View Full Version : 30 gram baby drinking 1cc with diarrhea ... could someone please comment

08-16-2010, 12:47 PM
maybe once again i'm panicked over nothing ...but ... i scare easily ... thanks....:D


08-16-2010, 01:10 PM
Ok......Here are alot of questions, but in order to figure what is going on, we need to know the answers.

Do you weigh him daily? Before each feeding?

How much is it taking per feeding?

How often are you feeding him> every 2, 3 hours? Do you feed him throughout the night?? On regular intervals?

What are you feeding it now? I know you were feeding it other stuff, what is it eating now???

How long have you been giving it pedialyte?
it should be only given for a 24 hours period.

Please let us know, so we can help you figure this out for this lil one.