View Full Version : how much to feed?
08-29-2010, 11:54 AM
I been trying to find some were that will give me an idea of how much formula to feed for the size of my baby. He is almost 5 weeks old and is eating about 4cc 6 times a day.
Is there a chart or anything to help me know how much he should be eating as he grows?
08-29-2010, 05:58 PM
I been trying to find some were that will give me an idea of how much formula to feed for the size of my baby. He is almost 5 weeks old and is eating about 4cc 6 times a day.
Is there a chart or anything to help me know how much he should be eating as he grows?
We really need a weight in order to even speculate on how much to feed. As soon as you have that scale we can begin to say how much. When finders call me and need to find a scale I ask them if they know anyone who a) diets to a point that they weigh their foods, or b) know anyone who smokes pot. Both of those types of people will have scales that will help you weigh this kid. :) The food scale is usually easier to find...neighbors have them, friends and family. But depending on what part of the country in you live in, sometimes the pothead is easier to find. :)
08-29-2010, 06:46 PM
Mine is actually a postal scale - inexpensive, bought at Staples. It has a nice platform for weighing, too.
08-29-2010, 08:01 PM
Ok another long can the formula last in ght fridge before I need to make a new batch? This will help me to know how much to mix up at a time. I noticed it doesnt mix very well.
08-29-2010, 09:06 PM
Ok another long can the formula last in ght fridge before I need to make a new batch? This will help me to know how much to mix up at a time. I noticed it doesnt mix very well.
The rule is 24 hours. If you're mixing with hot water and cold powder it should mix nicely. We use bottles called "Blender Bottles" and are sold on Amazon for $6. You can also mix with a stick blender. It foams up so I shake the bottle before a feeding, walk away to get syringe set up and come back in 30 seconds to fill baby food jar to microwave. By then the foam is gone.
08-29-2010, 09:20 PM
24 hours..sheesh I have to make such small amounts for I do use hot water, I boil the water then use it to mix the powder in. But it seems grainy still. I boil the water on the stove then add the powder to it and stir it good. Is the powder suposed to be refrigerated?
I wold never use a microwave to heat anything for a kills any nutritional value in what you are heating.
08-29-2010, 10:44 PM
24 hours..sheesh I have to make such small amounts for I do use hot water, I boil the water then use it to mix the powder in. But it seems grainy still. I boil the water on the stove then add the powder to it and stir it good. Is the powder suposed to be refrigerated?
I wold never use a microwave to heat anything for a kills any nutritional value in what you are heating.
I'm usually making 1/2c powder to 1 cup water, making 1cup of formula at a time. It's a lot I guess if you only have one squirrel.... However, I *never* have just one squirrel. Even when I only have one who needs special attention or a special feeding schedule, I make a 'sister' or 'brother' (often not actual siblings) go with the sick one so it's not alone.
There are some rehabbers out there who will say that 48 hours is okay for formula, but I've always been told 24 hours. I think it might be Nick's rule...not sure.
And I've always used a microwave. In fact, our facility has been rehabbing squirrels for 22 years, at a rate of over 200 per year successfully released and we have always microwaved formula. We've never had any issues. I know there's debate about it tho... so we'll just agree to disagree on that one. :)
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