View Full Version : Need a Deceased Squirrel

08-27-2010, 10:40 PM
I am educating a sub-permittee on anatomy, and need a deceased squirrel. If you find one in the road and are willing to ship it on dry ice, please post. I'm looking for one that is recently deceased, and has not yet attracted bugs. I prefer an adult male.

I know it sounds gross, perhaps cold and heartless, but am hoping it will save another life.

08-27-2010, 11:15 PM
I am educating a sub-permittee on anatomy, and need a deceased squirrel. If you find one in the road and are willing to ship it on dry ice, please post. I'm looking for one that is recently deceased, and has not yet attracted bugs. I prefer an adult male.

I know it sounds gross, perhaps cold and heartless, but am hoping it will save another life.
I was actually having a similar discussion with a staff member at the wildlife center. Given how many animals we have there are bound to be some older ones. How soon is it needed? In the event one is available that is not used for, ahem, other purposes you would have to send me all pertinent information regarding the educational purposes for which it will be used.
The greater portion of the animals that come in are juveniles but you never know

08-27-2010, 11:16 PM
PS - shipping costs will be covered.

08-27-2010, 11:20 PM
Marty die last night, he had bee attacked by a cat and had crawled around for almost two weeks. His feets were broken and he had MBD disease. He had to be nuetered due to his testicle sack being torn open. I found him this afternoon, I guess his injuries were worse than we knew, I will miss him but would love for all of us to have a better idea of MBD disease. I could send his medical records and x-rays. I also got a squirrel in today that has massive infection due to nuemerous bot flys. His fur is fallen off his upper half where the bot flys were. I removed the three remaining bot flys and have pictures but I noticed his facial skin is falling off and his facial muscles are white- a sign of severe infection and necrosis. I will have him gassed tomorrow AM but do not know if you will want him. You can see his pictures on Bot Fly Infection thread.

08-27-2010, 11:26 PM
PSS - Hit by car would also make a good specimen.