View Full Version : Resident squirrel toys
08-30-2010, 09:38 PM
I see so many people giving their babies toys to play with. We are so afraid to give him anything - fearing he could ingest something. Does anyone know where I can get him some safe toys? He loves the tennis ball I hang from Yarn, but I tire of replacing the yarn!
08-30-2010, 10:37 PM
I see so many people giving their babies toys to play with. We are so afraid to give him anything - fearing he could ingest something. Does anyone know where I can get him some safe toys? He loves the tennis ball I hang from Yarn, but I tire of replacing the yarn!
I couldn't do the yarn thing AT ALL!!! I t would last less than a second
I hung a stuffed Nemo in Mugzi's cage and he gutted it like a well,
like a fish
He tore off the eye bulges and took all the stuffing into his nest box. He had fun with Nemo. Nemo was hung by a thin piece if chain. He couldn't climb it, chew it or hang from it. I have also hung sterilized cow bones on coat hanger wire.
When Mugzi was a tot i gave him some old McDonald's Beanie Babies. He loved to wrest his puppy! Socks with knots or old Tshirts rolled and knotted are fun too. My dog used to get soooo jealous and try to get it away from him but he would jump up on top the couch (dogs aren't allowed on furniture in my house).
Such a tease...
08-30-2010, 10:43 PM
I go to the Goodwill or thrift shop and buy stuffed animals, removing small pieces like eyes that are plastic etc. I have found countless things for cheap at the goodwill. Like once I found a baby's play mat with hanging things and things to grab onto and pull. The squirrels loved it. And because it was for an infant (human) it didn't have any small pieces that could come off and choke a squirrel either!
Good luck!
Joanne in Jax
08-31-2010, 05:55 AM
Yea, but wont the stuff hurt them if they ingest it? That is my only concern. I understand the plastic peices, but I was not sure about the rest.
Jackie in Tampa
08-31-2010, 06:07 AM
parrot toys too..
baby blocks
empty cereal boxes, oatmeal cans
a box of dirt...:jump
put the tennis ball in a sock and hang that..
be careful with strings...small jute rope is better, I hate to think about a sq being hung...getting tangled in string...:shakehead
be creative...they love to hide and hide STUFF!
08-31-2010, 07:23 AM
They will rip the stuffing out of stuffed animals, chew cloth, shred toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls etc. But I doubt they would ingest it. None of my 7 released squirrels ever ate their toys and then swallowed any of them. They just ripped the living daylights out of whatever they had and of course had a great time doing it. They love the stuffing to haul to their makeshift nests they make in their cages or nest boxes. The joy they have is so fun to watch, and the mess is horrible to clean up! One of their FAVORITE toys is just a litter box filled with fresh dirt. However be prepared to have dirt flung everywhere as they will root and dig and fling it everywhere. They love the earthy smell, grass and weeds that come in with the dirt. Don't be afraid to pick weeds and throw them in there. Change the box out every few days as the fresh dirt is their favorite.
Don't worry about them ingesting stuffing and cloth, they'll just shred it and leave you a great mess to clean up :D:rotfl:D
Joanne in Jax
08-31-2010, 07:27 AM
Yea, but wont the stuff hurt them if they ingest it? That is my only concern.
They tear it up and pee on it what they don't pee on they drag into their nest boxes!!!
I have found in his nest box an entire kiwi, a sweet potato, bottle caps, stuffed animals, pieces of my kids homework and ...this scared me... water balloons!!!!
Wonder what he was planning to do with THAT!!!!
:jump :jump :jump
09-01-2010, 10:12 AM
:crazy :crazy Yea the string I use is the natural 1/4 twine. Man does he make a mess out of it! He is gonna need more room for toys soon, his cage is too small - I really need to finish his final cage. My daughter gave up one of her lasted about 20min, before he was completely unrecognizable. There again I gung him from the top of the cage like a hangman - and he didn't quit till the remains were on the bottom of the cage.
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