, 08:21 AM
Oh Thanks for answering back so soon :thumbsup she has stayed out for the last 3nights sure makes my room lonely with out her but that is ok as long as she is haveing fun she works so hard at getting all the nuts out some times I think I shouldn't put out so many nuts because she will work her self to death.She son't even take time to eat unless they are cracked open and yes I am haeing to put ex out because I think Missy is out there she is one I released last spring I am pretty sure it is her because she stopes looks at me when I start calling her name and she comes up to the window and gets her a nutshe seems to be hanging around as long as shehas food out there and when I look at the size of the other squirrels she looks like she has a way to go to get fully grown well I better get off here and get the kids up for school Thank you so mjch for the feed back will get back on later so every one have a great day take care and God Bless you Stephanie from Wash.:Love_Icon

11-11-2006, 08:35 AM
aww I bet she is your fist squirrel, they dont forget voices. How dear.