View Full Version : Hurt paw/arm

07-06-2010, 11:29 AM
Yesterday I was watering my side garden and noticed that one of my juvie squirrels had gotten his little arm stuck in my **squirrel proof** bird feeder. It is the type that has the lever that closes the seed hopper if anything heavy lands on it (squirrel proof my butt). He reached around behind the bar and every time he yanked on it, it closed down tighter. He wasn't in there for more than a few seconds - I dropped the hose, ran over and pressed the lever down and he shot out of the feeder past me like he had been shot from a cannon. I tried to see if he was okay but he disappeared.

I saw him this morning, though, and he is not using the paw - running 3 legged and just dotting it down for bablance with no weight behind it. I ran out and made sure he had apples and PM sammies - he is eating fine and can still run... I am hoping that if I make sure there is plenty of chow he won't have to use it too much and it will heal???

I cannot trap a single squirrel. I have literally hundreds that visit my house! I also have too many to try to medicate a single squirrel. There is no sore or anything on this guy - didn't break the skin, but I bet he broke his little wrist. Tell me that good food will help him get back to health...

07-06-2010, 03:13 PM
Good food will help him heal! Absolutely.

There's a chance he *didn't* break it but just really hurt it. :dono But even if he did break it, he will heal...he will. People heal broken limbs without any intervention on really poor diets all the time...May not be ideal, but it's amazing how the body heals itself! Now imagine a squirrel with all the fresh air, sunshine, natural foods, extra veggies and vitamins/supplements from a Squirrel Saint, and a speedy immune system that heals wounds like lightning!

When it comes to natural health the best way to help heal the body (broken limb, disease etc) is to fast (water only) because then the body has much more energy to focus on healing instead of digesting (which takes up a super amount of energy)... the second best way to heal is with raw veggies/fruit (because they take little energy to digest)... So imo the right diet is crucial to proper and speedy healing. :thumbsup

And one of the worst things for healing is stress...so there's a reason to feel good about not being able to trap him. :D

He'll be ok. Just make sure he has a lot of fresh water and extra veggies/fruit to help him out... A yummy pb sammie stuffed with vits/supplements once in a while isn't going to hurt, either... :D


07-06-2010, 03:43 PM
I have multiple bird baths in the yard, but the squirrels have a little feeding station by my kitchen window where they get their PM sammies (yes they are spiked with vitamins) and apple chunks - nobody wants veggies but apples are a fave. I have the drip dish from a large plant pot that sits on the deck and that is their principle water source. It gets scrubbed and refilled every morning (since I am sure the coonies use it to wash stuff at night). They love their water dish!

I do hope the little grub is okay. I have another baby who got nailed by something - his tail is a bloddy mess, and the last half has been degloved. He is getting around okay - hopefully the good chow will help him out, too.