View Full Version : Had to share this

07-27-2010, 11:51 AM
All the past debates about what blocks squirrels will eat came to mind today. I haven't been feeding my released squirrels (Noodle and Dumpling). I've been encouraging them to be wild (semi successfully they still adore me and run up my leg). Now and then I'll toss rodent block and nuts but I long ago stopped going broke on produce for squirrels perfectly able to forage on their own.

Anyhow... I heard hawks outside and decided to tempt my babies in with some good stuff. I cut up broccoli, grapes, cherries, carrot, mushroom, sugar snap peas, apple, avocado and other goodies. I also tossed rodent block on the plate.

I walk outside to see BOTH girls in the squaviary full out munching on... are you ready for this?? Yeah the harlan teklad rodent block. I about laughed myself silly!

So there ya have it. Wild squirrels will choose harlan teklad over the goodies on the place including the two walnuts.

Jackie in Tampa
07-27-2010, 11:59 AM
:) in the world of sqs, nothing surprises me...my flyers love love love MONKEY BISCUTS...who knew!
My wilds (not releases) will eat veggies and anything I put out...
I too have reduced the outsiders treats and nuts, for the same reasons...they need to forge!

07-27-2010, 06:04 PM
Scooby much prefers monkey biscuit to the other stuff. Well first fruits and veggies then the monkey chow. She will turn three in a few days and looks amazing. I'm afraid to change anything!

island rehabber
07-27-2010, 07:03 PM
I did not have good luck with Harlan Teklad; only my two neuro's liked it (Pasquale, then Lenny) :dono
I've had better luck with Zupreem monkey biscuit than with the Mazuri (nobody liked that). I've had the best luck with HHBs. Also, I've forced myself to get tougher: the babies get nothing BUT blocks (and formula, of course) from when their eyes open until they are about 8 wks old. That's when I let them find out how good everything else tastes. By that time they are still loving the blocks even when there are other foods to pick from, and even fight over them sometimes. But you cannot give in and slip the cute little newly-eyes-opened baby an almond -- All Is Lost if you do :nono