View Full Version : Rat blocks, really?

08-25-2010, 04:05 AM
Ok, so, my girl has pretty much said SCREW YOU to the liquids.

So, I've been mixing FV with Yobaby with a bit of cream with enough granola (dried fruits included) to make it into a hard paste.

The resulting mixture is probably around 2 oz and she runs through that in a day.

I have some rat blocks, but, ugh, between the two, if I were starving, I'd use the rat blox to start a fire to warm myself with and eat the yogurt mixture.

But ppl tend to steer toward the rat blox.

I know that part of it is because they designed it to be complete. But isn't there a better way?

Is my granola mixture unhealthy or just expensive? I can handle expensive, I only have one.

So far, she poops all over me while I'm holding her, in my video (previous post), I've discovered what the stradling was. She was helping herself pee on me. I can handle that. She pees on me without stradling me now. That's a good sign. lol

Is my high-brow (hopefully healthy and high-brow) diet OK? She gets rat blocks about every other day right now. She seems to like them, not in the rabid-dog way she likes the yogurt-FV-cream-granola mixture, but she eats them.

08-25-2010, 08:49 AM
The same here. My boy eats them if he is starving. I haven't introduce anything else to him as was advised here. I would love to give him some yogourt,fruits and veggies, but he does not eat blocks well..so still waiting.

08-25-2010, 09:15 AM
The rat blocks really are the way to go. They are formulated with the proper amounts and ratios of all of the vitamins and minerals they need - granola isn't. As long as she is getting FV you are okay but you are setting yourself up for a fall if she regects formula completely and isn't on the rat blocks.

Two suggestions: if you want highbrow, order the Henry's Healthy Bites from www.henryspets.com. Home baked, no preservatives, they look like park pumpernickle with pieces of nut in them.

Another option is the Zupreem Primate Biscuits (they call it "Zupreem Primate Dry"). They are pretty large in size, but have a light, airy texture that soaks up formula well, and many use them as a first food for babies.

When they quit formula, if they do not have a reliable source of calcium, magnesium and a host of other minerals and vitamins, they will develop MBD, which I think you are familiar with - don't you have herps? The rat blocks provide what they need.

08-25-2010, 09:37 AM
The Henry blocks are so much different than store ones. My mice love the squirrel blocks and I give them some all the time. The store ones suck and my mice will not eat them.