View Full Version : When to introduce solids

08-18-2010, 03:11 AM
I have been reading thread after thread for about 2 hours and maybe I have missed this but when is the best age to start introducing solid foods?

My little boy just opened his eyes today and from the research I have been doing some sites say once they open their eyes squirrel block should be given and in the next 2 weeks I should start giving new foods. I don't want to start this to early and upset his digestive system but I certainly don't want to wait to long and deprive his little body of what it needs. I cant find a good reference for what should be fed when and how much.

08-18-2010, 04:04 AM
You can put some blocks in there with him at any point now - he will mostly push it around and pee on it but eventually they nibble a ittle while they are playing. I started at about 6 weeks but don't expect them to actually start eating for a while - it is more to get them used to blocks than anything else.

Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2010, 06:41 AM
Critter mom is right....
and they are teething...so a rat block is like a teething biscut ...add some small finger sized non toxic fresh branches now also!
In a few days, a peeled grape is fun for both you and them, avacodo is one of my favorite first foods, theirs too...without the skin and pit!
:poke We need pics!

08-18-2010, 10:22 AM
I have been reading thread after thread for about 2 hours and maybe I have missed this but when is the best age to start introducing solid foods?

My little boy just opened his eyes today and from the research I have been doing some sites say once they open their eyes squirrel block should be given and in the next 2 weeks I should start giving new foods. I don't want to start this to early and upset his digestive system but I certainly don't want to wait to long and deprive his little body of what it needs. I cant find a good reference for what should be fed when and how much.
I find the method at the the wildlife center pretty interesting and actually extremely successful. When the babies eyes open they present rodent block soaked with water and pour formula over it to encourage self feeding. You can add frozen green beans and peas as well as softer fruits like banana. It can be REALLY messy but they get the idea pretty quick.
I like this idea because my first squirrel refused rodent block 9 he preferred sweet stuff) and all of the little monkeys I see raised this way eat rodent block without complaint.

This center rears and rehabs no less than 200 squirrels per season. There are around 75 in various stages of rehab (That I know of) right now and guess who's feeding and cleaning up after them.

08-18-2010, 10:28 PM
Our kids are 6 weeks old. We introduced rodent block at about 4 and a half weeks...only because their eyes opened early on us!

When we first introduced rodent block the kids refused to do anything with it...although they do absorb pee wonderfully! lol

I started adding it as a treat after their formula...I would dip one in warm water and let them suck/nibble on it. They are finally starting to eat them on their own now! They can't sit up and eat because they still tip over...but they will back into a corner and brace themselves so they can sit up to eat!

Or just for fun one of them will grab a block in his or her mouth, and run around the cage so no one else can have it...it always ends up in a riot and wrestling match....but it is funny to watch!

We give the kids a bit of broccoli, pepper and carrot...they don't really eat them yet...they chew at them and tear them up...but they have the basic idea! And they have a blast making a mess!

Dani :)

island rehabber
08-19-2010, 06:00 AM
Last year I finally held myself to the practice of offering rodent block (2 kinds: Zupreem and Henry's Blocks) as soon as their eyes opened. I give them NO OTHER SOLIDS for at least two weeks after that. I used to start eyes-opened babies on raw almonds...BAD IDEA!! :nono:nono:nono You are creating little nut-fanatics when you do that, and they will NEVER eat block or anything else that isn't a nut. :shakehead My 'new' method has worked beautifully and all my squirrels since early 2009 have been terrific block-eaters. Eventually they get bored with the Zupreem but they love their HHB's right up to release. :thumbsup

08-19-2010, 12:44 PM
I completely agree with the blocks idea. I actually had some rodent block that I dissolved into the mixed formula after about 6-8 week mark with Weezie. Worked kinda like baby cereal that people mix into their formula. You just have to make sure that your nipples can handle it without getting clogged.
One of the first solid things I've given all my girls are honey nut Cheerios. They are easy for them to hold and easy to eat. Breeders of small dogs will give these to weaning puppies at night to keep their blood sugar up and prevent hypoglysemia. :D

08-21-2010, 03:02 AM
Thank you all for the advise! I have raised many litters of puppies and kittens. I used to breed American Eskimo pups and I always knew when to give what. I feel sort of out of my element but things are going well so far :wahoo
I have started putting the rodent block in with them, they don't seem interested just yet but hopefully soon! Next week my husband and I are undertaking the job of building 2 cages. We are going to build one indoor and one outdoor.

Are any fruits or veggies bad for squirrels? I am preparing a shopping list for them :rotfl