View Full Version : fox valley transition

08-26-2010, 05:02 PM
My babies are between 6 and 7 weeks; one is smaller and presumably the "runt" of the litter. I switched them over to Fox Valley last night (from home-made). They were cautious at first but took to it right away. But today the smaller guy isn't as interested in eating. He's always been the sleepier of the two for the week I've had them but just wanted to know if I should have switched them more gradually. the bigger one is still happily sucking down whatever I give him. Developmentally, the smaller one is behind the other (less active, didn't sit up and curl his tail until just recently). They also started on rodent blocks over the weekend (soaked in formula) with avocado earlier this week. Doing well with both. Should I go back to the home-made and see the response or just proceed with caution?

08-26-2010, 07:10 PM
Usually start off with the FV with a diluted version...usually 3:1 water ratio. Try not too give too much solid food as they still need formula and the solid foods will fill them up...I usually offer the solids after he takes the formula.