View Full Version : Marking to tell the difference?

09-02-2010, 08:31 AM
What can I use to mark the new babies so I can tell them apart? Something that won't hurt them?

09-02-2010, 10:08 AM
a dot of fingernail polish in different colors works well

09-02-2010, 10:15 AM
a dot of fingernail polish in different colors works well
Put a drop on the tip of the ears. It's easier to remove when the time comes and it sheds of better.

09-02-2010, 10:47 AM
cut the fur on the tips of their tails off in different shapes (one triangle, two triangles, line, etc)

09-02-2010, 11:11 AM
I use nail polish and have never had a problem (it just falls off when they get a little older.)

09-14-2010, 07:05 PM
We used different colours of nail polish on one of their rear toenails...OK it was supposed to be one nail...but babies wiggle...so it was more like three toenails each! lol

When they started to climb and crawl it flaked right off...but by that time either they will have devloped identifiable markings...or they have enough tail fur you can trim it in different shapes!

We really only have problems identifying Webster and Gordo...so we trimmed the tip of Webster's tail fur in a straight line!

God help us when they get outside! I will have no idea who is who!

09-14-2010, 11:38 PM
Google about how they mark lab rats.

Don't actually do it, but google it.

09-15-2010, 12:36 AM
Google about how they mark lab rats.

Don't actually do it, but google it.
Do you have a link?
I have read that they are tattooed.
Race horses are tattooed on the inside of the upper lip. Don't tell me THAT doesn't hurt!
I have seen ear tags used that are practically unreadable. They fall of eventually but leave a notch in the ear.
When Ani and Finnagin first arrived they were nearly identical except for genitalia. I tipped Ani's ears with hot pink nail polish. I tip bunny ears with different colors when I get a litter.

09-15-2010, 12:55 AM
Do you have a link?
I have read that they are tattooed.
Race horses are tattooed on the inside of the upper lip. Don't tell me THAT doesn't hurt!
I have seen ear tags used that are practically unreadable. They fall of eventually but leave a notch in the ear.
When Ani and Finnagin first arrived they were nearly identical except for genitalia. I tipped Ani's ears with hot pink nail polish. I tip bunny ears with different colors when I get a litter.

Um. It was more of a crappy joke (I hit about 50/50).

There's a binary system of taking chunks out of the ears with a sort of hole punch. I wouldn't do it to anything that could feel pain, myself.


Read the 'Ear Punching' section.

Fortunately, horses get some sort of anesthesia, even if it is the 'dull you down' sort.

09-15-2010, 06:57 AM
[QUOTE=PDXErik]Google about how they mark lab rats.

Don't actually do it, but google it.....Um. It was more of a crappy joke (I hit about 50/50)./QUOTE]

The funny part is I will rise to the bait every time like a big ol' junk fish :shakehead

09-15-2010, 08:57 AM
Actually, race horses are tattooed with an instrument that looks like a branding iron( at least in the 60's). The needles have ink applied and then are pushed into the top lip. Keeps bad horse owners from running a "ringer"-an identical looking horse that that does better/worst thereby manipulating the odds!
Hey! Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!:D :jump :jump :rotfl

Oh-on squirrels, I use nail polish on their heads. Look like a bunch of Hindu worshipers!

09-15-2010, 12:03 PM
We use 'cattle' markers, they are these weird huge wet-ish crayons that work well, but some animals groom too much for it to stay. On those, I use crayola washable marker to mark the white of the tummy. It works well.