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pnuts mama
07-20-2010, 03:35 PM
I introduced myself a few weeks ago. I put my baby Pnut up in the gray squirrel forum, and that very day she decided it was time to venture out on her own. After weeks of crying and calling, I've decided that she's probably happier living free. I've spotted her a couple of times in the neighbor's corn patch, but she won't come to me. The call of the wild was stronger than love for her "mama". :Love_Icon

I raised her from a tiny baby, and let me tell ya, she was my world! You guys were a godsend, and my source of info when I was learning how to care for my new baby. I had a wonderful year and a half with her, and I still can't bring myself to take down her "stuff". Everything is exactly where she left it.

So here I am, with the empty nest syndrome. I'm dying for a new "baby" to devote my time, money, and heart to. I've done some research and thought about getting a flier, but I haven't been able to locate any babies anywhere close to me (MS). I've considered a glider, and maybe I'm just a bit partial, but I miss having a squirrel in the house and it just wouldn't be the same.

I'm officially volunteering, requesting, begging, etc to take in any baby that someone needs help with. No, I'm not a rehabber. I'm just a mommy without a baby. I learned all the tricks, monitored TSB daily, got up every 2 hours to feed and potty, carried her to work in my pocket, and devoted my entire heart to pnut. I raised a happy, healthy strong girl who seems to be doing fine on her own, but her mommy is just lost!!

I live in MS, and legal or not, I don't think there's anything wrong at all with someone loving and raising an orphaned baby. So if anyone even close to MS needs a home for a squirrel-baby, I'm your lady! I apologize for the long post, but I guess I feel the need to explain that I'm volunteering an EXPERIENCED and loving home. You can't trust a baby with just anybody :nono

Please contact me anytime! Thanks guys for what you do. TSB is awesome.

07-20-2010, 03:43 PM
I introduced myself a few weeks ago. I put my baby Pnut up in the gray squirrel forum, and that very day she decided it was time to venture out on her own. After weeks of crying and calling, I've decided that she's probably happier living free. I've spotted her a couple of times in the neighbor's corn patch, but she won't come to me. The call of the wild was stronger than love for her "mama". :Love_Icon

Bless your heart:Love_Icon We all known how you feel....If she won't come to you let me assure you that you did everything right in caring and releasing this baby:wott Good Job and I hope you get some more baby's soon. They need you as much as you need them. Good Luck

pnuts mama
07-20-2010, 03:59 PM
I really believe that being free is the right thing, if that's what she wanted. I honestly couldn't have imagined it at the time. She was my cuddle-bug, and I couldn't picture her out in the wild without someone to rub her tummy everyday, or scratch that squirrely-spot under her arm. She used to sit on my head while I put my make-up on and perch on my shoulder while I cooked supper. But alas, the call of the wild did hit her....

Now I have too much free time, and my grocery lists don't revolve around healthy squirrel stuff. I'm really hoping I can help to raise and love another squirrel-baby. Everything I own already has squirrel-teeth marks in it anyway!

Ultra Peepi
07-21-2010, 11:09 AM
i'm so sorry you're missing your friend. i know how hard that is myself. in time, perhaps you will get lucky here and be caring for a little one again. they do get in your heart and just don't budge, don't they? :)

07-21-2010, 11:14 AM
Hi Pnut's Mama. I wouldn't be surprised if Pnut ventured back to you some day for a good meal. Sorry, you are missing her so much and hope you can be in a lucky position in future to take care of another baby.

pnuts mama
07-21-2010, 01:40 PM
I'm still hoping she'll wander on home. They certainly do get deep into your heart, and I'm hoping to have that chance again one day. I was just amazed at how quickly I became so attached to her. She had the funniest little personality, with just a little bit of "attitude" that you couldn't help but love.

07-21-2010, 05:42 PM
I can't imagine how hard it must be and I pray she continues to stay nearby. Never know, maybe she has found squirrley love and will come visit with a family. Sounds like you are a great squammy and another squirrel or squirrel would be lucky to find you. Keep checking in - and maybe give your name and phone number to local vet offices.:grouphug

Kelly Brady
07-21-2010, 07:07 PM
Hi pnuts mom,

Don't give up on your little one, I have had one take off into the trees and did not see for weeks. Then the little fuzzer appeared for some of Mommas good treats. Those days of visits are golden and such a surprise.:D

Some just do not return but I think it means you raised em up right and independent.

I am in a legal state not sure about you, but I let my local pet store know I would help with babies if they needed it. I got 5 calls last fall from them.:D I had a lot of wonderful babies over the Winter and released the first part of March. Good luck.