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08-11-2010, 09:59 PM
I'm Erik. I found a post on another page by "Elaine" and then found you (she should get 'referral' credit).
My mom found an orphan Eastern Grey Squirrel. Being in Oregon, the Audobon society wouldn't take it.
So, I'm going to try to keep this little girl(?) as long as I can. If she feels the need to bolt and go away, that's the way it is, but we're becoming quick friends.
She's probably around 6 weeks old. I've had her for 3 days now. I'll move off the constant fresh fruit + granola diet tomorrow. She's terrified of the bottle, so the reccommended puppy formula is out (I guess). She feeds herself out of the bowl just fine (excepting for some dexterity issues).
I don't intend on raising her to be released. This might be controversial, but that's the way it is.
I'm good with animals and have managed to keep a wild caught Emerald Tree Boa alive for just over three years (those that know will appreciate that statement).
I've kept rodents before, and will probably again (now, perhaps).
A little video
She's going to the vet next paycheck to get checked out. She doesn't appear to have mites, but we'll check worms and mites and all that. I'm experienced with worms in snakes and am chock full of Panacure and other enclosure-protecting chemicals and know how to use them.
Nice to see a board like this, I hope that we can get along and that I can leech information out of everyone lol.
island rehabber
08-11-2010, 10:26 PM
Welcome, Erik -- we're glad you found us!
Now, I have to be the Bad Cop. You ready? :D
She MUST, MUST, MUST have formula for another four weeks at the very least! She will not develop properly and her bones will be like straw if you keep feeding her that diet of granola and fruit.
PLEASE GO TO OUR SQUIRREL NUTRITION SECTION and read up on the Healthy Diet for Pet Squirrels. She should be put on Fox Valley Day One for Squirrels (20/50), from She should also be introduced to a high quality rodent chow: either Harlan Teklad, Mazuri, or Henry's Healthy Blocks.
This is not negotiable if you want your girl to live and not succumb to Metabolic Bone Disease. Please.
I must go feed my babies -- sorry to be blunt and run. We know you want what's best for your little girl squirrel so get studying, dude! :poke :thumbsup
08-11-2010, 10:34 PM
Welcome, Erik -- we're glad you found us!
Now, I have to be the Bad Cop. You ready? :D
She MUST, MUST, MUST have formula for another four weeks at the very least! She will not develop properly and her bones will be like straw if you keep feeding her that diet of granola and fruit.
PLEASE GO TO OUR SQUIRREL NUTRITION SECTION and read up on the Healthy Diet for Pet Squirrels. She should be put on Fox Valley Day One for Squirrels (20/50), from She should also be introduced to a high quality rodent chow: either Harlan Teklad, Mazuri, or Henry's Healthy Blocks.
This is not negotiable if you want your girl to live and not succumb to Metabolic Bone Disease. Please.
I must go feed my babies -- sorry to be blunt and run. We know you want what's best for your little girl squirrel so get studying, dude! :poke :thumbsup
I'm reading right now. She currently has a big bowl of broccoli (my roommate happened to bring it along for his side dish).
I'm familiar with MBD in reptiles and I have some UVA/B bulbs, won't substitute for sun right now, but better than nothing.
She is terrified of the bottle. How do I get formula into her? I do have forcefeeding tubes and syringes, but that route sucks.
I would think that we have to get along and she must trust me a little more. And then maybe she won't think the bottle is my way of prepping her to eat.
Thanks for help and thanks for welcome.
This girl will rock, dammit. If it kills me.
Edit: I'd really like to avoid the prepped rodent food bit, unless you can reccommend a high quality food that I would eat myself. I'll make it myself if I have to, but that rodent-chow looks unappetizing and I want for her what I'd want for myself (I am kind of a rat if you ask some ppl). Keep in mind, I'm not a rehabber, I have a single squirrel. I have the resources to spoil.
08-11-2010, 10:41 PM
Welcome Erik:Welcome
Thanks IR, You just beat me to it:) While I was searching or all the info you just posted, you posted it:thankyou
I was also going to suggest to try a syringe with or without the silicone nipples.
you can order these at Here we can buy syringes at farm stores. a 4cc one should be OK.
Also get Henry's Healthy Blocks at
A little one this young won't last long if you do not get 3 or 4 cc's of formula in her at least 4 times a day (every 4 hours)
Please don't try to tube feed her. I think if you keep trying, she will start taking the formula
Good Luck:grouphug
08-11-2010, 10:43 PM
Welcome to the board! It sounds like you're going to be great with your squirrel! I do agree formula is a good idea... depending on her age of course. Here is a link to help you determine the age of your squirrel :-)
Hugs, Joanne in Jax
island rehabber
08-11-2010, 10:44 PM
Erik when she smells that yummy Fox Valley with its vanilla aroma reminiscent of cake, she will love it and you will be tempted to drink some yourself. :D
Seriously, go slowly and just drop a small bit of formula into her mouth by lifting her muzzle on one side with the tip of the syringe. She'll have to swallow. Watch her face as she realizes that it's DAMN GOOD :rotfl!
08-11-2010, 10:49 PM
Welcome Erik:Welcome
Thanks IR, You just beat me to it:) While I was searching or all the info you just posted, you posted it:thankyou
I was also going to suggest to try a syringe with or without the silicone nipples.
you can order these at Here we can buy syringes at farm stores. a 4cc one should be OK.
Also get Henry's Healthy Blocks at
A little one this young won't last long if you do not get 3 or 4 cc's of formula in her at least 4 times a day (every 4 hours)
Please don't try to tube feed her. I think if you keep trying, she will start taking the formula
Good Luck:grouphug
Those actually look like something I'd eat. Flatten it out and make a power bar out of it.
The tube-feeding is a OMG WTF solution, don't worry, I'd deal with MBD first, tube feeding sucks, I've done it with snakes and it's traumatic for everyone involved.
I have a syringe, it's big, and made for bigger snakes, though. I'll work with her with the bottle a bit more. She's starting to trust me more, so maybe she'll realize that it's really milk and not squirrel seasoning.
I appreciate the quick responses. I think this is going to work out pretty well.
(With her teeth, I suddenly empathise with mother squirrels that nurse to 10 weeks)
Until next paycheck, is there something I can put together myself that will get by? I have puppy formula (goat's milk, basically) that was reccommended by the audobon society. I have enough of that to last, but she likes actually eating. Will veggies and formula be enough?
<3 you guys
08-11-2010, 10:49 PM
PS: I just watched your video and it's excellent! Also, if she's afraid of the bottle or a syringe why not mix some Fox Valley formula up and put it in a small bowl for her? She might drink it that way. If she wont then you'll have to make her eat it out of a syringe. After looking at the video I'd say she's about 6 to 7 weeks old myself.
Good luck, that squirrel seems to trust you though! Love is in the air hehe!
What did you name her?
Joanne in Jax
08-11-2010, 10:54 PM
Don't use the puppy milk formula, it's not very good for them. However you can buy a can of goats milk at the grocery store - there is a recipe in here somewhere from "Jackie in Tampa" I've used goats milk before - the canned liquid kind and you could probably mix it half water and half milk to get her started. Maybe a little more goats milk than water if she'll take it. The goats milk in a can is under $2. here and I think it's in the section where they sell canned milk like Carnation for baking etc. If not just ask an employee where it is :-) I just bought Fox Valley and my babies are doing much better on it and like it more. It smells great and I bet it's a sweet treat to them by the way it smells like cake batter.
Good luck!
08-11-2010, 10:55 PM
PS: I just watched your video and it's excellent! Also, if she's afraid of the bottle or a syringe why not mix some Fox Valley formula up and put it in a small bowl for her? She might drink it that way. If she wont then you'll have to make her eat it out of a syringe. After looking at the video I'd say she's about 6 to 7 weeks old myself.
Good luck, that squirrel seems to trust you though! Love is in the air hehe!
What did you name her?
Joanne in Jax
I rarely name my animals. I was thinking of Pillz-E (someone will get it - google it if you don't - after you do google it, watch 'Kevorkian Scarf').
I'd be up for letting the person that helps me keep her alive the longest name her.
Don't use the puppy milk formula, it's not very good for them. However you can buy a can of goats milk at the grocery store - there is a recipe in here somewhere from "Jackie in Tampa" I've used goats milk before - the canned liquid kind and you could probably mix it half water and half milk to get her started. Maybe a little more goats milk than water if she'll take it. The goats milk in a can is under $2. here and I think it's in the section where they sell canned milk like Carnation for baking etc. If not just ask an employee where it is :-) I just bought Fox Valley and my babies are doing much better on it and like it more. It smells great and I bet it's a sweet treat to them by the way it smells like cake batter.
Good luck!
The can I got was goat's milk, so BAM!
Edit: Also, trying the bowl method now.
Edit: Also, you guys need a chatroom. That would rock. OR, if there is, wtf is the link??
08-11-2010, 10:58 PM
I rarely name my animals. I was thinking of Pillz-E (someone will get it - google it if you don't).
I'd be up for letting the person that helps me keep her alive the longest name her.
The can I got was goat's milk, so BAM!
Great on the goats milk :-) And Pillz-e is a great name. If you wait to see how long she lives - by letting the person that keeps her alive the longest name her, she wont have a name for a very long time! She's going to live about 15 years lol!
Going to bed now, hugs!
08-11-2010, 10:59 PM
Great on the goats milk :-) And Pillz-e is a great name. If you wait to see how long she lives - by letting the person that keeps her alive the longest name her, she wont have a name for a very long time! She's going to live about 15 years lol!
Going to bed now, hugs!
Edit: She's tearing up that broccoli.
Edit2: I was looking for a place that gives information on enclosures and how big, how to build, etc. (I don't intend on caging my little girl much, but it is for their protection). Is there an "Enclosures" forum or am I (probably) missing it.
08-11-2010, 11:38 PM
Edit: She's tearing up that broccoli.
Edit2: I was looking for a place that gives information on enclosures and how big, how to build, etc. (I don't intend on caging my little girl much, but it is for their protection). Is there an "Enclosures" forum or am I (probably) missing it.
I lost the "Edit post" button, sorry for double-posting.
I'm shocked that noone asked me what I was keeping her in.
She's in a fairly large (not parrot sized) bird cage. I'm building a much larger enclosure next paycheck, something wood and 1/4" mesh.
Should I plan on keeping her outside, or inside? I have no problem supplying UVA/B bulbs. I hesitate to keep her outside as it teases and I don't want to torture her. Tree Rats are smart, I bet my life that they have feelings. Is it better to plan for indoors? (my leaning)
What kind of dimensions should I plan on? She won't be in it any longer than she has to be, ie when I'm home and she's supervised, she'll be out at every opportunity.
08-11-2010, 11:55 PM
BTW, half of her enclosure is over a heating pad set on low. She has some external heat whenever she wants it. She generally sleeps over it.
08-12-2010, 12:17 AM
Hi Erik. If she absolutely WILL NOT take formula from a syringe, try mixing it with Dannon Natural Vanilla yogurt and see if she will lap it from a small dish. Mix it pretty thick, and be sure the dish is small - she'll stay a little cleaner that way. That's what I do when my squirrels are weaning, so that I know they are getting all the nutrition they need while changing over to solid foods. In fact, I keep my squirrels on yogurt forever, feeding it 3 or 4 times a week, as 'insurance' that they are getting the calcium they need.
As for the cage, make it as big as you can get into your house! :D You hardly ever hear anyone complain that their cage is too big, but almost everyone ends up having to get a larger cage than they started out with! My smallest indoor cages are about 30"w x 18"d x 5' high.....and I mostly have flying squirrels, which are much smaller! (Now, my outdoor cages are 8'x8'x8' or more high.) I have large tree branches, ropes, and other toys, plus a nest box and 1 or 2 pouches in the cage for them. For pouches I use purses that I find at Goodwill stores, etc. They seem to like the pouches better than the nest box for sleeping.
Oh yes - usually they will let you know what their name is if you just listen.
08-12-2010, 01:18 AM
Hi Erik. If she absolutely WILL NOT take formula from a syringe, try mixing it with Dannon Natural Vanilla yogurt and see if she will lap it from a small dish. Mix it pretty thick, and be sure the dish is small - she'll stay a little cleaner that way. That's what I do when my squirrels are weaning, so that I know they are getting all the nutrition they need while changing over to solid foods. In fact, I keep my squirrels on yogurt forever, feeding it 3 or 4 times a week, as 'insurance' that they are getting the calcium they need.
As for the cage, make it as big as you can get into your house! :D You hardly ever hear anyone complain that their cage is too big, but almost everyone ends up having to get a larger cage than they started out with! My smallest indoor cages are about 30"w x 18"d x 5' high.....and I mostly have flying squirrels, which are much smaller! (Now, my outdoor cages are 8'x8'x8' or more high.) I have large tree branches, ropes, and other toys, plus a nest box and 1 or 2 pouches in the cage for them. For pouches I use purses that I find at Goodwill stores, etc. They seem to like the pouches better than the nest box for sleeping.
Oh yes - usually they will let you know what their name is if you just listen.
lol. You rock.
Great advice, thanks. I have to start small, but I have resources behind me. Origionallly, I was looking for a girl to spend my money on. Turns out, it wasn't the girl I was expecting.
08-12-2010, 07:27 AM
PDXErik, this morning, please go to the drugstore. Talk directly to the pharmacist, and tell him/her that you are fostering a newborn kitten, and while you have proper feeding syringes ordered, you need something NOW to keep that sweet, innocent little kitten alive. You want, ideally, 1cc syringes – 3cc absolutely MAX and try for the 1cc size. Every pharmacist I have told this to GAVE me a handful of syringes. These are manufactured to be used one time, so they are cheapo but will do in a pinch. When you get home, pop the plunger out of the syringe of the first one and apply a tiny bit of cooking oil to the black rubber tip, then reinsert and work it up and down a couple times to lubricate properly. You want to be able to control a VERY SLOW steady flow, not have it shoot out in fits and starts.
Your best chance of success with raising a baby animal is to as closely as posssible, mimic their mama. Baby squirrels are not allowed out of the nest hole until they are about TEN weeks old. Mama does not bring them nuts and vegetation to eat, nor does she carry water to them. Until that time, the ONLY thing they get is mama’s milk. You need to do the same.
I assume you are using goat’s milk esbilac. It will do for the time being. It goes bad very quickly, I would urge you to separate it into several containers when you open it and freeze them so you know you are feeding fresh formula. Make sure you warm it sufficiently. The best way is to pour your formula into a small plastic container and float it in a larger container of hot water until it comes to proper temp around 105 degrees. If she is not hapy with the taste, doctor it – add a few drops of molasses or karo syrup or even pancake syrup; or some fruity baby food to get her interested. At her age she should be eating several 1cc syringes full of formula (we need a weight to tell you exactly how much) every 4 hours. It needs to be given to her almost drop by drop with that syringe. They aspirate easily – and once she gets the taste for formula and starts grabbing the sryinge and trying to suck it dry, it is easier and easier for her to aspirate and develop pneumonia. That is why the small syringe – gives YOU more control. You also want her syringe feeding because it will increase the mama/baby bond and if you are not planning to release, you absolutely want to do that.
When you are done with her feeding, I would suggest going to the henryspets site, since you can one-stop shop there. Buy a bag of the Fox Valley 32/40 powdered formula. It is EXACTLY what she needs to thrive. Buy some of the syringes and nipples – they are pennies apiece. Unlike what you get from the drugstore, these are made for multiple use and glide smoothly without messing around with them. Nipples are more like mama. Buy a bag of the Henrys bites – I believe you liked the looks of those. When you transition her from the goats milk formula to the Fox Valley, do it gradually, mixing the two and gradually increasing the amount of the FV and decreasing the goats milk. You really want to switch to this stuff. It will make a world of difference.
She should not be in a big cage yet. Remember – mama would still have her stuffed in a nest, so duplicate that. If she is in a small cage, cover it with only a small opening in the front, and build the bottom into a nice nest with pieces of fleece and t-shirts cut in pieces. Don’t use terry cloth or anything that will ravel into threads – that is why the fleece is so good – no strangulation hazard.
I would wait as long as possible before I introduce her to nuts. She will need to eat a rodent block her entire captive life, so get her to love them BEFORE you introduce her to nuts. You can leave a few in her nest – she will mess with them and play with them and eventually taste them.
She will decide whether she is to be a pet squirrel or will want to be released – you are just along for the ride, though you can hedge your bets by lavishing her with affection and attention and snuggling as much as possible. I know they are as insane as the British about eastern gray squirrels out there and that the refuges immediately euthanize them. If she opts to be free, we can help you “wild” her up so she is prepared to go and you can release her at your home if it is a good squirrel area, or we can help you find someone who will do it for you and not put her down.
They are awsome, but she require very specific care and you really can’t compromise or wing it. Please get this baby on formula right now. She will reward you like no human girl can!
08-12-2010, 08:57 AM
Hey Erik - the squirrel is a beauty :) and is such a verocius eater, lol@ the video.
Good luck!!!!
I'm new here, but DO listen to the resident members...
My advice is to read through everything "baby squirrel".... it has to be by the book.
some steps may seem unnecessary, but they may be crucial:dono
08-12-2010, 09:05 AM
You have gotten some amazing advice! So I'm only going to pipe in a wee bit. ;)
If you are still unsure of the sex of your squirrel, the .pdf in this link has the best pics to sex squirrels I have come across.
The info is a little dated as far as formula and such goes, but it has been pretty helpful for me on quick references. It also has a really good guide on what they should be doing and looking like at different ages. :D
The Henry Healthy Blocks aka HHB were and still are very well recieved by my squirrel, Weezie. You can actually see some of the nuts and things in them. When I fix her plate, she ALWAYS grabs the HHB first. I've tasted them myself and they aren't too bad. :D
I haven't personally used Fox Valley yet, but it does have rave reviews so I actually ordered some just incase I got another baby in. I actually spoke to the gentleman that makes it and he really knows his stuff. I will say that the shipping on the 1lb of Fox Valley that I ordered was about as much as the formula itself, so you might want to check with them to see if there is a cheaper, but fast way to get it to you (like priority mail).
You have come to the best place in the world to help your squirrel! And CritterMom is right, this little girl will certainly steal your heart and wallet, but I promise it will be sooo worth it! Its a love like no other, that is for sure!
08-12-2010, 10:01 AM
I hope your cute little squirrel is doing fine. And I agree with all the people on the board that the little girl needs her calcium. It's so important. Even for their disposition. I gave my babies Esbilac because I didn't know about the fox valley. and they just loved it. Wait until she is very hungry. I used an eye dropper I picked up at the local drug store and held my babies in an upright position while feeding. Let her suck it out do not squeeze unless you have to. Or she could aspirate. We can't stress enough how important calcium is for these precious little babies. I really enjoyed the video. Good Luck
08-12-2010, 10:31 AM
Your baby is adorable! Looks to be the same age as my Snickers when we found her, 6-7 weeks...her brother also was down out of the tree and I have to say, it was pretty obvious as to which was the male and which was the female, hehe. Your baby definitely rocks! So...if it does turn out that she's a about Roxy?? :D
Seriously though, the people giving you advice know what they are talking about and they're great! So listen and do EXACTLY as they say :) And love that baby because they will return it in so many ways! However, as I'm sure so many others on here will tell you....if you have any valuables you DON'T want gnawed, chewed, or otherwise annihilated, keep out of reach of squirrel :sanp3 . This includes electronics, cameras, shoes, computers, jewelry...the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, furniture...well you'll find out :shakehead Have fun!
08-12-2010, 08:12 PM
Thanks for all the advice and replies.
FV32/40 is on it's way now along with some syringes.
I can't weigh her (it's a her) right now, but I'd guess that she's about 4 ounces. I'll stick her on the postage scale at work tomorrow and get more accurate.
I've read a TON on the company that makes KMR and Esbilac and I guess I'll be avoiding that from now on.
I'll let you guys know how it goes, and thanks!
08-12-2010, 08:48 PM
PS: I just watched your video and it's excellent!
Thanks! It's hard to mess up with such a cute little bugger on video.
Also, if she's afraid of the bottle or a syringe why not mix some Fox Valley formula up and put it in a small bowl for her?
I did have some of that Esbilac in a small dish and what happened was that she'd drink, then sneeze and cough and that's a "PLEASE CATCH PNEMONIA" solution, so I'm not doing that anymore. She does like it, though.
I brought out an eyedropper and she doesn't like the milk out of that, but she does like the milk, so the yougurt/FV solution will be the one and we'll have to suffer with some inappropriate diet for a couple days until FV gets here. I'll go get some yogurt, though. That'll be better than nothing.
08-13-2010, 12:49 AM
I have some extra nipples for the syringes if you want me to send you some.
If so, just pm me your address.
Sounds like you are on the right track:thumbsup :grouphug
08-13-2010, 01:00 AM
lol. You rock.
Great advice, thanks. I have to start small, but I have resources behind me. Origionallly, I was looking for a girl to spend my money on. Turns out, it wasn't the girl I was expecting.
Not to worry - in a lot of ways the girls will very similar. They both would like to be hand fed little bites of their special favorites, and have you whispering sweet nothings to them. And both would LOVE presents....lots of presents. And in return, they will whisper in your ear, give you sweet kisses, and even little love bites! And both would think that you are just the most WONDERFUL man in the world. So even if it isn't the girl you were expecting, I think you will be more than satisfied with the one that you got. :D
08-14-2010, 08:25 PM
Ironically, here's my primary hobby.
Ultra Peepi
08-17-2010, 01:52 PM
:Welcome a very late welcome, but i know you're gonna love it here and make lots of friends! your little girl is soooo cute!!!:D
08-29-2010, 11:44 PM
oh, I figured out what the straddling my arm was.
She was self-stimulating. She was peeing on me. So, if you see this behaviour, maybe bring a towel.
09-06-2010, 04:48 AM
Update. I know the set up is wrong and needs fixing, but for now this is the way it is. I'm going to remove the middle shelf and add a nice big log.
But here we are playing and getting along :)
09-07-2010, 02:28 PM
she is too cute for words!
yes, FV or Jackies formula at least 3-4 times a day until weaned pelase.
rubber nipple on 1 cc syringe can make a difference.
to make feeding easier; very dark, quiet room, wrap her in fleece/cotton shirt, and try covering her eyes with a flap of cloth *before* giving syringe.
it may sound counterintuitive, but some (not all) baby mammals who DO have eyes open have hard times accepting formula from plastic.
dip the tip in syrup just a bit maybe?
09-07-2010, 04:28 PM
she is too cute for words!
yes, FV or Jackies formula at least 3-4 times a day until weaned pelase.
rubber nipple on 1 cc syringe can make a difference.
to make feeding easier; very dark, quiet room, wrap her in fleece/cotton shirt, and try covering her eyes with a flap of cloth *before* giving syringe.
it may sound counterintuitive, but some (not all) baby mammals who DO have eyes open have hard times accepting formula from plastic.
dip the tip in syrup just a bit maybe?
She's on solid foods with occasional FV. Henry's growth blocks on the way to be here soon.
Eats like a pig, drinks from the drip water bottle, loves broccoli, criminis, apples, baby corn and eats the rodent blocks (blech) with surprising gusto.
Plays a LOT, super active.
Here's a better one to show how crazy fast she is.
(I know, there's pee on the bottom level, she shreds any newspaper I put down there and that winds up getting all over the place (including the area around the cage) so my only recourse is a daily wiping down that hadn't happened at the time I filmed this, if anyone has a great idea on how to deal with it in a better way, I'm all ears. I was thinking carpet, but the loops might be bad)
09-20-2010, 04:16 AM
I didn't know where to put this, but I wish I had more input to help noobs and stuff.
Yall have helped me a TON and I wish I could give back.
Sorry, I feel like I only take and can rarely give here.
Thanks a TON!
10-29-2010, 03:42 AM
I've decided to name her "Stu" by the way.
Yes, this is my squirrel, ....
10-29-2010, 07:01 AM
I've decided to name her "Stu" by the way.
Yes, this is my squirrel, ....
you have that backwards.
you are HER HUMAN!!!! :rotfl
How does it feel to be owned?
11-04-2010, 02:03 AM
Ok, this update is about 3 weeks old.
A while ago I figured that the ferret hammock was doing no good in the cage (it's a place you go when you insist on wandering into the kitchen). So I hung it up between the box and the birdcage.
Well. She moved out of my box and into the hammock (I'm guessing that this simulates moving out of mom's house and getting her own pad). (nice)
A few days ago, I gave her a pecan, she darted through her cat door and was back 5 minutes later.
Man, this smells like a really great soft release. I am so happy with how this is going. She's out in rain all day, cold all (ok, well, most) of those days.
I feel pretty good about this shiznat.
you have that backwards.
you are HER HUMAN!!!! :rotfl
How does it feel to be owned?
I'd settle for sexually abused :P
Also SQUIRREL STU I mean, come on, that's funny.
11-04-2010, 06:53 AM
, this smells like a really great soft release. I am so happy with how this is going. She's out in rain all day, cold all (ok, well, most) of those days.
I feel pretty good about this shiznat.
It's a almost good but she still needs to respect/fear you and humankind alike...that's how it has to be.
If she runs up to the wrong person she could be injured and suffer a slow painful death OR killed outright.
settle for sexually abused :P
wrong site for that...this is the warm fuzzy place
SQUIRREL STU I mean, come on, that's funny.
Too stringy , not enough meat
11-16-2010, 03:16 AM
Wow, re-reading my OP is so far off the mark that it's crazy. whoa.
Anyway, here's an update, taken a couple weeks ago.
11-16-2010, 06:53 AM
Wow, re-reading my OP is so far off the mark that it's crazy. whoa.
Anyway, here's an update, taken a couple weeks ago.
your are LOVED!
very sweet vid. She has the cutest little face especially when she's all relaxed.
island rehabber
11-16-2010, 07:46 AM
awwwwwwwwwww! such a pretty girl...good manicurist too, I bet :D
06-06-2011, 03:32 PM
Bumping my old thread, didn't figure it needed a new one.
Stew has gone into heat, she's hardly around anymore, spends more nights outside than in. She tolerates little pets on the head, but anything more than that is apparently a warrant for reprimand via squirrel teeth. To be served upon sight.
I think she's moving, yay!
IMO, this can be moved to success stories, it's been more successful I'd ever thought it would.
I hope she sticks around the neighborhood so I can see her sometimes.
Stew and I thank everyone for their help, we couldn't have done it without you all.
06-06-2011, 04:56 PM
:wave123 Good to see you Eric...and great update on Stew, sounds like success to me!
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