View Full Version : Is it too COLD tonight???

11-03-2006, 05:30 PM
Not sure if anyone will log on in time for today, But...

Supposed to be 29 degrees tonight, 27 tomorrow night. Brrrr. Not much wind. And sunny during the day, around 50.

Buddy (15 weeks) has been outside almost a week and in the garage several nights before that. Is it too cold? Should we try to get him into the smaller cage and bring him inside for the night? Last night was low 30s and he seemed fine this morning. How cold is too cold?

11-03-2006, 07:03 PM
ahhhh Buddy's Mom, I feel for you. If only it would always be 70 I would worry so much less. If he was fine at 30, he will be fine at 27. I'm sure you have lots of soft warm bedding for him. Think of those poor squirrels out there that have no one to worry about them. I spend most of the winter worrying about all the wild animals, yet they thrive. I'll be thinking of you tonight, Gabe

11-03-2006, 07:11 PM
27 here bbbrrrrrrrrrr can barley wait for the real deal......:smiley_pirate thumper

11-03-2006, 07:55 PM
...well, yeah, I KNOW .... but he's just a baby.....

It was 75 two days ago .... I know all the squirrels are dealing with the same weather, but figure other adolescents still have their families to snuggle with. Just feel bad for him, is all.

Gabe and Thumper, it must be much colder up there, so I shouldn't be whining! Not supposed to be this cold here now -- the radio said record cold expected. Wish it could have waited a bit.

11-03-2006, 08:27 PM
My little ones are out there tonight, I hope they are snuggled together bless their hearts. :Love_Icon
You know what I am nutty enough to do, set my alarm and check on him through the night.

11-04-2006, 11:59 AM
Buddy says: "Good morning. I'm just fine. You shouldn't have worried about me, Mom and Dad." Actually, he poked his nose out a quite bit later than usual this morning, but I guess he's got himself a cozy space in the nestbox. It's sunny and warming up pretty quickly ("warm" being a bit relative).

After breakfast I managed to find him some wild strawberries, a big favorite. Not sure how long they will be available (never paid attention before). We do have quite an abundance throughout the yard (actual grass not being high on our priority list; as long as it's green, it's OK), but only the edges of the yard seem to get high enough to bloom and fruit. Buddy loves 'em:

11-04-2006, 12:12 PM
I'd say he's one spoiled little boy and deserves every bit of it!
What a little ham.
Preston was here earlier than usual to eat. His normal is 11a.m.
Being so cold I didnt expect him?
See Mommy what a big boy I am becoming?
I am thinking of building a tree house next time I have squirrels to release. Does that sound like I am going overboard? I want to watch them more closely!
I LOVE that picture of him. Look at his little mouth chewing! I could watch them all day. Love his snowy grey coloring on his shoulder/back area.

11-04-2006, 02:19 PM
Oh my Stars!!! Wild strawberries!!! Timber would move up there with you in a heart beat. That is his very favorite food. Mind you he will have nothing to do with the domesticated ones we eat but he can eat himself sick with the wild ones and if you have any in your hand you had better drop them faster than a speeding bullet because he will just as soon as take your hand off with the percision of ginsu knives for them. But we only have them in the spring here. And only for about 4 to 6 weeks then its poutting time around here for awhile. Like he thinks that I can you know what them or that for some reason it is my fault when they go away.

11-04-2006, 05:03 PM
I am thinking of building a tree house next time I have squirrels to release. Does that sound like I am going overboard? I want to watch them more closely!

What a great idea. I bet you would be out there with your sleeping bag and all your squirrel treats. Better watch out for the wilds, they would love some treats too. :hugh

11-05-2006, 10:02 AM
I poke the strawberries thru the cage -- and he grabs them faster than I can even see. And none of THOSE get buried for later, you can be assured! And SUCH disappointment when they are all gone! Despite vast quantities of the vines, I can one usually find 5 or 6 ripe ones at a time. I had been bringing them as treats when he was getting used to being outside, so it wasn't all bad and scary. But they can only be treats as he turns up his nose foreverything else after they are gone, even avocado!

Timber, it's surprising you have such a short season there, I would have expected them to be almost year round. Maybe a different variety grows there? Poor squirrels. Sorry we don't have enough to share.

Yes, Buddy is a little spoiled (lol). While you all might have thought his release cage was finished and perfectly wonderful LAST week, turns out to be a work-in-progress. The plywood back blocked his view of "his" tree. Fortunately it was in 2 pieces - the top portion has now been replaced with heavy, but clear, plastic (on the outside) so the wind is blocked but not the tree. Also, he has an additional tree-side little door. And a few bales of straw (snow-block? place to sit? I'm not entirely sure, but it gives us a warm place to sit and visit). :D At least we know he will have a cozy place to come all winter if he doesn't make a suitable place in the tree.

11-05-2006, 10:12 AM
Buddysmom, You & hubby have done an excellent job, I see future generations of little Buddy mans coming home to Mom & Dad.

11-05-2006, 10:20 AM
We definitely got hooked, r-n-l!! Until you get up-close-and-personal with them you just have NO IDEA how charming and cute the little guys are!!!

We are still a bit nervous about how he will act once released. Hopefully he will mind his manners and just go off and do his squirrely stuff! (with visits, of course!)

11-05-2006, 03:50 PM
Yes it is something how we get hooked once we find out what personalities these little angels have. I love that little picture of him. Do you have a release date in mind or are you just playing it by ear according to his actions.

11-05-2006, 07:05 PM
We think he's ready. Second nestbox went into the cage today so he could get used to it -- took only minutes, he went right in (had a couple of his old blankies so it smelled right). B'sDad will put that nestbox into the tree tomorrow. Release will be one of the next couple of days, depending on what's doing with the rain coming -- at the moment only a slight chance Tuesday, so maybe we will let him out tomorrow, if not, after the rain is done. This week is going to be so mild and sunny, it's a golden opportunity. I estimate he'll be 16 weeks on Thursday, so that's about right.

island rehabber
11-05-2006, 10:34 PM
Release will be one of the next couple of days, depending on what's doing with the rain coming -- at the moment only a slight chance Tuesday, so maybe we will let him out tomorrow, if not, after the rain is done. This week is going to be so mild and sunny, it's a golden opportunity. I estimate he'll be 16 weeks on Thursday, so that's about right.

Good luck with it all, BMom (& BDad), sounds as if you have it well under control. Buddy is the same age as Roadie....and we are lucking out here in the mid-Atlantic states with a nice mild week coming up. Also, a little rain won't hurt him; squirrels love it. NRBF used to make a "water feature" for the kids by sprinkling them in their cage with a watering can, and they loved it. Makes a mess, of course. :)

11-06-2006, 08:05 AM
Unbelievable how they dont mind the rain!
Now wind, thats a different story!

11-06-2006, 08:16 AM
Thanks, IR. B'sDad got up early this morning to finish up the second nestbox and get it up in the tree. Hopefully can open the door for him by noon or so.
More chance of rain tomorrow than originally forecast, but it's going to be warm, so he can figure out what to do without getting totally miserable and chilled. He can go into one of the boxes if he doesn't like it. (I'm thinking the "water feature" may be more of a draw for the summer squirrels?? -- thinking this may suggest an idea for a new contest? "Lifestyles of the Squirrelly-and-TSB-Famous"?? (LOL))