View Full Version : How long does eye opening and focusing take?

08-19-2010, 08:00 AM
My little guy started opening his eyes Sunday. They've opened rather slowly (it took a full day for them to open, but even then I'm not sure I've seen him with them wide open yet, and it's been about 3.5 days (although he's black, it's hard to tell from some angles). The other posts I've read sound like they should have just popped right open, even if they can't see very well out of them. Is that the case?

I'm worried that he's not developing properly, although he looks fat and healthy. I've been keeping the room he's in dark and relatively quiet, like I imagine a squirrel's nest would be. Would more daylight help his eyesight to develop normally?

His eyes were also milky, like he has cataracts, for the first day or two. Is that normal too?


island rehabber
08-19-2010, 09:14 AM
It can take 4-5 days for a baby squirrel to focus properly, that's why we always warn people not to assume they can see the edge of the table or your lap, just because their eyes are opened. The 'milky' look you described doesn't sound normal, though...can you post a pic?

08-19-2010, 09:28 AM
I'll see if I can get a pic when I go home for his lunchtime feeding - obviously though I don't want to be using the flash right now, so it might not work well. I took another close look at him this morning and they're still the same. It's not always obvious - sometimes you need to look closer.

I had him out on the floor this morning and he is getting less wobbly, which is good.

Gosh, what if I have a blind squirrel? Has anyone ever heard of that? That's going to make housing and some other things a real challenge. I guess it would be a finite decision on the question of whether he would be releasable :shakehead

island rehabber
08-19-2010, 09:52 AM
Don't panic yet. My BF and I were convinced that our first squirrel was blind because it took at least a week for him to focus properly. It's just how some babies are.

08-19-2010, 10:12 AM
The eyes do have sort of an unfocused, soft milky blue coloration at first - take a cruise through the Nursery forum and look at pics of babies about the same age and compare.

08-19-2010, 01:53 PM
Photo.. What do you think - is this normal 4 days after opening? I couldn't find any photos in the nursery that looked quite like this..

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs363.snc4/44656_10150237884950720_643295719_14185460_6270852 _n.jpg

Jackie in Tampa
08-19-2010, 02:05 PM
if he is not blind...????:thinking
I am going to say he is nutritionally not well...:shakehead
I have not read much lately, so I am not real familiar with your sq and his situation, but this babies eyes are NOT normal.
I would absolutely work hard to get better nutrition into him . If you are doing everything right..I would say this is a dismal situation at best...:shakehead
I have raised several sqs and have never seen eyes so dull.
I will let the pros continue to help you...
good luck...:grouphug

08-19-2010, 05:42 PM
This is what is so confusing to me.. It seems like he's doing really well in every other way. The camera has exaggerated the milkiness a bit, it's not quite that prominent in real life, but it's there. Here are a couple of other photos I took at the same time as the one of his eyes - based on appearances only, he looks otherwise healthy, right?

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs191.ash2/45470_10150237876380720_643295719_14185410_995027_ n.jpg

In this one, keep in mind his chin and front paws are damp from eating, the fur is normally smooth. He does have a bit of dry skin on his tummy and back legs, but I don't think it's too bad.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs194.ash2/45687_10150237884910720_643295719_14185458_7457561 _n.jpg

08-19-2010, 07:15 PM
Does anyone know of any rehabbers in the Toronto area of Ontario that have a vet who will treat squirrels? None of the vets in my area will treat squirrels and I'd really like to get him looked at..

08-19-2010, 07:22 PM
I just found these articles.. Apparently cataracts can be hereditary, and mother squirrels may kick a disabled baby from the nest. Is this true, and could the mother have known that something was wrong with him?



I don't think spending $3000 on eye surgery is likely to happen within the next year, maybe two - and that's if I can find a vet who would do it without taking Kirby away from me.

I really wish I had a photo of what squirrel cataracts look like, although I admit that his eyes look exactly like my dad's dog, who has cataracts.

08-19-2010, 07:25 PM

Just found this thread as well.. Apparently it could be caused by being cold. I don't think he is, but I'm going to try turning up the heat for a while to see if that helps..

08-19-2010, 07:32 PM
Is he on a heating pad? He should be. I also suggest that you either wrap him up to feed him or perhaps feed him in his container on the heating pad. Being cold will retard their eating and slow everything down. In a nest he would be in a knot of 102-103 degree siblings and mama.

Check your other thread RE: formula. I think this baby needs to be steadily beefed up starting immediately. His eyes look dull and at half mast like he is at low ebb. He may be able to see fine, but you need to address his nutrition first.

08-19-2010, 07:46 PM
He is on a heating pad.. I just turned it up a bit, and added a lightless ceramic coil meant for reptiles. There's a thermometer in the cage, I'm checking every 5 minutes or so until it's around 100 degrees, and then I'll try to keep it there. I'll feed him wrapped up and on a heated sock/rice buddy. The temp has only been between 85-90 degrees until now.

For nutrition I'm gradually decreasing the water to make the formula thicker. Right now we're at 1 part formula powder, one part water, one part heavy 35% whipping cream, and 1/2 part full-fat organic yogurt. He seems to be taking that pretty well - hopefully in a day or two he'll get some more fat on him..

Now I just need to make sure he's eating enough of it and wait for the FV.. I highly doubt we'll have it before the middle of next week.

08-19-2010, 08:00 PM
Don't use the reptile coil, just mess with the heating pad until you get it warm enough that he appears to be comfortable lying in the open. Don't cook him! The coils are really drying; the bottom heat is the best. You can also give him a heated rice buddy to hug.

You are giving him a lot more cream than I was advised to use. I got my help from a pretty well known rehabber (who was foolish enough to put her email address on her site!!) and it was as I described above. 1.5 water, 1 powder, 1/4 part each yogurt and cream...:dono

08-19-2010, 08:06 PM
Don't use the reptile coil, just mess with the heating pad until you get it warm enough that he appears to be comfortable lying in the open. Don't cook him! The coils are really drying; the bottom heat is the best. You can also give him a heated rice buddy to hug.

You are giving him a lot more cream than I was advised to use. I got my help from a pretty well known rehabber (who was foolish enough to put her email address on her site!!) and it was as I described above. 1.5 water, 1 powder, 1/4 part each yogurt and cream...:dono

Ok, the reptile coil is gone.. I just wanted to use it for a few minutes to get the heat up as quickly as I could.

Not sure what to do about the cream.. particularly if what I'm using has double the fat of the stuff you use. His poops are good and consistent, though, and it seems like extra fat is a good thing at the moment. Anyone else know?

island rehabber
08-19-2010, 08:38 PM
lelliott, do your Kirby's eyes look like my Electra's eyes -- "blue"?

08-19-2010, 08:49 PM
YES! They look exactly like Electra's eyes.. What does that mean?

island rehabber
08-19-2010, 10:41 PM
YES! They look exactly like Electra's eyes.. What does that mean?

:jumpIt means you have a PERFECTLY NORMAL melanistic phase Eastern Grey Squirrel!!! :alright.gif

I have raised around a dozen black baby squirrels and all of their eyes look blue at first. Later on, they will look blue in certain light as well.,

Solved THAT problem :D

08-19-2010, 11:09 PM
:jumpIt means you have a PERFECTLY NORMAL melanistic phase Eastern Grey Squirrel!!! :alright.gif

I have raised around a dozen black baby squirrels and all of their eyes look blue at first. Later on, they will look blue in certain light as well.,

Solved THAT problem :D

Where do you live? I would really love to fly over and kiss you right now! Oh gosh, I've been so worried!

Now, one more question - how long does it take for them to be active most of the time? Right now he's still sleeping except when he's eating.. He pokes around the cage a bit to find a new place to sleep, but that's about it. He does get quite active most times when I take him out to eat, but he hasn't been tonight. But maybe it's just because it's night. :)

When should he be running around and such?

island rehabber
08-19-2010, 11:25 PM
I'm going to say it's around 8 weeks old when they get very active. This varies from one squirrel to another, but there's a guideline for you. Just remember that the normal behavior of adult squirrels is to be very active at dawn and dusk...and take a looooong siesta every day between, say, 10am and 4pm....:sleep1:D

oh yeah...City Island is a long long way from Ontario, but I'll let one of the babies kiss me for you. :)

08-20-2010, 06:58 AM
Great, it sounds like we're mostly on track then! Thank you SO much for your help!