View Full Version : how do i treat for fleas and lice?

08-31-2010, 05:28 AM
my 6wk old squirrel is always scratching and i want to treat him for lice (i havent seen any fleas) can i use frontline spray or xeno spot on that can be used in hamsters. i can get these from the vets that i work, i just need to know if its safe

08-31-2010, 05:33 AM
Use ONE drop of revolution puppy/kitten flea treatment.

Jackie in Tampa
08-31-2010, 05:34 AM
I would use Adams Kitten Spray for fleas on a cotton ball and wipe a teeny tiny amount on them, letting it completely dry before putting them back together..
Also Revolution (Rx) and Advantage Multi(Rx) are both safe in moderation.
Dawn dish liquid bath will also help with fleas...:Love_Icon

08-31-2010, 10:04 AM
Use ONE drop of revolution puppy/kitten flea treatment.

This is the stuff!! I had a new little guy arrive a week ago covered in fleas. one tiny drop of Revolution for kittens and not a flea in sight. I treated everyone just in case we had escapees. It really worked for us.

09-09-2010, 01:39 PM
I would use Adams Kitten Spray for fleas on a cotton ball and wipe a teeny tiny amount on them, letting it completely dry before putting them back together..
Also Revolution (Rx) and Advantage Multi(Rx) are both safe in moderation.
Dawn dish liquid bath will also help with fleas...:Love_Icon
I've used ferret tick and flea shampoo with success as well.
We just so happen to have a ferret. :D