View Full Version : Do I have an odd one?
08-05-2010, 12:20 PM
SO I have read that they are demanding, messy and get wild as they age. While he "is" a bit demanding, he isn't messy at all. He uses one spot in his cage to potty. And the older he gets the more affectionate he is getting. he lets us hold him and kiss on him, backs his butt up to you to "butt rub" gets on the floor and follows you around like a dog.....he a wonderful, sweet little guy. He's about was about 7 or 8 weeks when we found him on June 15th.
Nah, you pretty much a normal one that has learned to love its mommy.
Ones that don't recieve the attention you give, are the ones that may be difficult.
08-05-2010, 01:04 PM
I was just curious, so many people said that they were difficult to keep....but he's just one of the family
08-05-2010, 05:18 PM
You found yourself a lover, lucky you. As he get a little older you may see some changes, maybe picking one special person to love and not want much from anyone else.:)
08-05-2010, 07:18 PM
My girls a bit of a snuggler still. She'll lay on my chest while I hold and pet her and she nibbles my finger, sometimes her eyes half close because she's sleepy. So cute! She follows me around in my room, and I'm DEFIANTLY her favorite. hehe
Unfortunately, she poops EVERYWHERE! The Stinker! I envy you the one spot. But, I love her. So oh well.
Your boy loves you :)
08-05-2010, 07:44 PM
I never imaged I would have a squirrel as a baby! I've had crows, a monkey, a pig and of course my darlings (dogs) All my babies have lived to good old ripe ages.......I hope Nugget is with us for a very long time. I can't imagine life without him now. He's such a goof ball too LOL
08-05-2010, 09:00 PM
Picture of Nugget! Picture!:bounce2
08-05-2010, 09:11 PM
YES! Pictures please! We're photo junkies. And all so far gone, rehab is useless! haha
Kelly Brady
08-07-2010, 07:28 PM
Hi Lady V.
As Nugget matures you may see some changes. Such as male urges to mate and or just plain grumpiness. My peanut is one year this month and he has bitten in a grumpy mood etc. but he is so loving and sweet and is so very much a part of our family. We cannot imagine our life without him.
We released him three times. The first time he was out for two to three weeks and came home. The second and third time he would not leave he sat at the back door morning and night to come back inside. He is so special and it sounds like your Nugget is just the same way.:rotfl
Enjoy all of that lovin. There is nothing like squirrel love:Love_Icon
08-07-2010, 07:35 PM
Hi Lady V.
As Nugget matures you may see some changes. Such as male urges to mate and or just plain grumpiness. My peanut is one year this month and he has bitten in a grumpy mood etc. but he is so loving and sweet and is so very much a part of our family. We cannot imagine our life without him.
We released him three times. The first time he was out for two to three weeks and came home. The second and third time he would not leave he sat at the back door morning and night to come back inside. He is so special and it sounds like your Nugget is just the same way.:rotfl
Enjoy all of that lovin. There is nothing like squirrel love:Love_Icon
haha. He probably wet out there, wondered WHAT THE HECK he was doing having to try and find food when his mom was giving it to him daily, and came back. And thought you were nuts for trying to get him to go outside again! :rotfl I'm still trying to get my girl to go outside...thought I doubt she will. "I like being handed food on a silver platter, thank you very much. Crazy human." :p
08-07-2010, 08:47 PM
He is still a baby, he should wild up before too long. Right now everything seems great, he is still the new "pet" and everyone is excited about having him, but they live up to 15-20 years in captivity if properly cared for! And they are demanding and messy! Right now is the time to be thinking of release, not making him a pet. Have you given him an opportunity to wild out (put him in an outside cage, let him hear and see the other squirrels in your yard, etc.)?
08-09-2010, 12:48 AM
I have had the "new" pet many times and loved them till their death at old age (dogs, cats, ferrets, pig, monkey, iguanas, tarantulas). He is not a good candidate for release! He gets on my Poms back and rides, thinks nothing of going right up to our other dogs and is friendly with anyone that comes into the house, playing with them and such. I would be afraid he would be eaten!
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