View Full Version : Have 2 squirrels WILL LISTEN!!!!
08-11-2010, 03:25 AM
I have 2 squirrels and the question is, they're brother and sister will they mate?? I also have a problem with jealousy, let me tell u these critters are too smart to even try to figure out!! If I don't give attention equally, I get bit! Especially by the female she is sooo much more aggresive!! She has attacked my husband, (His face!) and when she's pissed my face too!
Does anyone else have this problem? I am the only one who can go near them!
The female makes chattering sounds and other sounds too. I know the difference and clear out when she's pissed! But I feel like I can't trust her!!
08-11-2010, 03:28 AM
Squirrels(other than flyers) do not often mate in captivity, especially siblings. I don't think that is a concern.
How old are the squirrels? It seems to me like they are trying to tell you they are growing up. Giving them a safe and secure place outside to start learning to be wild would be a good next step to getting them ready for release.
Secret Squirrel
08-11-2010, 08:13 AM
Squirrels(other than flyers) do not often mate in captivity, especially siblings. I don't think that is a concern.
How old are the squirrels? It seems to me like they are trying to tell you they are growing up. Giving them a safe and secure place outside to start learning to be wild would be a good next step to getting them ready for release.
What she said.....good post !!!:thumbsup
Yep, sounds like they are wilding up and nothing in the world will reverse this natural occurance.
As much as we want them as pets, nature has a bigger plan for them.
Good luck and watch your eyes...nose, ears...!!!!
08-11-2010, 03:10 PM
I agree with above posters...squirrels that are raised with another squirrel are much more likely to wild up quickly and be ready to release... and do watch the face and eyes, I got scratched in the eye by my gray...and had problems for a week. There is lots of good advice here about getting the squirrels ready for a release.
08-11-2010, 06:17 PM
I have a female squirrel that got out and got pregnant. She got a little mean while pregnant and even meaner after the babies came. I gave her her space. The babies lived in the house 3 days. and she moved them out to an outside nest. When she comes home she is my sweet baby squirrel girl again. Hope your squirrels did not get pregnant. Now my Galileo has been home quite a bit today. I need to get back to the main board and ask about that.
Ultra Peepi
08-17-2010, 01:31 PM
:Welcome agreed that the "wilding up" has begun... there is lots of good advice here on how to help them transition to the outside again. goodluck!
08-25-2010, 01:16 AM
Hey all! Thanx for the help. I want to tell you more about my squirrels now. My niece called me to come and get these 2 baby squirrels coz their mom was dead lying under a car. I think she was trying to move them, as their nest was no longer safe, ( the owner of the home did yard work and the nest was underneath her deck. )
I had a male squirrel last summer. He was Gibroni, and he fell outta a nest in the tree in my backyard. I took him in, cleaned up his bloody nose, and immediately researched online what to do. I think he was at least a month, a month and a half old. Gorgeous and so sweet. He took to the puppy formula right away, and loved to be cuddled and kissed. He made a nest above my kitchen cabinets, and that's where he felt most comfortable. I never had to cage him. He would come in to my room in the morning and wake me up! The problem was, he was alone and at first looking at himself in the mirror was good enough. But he so wanted to go outside, and I let him. He would go out my window in the morning and return home every night. Unfortunately I think he got into bait that one of the neighbors put out to keep the field mice and other unwanted rodents out of their homes/ yards.
I didn't realize what was wrong until it was too late. My baby died in my arms after he looked at me with such total trust and love, made a squeal, and died.
I still cry about it. Never can I replace this squirrel. He was the BEST. If any of you all had what I had with this squirrel, you can relate.
We had quiet, momma and baby time every morning, where I'd hold him belly up and pet him and talk to him for at least an hour. He would cuddle and lick my arms and hands, and the love this squirrel gave me, was something I can never explain to anyone, but I will say, I loved/ love him and miss him so much and I still cry to this day.
The 2 new babies, Booga and Schtinka Boo are gorgeous, but since they have each other, they only need me to an extent. Booga is the male and he loves to be loved. I can handle him belly up and kiss him, just like Gibroni, but Schtinka Boo gets jealous and jumps all over him and tries everything in her power to break up our momma-baby time. I try to give her the same time, but she's not as easy to hold as Booga. She comes to me when she wants to, and she will not allow me to hold her like Booga does. She also knows my scent and if there's another scent,(like my ferrets or my husbands) she sniffs long and deep and snubs me, or bites my hands or fingers. She plays coy and slowly crawls down my arm to get to the hand/fingers, and ouch she bites hard enough to draw blood, and more than once!! Sometimes I have to like fling her off to end the sneaky attack. She also has a problem with wet hair! If I let her sit on my shoulder after a shower, she goes for the face.
Anyway she has been warming up to me lately, and Booga has been a wee bit aggresive this past week. He growls at me a little bit, and will try to grab at my hands to bite me!
Today I accidentely left my bedroom screen open and my babies were playing with me all over the house, and I had to put them in the bedroom to cook dinner, and when I went in to get them, they had both went out the window. Now, Booga has gone out the window once before and he hung out in the tree in my backyard over night and came home the next morning on his own. Schtinka has never been out and as a matter of fact, the only time Booga went out, she sat on the sill and would not go out. Booga came home alone and I'm worried about my girl. I saw Booga out the window when he was out and I couldn't see her at all. I'm just praying she's OK and figures out how to come home. Even though she's tempermental, she's still my baby girl whom I fed every 4 hours with a syringe for a month!!
I hope all you squirrel lovers understand how I feel, coz no one in my house seems to. They all think I'm NUTS.
As far as releasing them back to the wild, I would in a heartbeat. I only want what's best for them, and I will do whatever I have to. I don't think of them as pets, these are wild animals, and I have been given the chance to share some time with them. It's an honor, one which I will never forget, or take for granted.
I wish my digital camera was working, coz I have so many pictures to share with you all. I think they're just about 5-6 months old. They had fur and long skinny tails when I first took them in, that was the week after Easter. They learned how to hold Cheerios, and absolutely freaked for avocado!!
Everyday is a new and fun learning experience.
I was kinda hoping they would mate, but I wasn't sure about the incest thing. They are assuming the positions daily though!.
Please say a little prayer that Schtinka Boo comes home soon. If anything happened to her I'll never forgive myself.
I hope I didn't bore anyone too much, but who else can I talkToo?
Just call me Gibroni---Heartbroken Mom.
08-25-2010, 03:32 AM
Hey all! Thanx for the help. I want to tell you more about my squirrels now. My niece called me to come and get these 2 baby squirrels coz their mom was dead lying under a car. I think she was trying to move them, as their nest was no longer safe, ( the owner of the home did yard work and the nest was underneath her deck. )
I had a male squirrel last summer. He was Gibroni, and he fell outta a nest in the tree in my backyard. I took him in, cleaned up his bloody nose, and immediately researched online what to do. I think he was at least a month, a month and a half old. Gorgeous and so sweet. He took to the puppy formula right away, and loved to be cuddled and kissed. He made a nest above my kitchen cabinets, and that's where he felt most comfortable. I never had to cage him. He would come in to my room in the morning and wake me up! The problem was, he was alone and at first looking at himself in the mirror was good enough. But he so wanted to go outside, and I let him. He would go out my window in the morning and return home every night. Unfortunately I think he got into bait that one of the neighbors put out to keep the field mice and other unwanted rodents out of their homes/ yards.
I didn't realize what was wrong until it was too late. My baby died in my arms after he looked at me with such total trust and love, made a squeal, and died.
I still cry about it. Never can I replace this squirrel. He was the BEST. If any of you all had what I had with this squirrel, you can relate.
We had quiet, momma and baby time every morning, where I'd hold him belly up and pet him and talk to him for at least an hour. He would cuddle and lick my arms and hands, and the love this squirrel gave me, was something I can never explain to anyone, but I will say, I loved/ love him and miss him so much and I still cry to this day.
The 2 new babies, Booga and Schtinka Boo are gorgeous, but since they have each other, they only need me to an extent. Booga is the male and he loves to be loved. I can handle him belly up and kiss him, just like Gibroni, but Schtinka Boo gets jealous and jumps all over him and tries everything in her power to break up our momma-baby time. I try to give her the same time, but she's not as easy to hold as Booga. She comes to me when she wants to, and she will not allow me to hold her like Booga does. She also knows my scent and if there's another scent,(like my ferrets or my husbands) she sniffs long and deep and snubs me, or bites my hands or fingers. She plays coy and slowly crawls down my arm to get to the hand/fingers, and ouch she bites hard enough to draw blood, and more than once!! Sometimes I have to like fling her off to end the sneaky attack. She also has a problem with wet hair! If I let her sit on my shoulder after a shower, she goes for the face.
Anyway she has been warming up to me lately, and Booga has been a wee bit aggresive this past week. He growls at me a little bit, and will try to grab at my hands to bite me!
Today I accidentely left my bedroom screen open and my babies were playing with me all over the house, and I had to put them in the bedroom to cook dinner, and when I went in to get them, they had both went out the window. Now, Booga has gone out the window once before and he hung out in the tree in my backyard over night and came home the next morning on his own. Schtinka has never been out and as a matter of fact, the only time Booga went out, she sat on the sill and would not go out. Booga came home alone and I'm worried about my girl. I saw Booga out the window when he was out and I couldn't see her at all. I'm just praying she's OK and figures out how to come home. Even though she's tempermental, she's still my baby girl whom I fed every 4 hours with a syringe for a month!!
I hope all you squirrel lovers understand how I feel, coz no one in my house seems to. They all think I'm NUTS.
As far as releasing them back to the wild, I would in a heartbeat. I only want what's best for them, and I will do whatever I have to. I don't think of them as pets, these are wild animals, and I have been given the chance to share some time with them. It's an honor, one which I will never forget, or take for granted.
I wish my digital camera was working, coz I have so many pictures to share with you all. I think they're just about 5-6 months old. They had fur and long skinny tails when I first took them in, that was the week after Easter. They learned how to hold Cheerios, and absolutely freaked for avocado!!
Everyday is a new and fun learning experience.
I was kinda hoping they would mate, but I wasn't sure about the incest thing. They are assuming the positions daily though!.
Please say a little prayer that Schtinka Boo comes home soon. If anything happened to her I'll never forgive myself.
I hope I didn't bore anyone too much, but who else can I talkToo?
Just call me Gibroni---Heartbroken Mom.
Like my girl. She's young, but I think she's telling me that she wants to be a free squirrel.
It's not my decision. It's her's.
Yep, I could lock her up. Cage her, Control her. But that's not right.
Rats are fairly immune to the incest thing, IDK about tree rats, though.
Leave them some avacado on the porch, be nice to them, maybe you'll have some of the best love there is, nature loving you back.
Edit: I really got to check the dates on posts, and then read the rest of the thread. wat???
island rehabber
08-25-2010, 06:13 AM
Grey squirrels supposedly do NOT mate in captivity, siblings or not, so I don't think you need to worry.
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