View Full Version : I have a question about Formula feeding

07-05-2010, 10:43 PM
I have a black squirrel that is about 7 weeks old. He is still only on formula every 4 hours the problem is he will have 17-21 cc's every feeding but then he will skip a whole feeding. He looks healthy, very playful but I just worry. When should I start adding solids to his diet?''Thanks:)

07-06-2010, 03:38 AM
I offer rodent blocks as soon as eyes are opened... at that age they mostly just play with them and taste them... but by 7 weeks they should be eating a variety of solid foods. Follow the thread on nutrition to give your baby the best balanced diet. Most squirrels do not like commercial rodent blocks, although mine eats them just fine. I have found that I like the Henry's Healthy blocks the best tho... my squirrel loves them, and the ingredients are really better than commercial rat blocks ( as far as squirrels are concerned)

I peeled the apples and grapes and tomatoes i gave Scrat when she was younger.

I also still feed her formula (she is over 4 months old)... she laps it out of a saucer and loves it!

I am not sure how to add links-- but look for stickies in the nutrition section for guidance on diet, and also for where to get Henry's blocks, if you decide to feed these.

Good luck, black squirrels are beautiful!

07-06-2010, 01:38 PM
First weigh your baby daily and adjust feeding amounts accordingly. They should eat 5 - 7 % of the weight in grams per feeding. So a 100 gram baby gets 5cc per feeding. I don't increase to 7 % until I drop down to 3 feedings per day. If baby is not hungrey at a scheduled feeding you can lengthen the time between feedings. I start with a 1/2 hour. Babies tend to want to over feed. They gobble down the 5% and want to keep going. Don't let them. A gentle back rub to burb them and they will realize they are full and settle right down.

Hope this helps

Jackie in Tampa
07-06-2010, 02:08 PM
I agree with the 5% rule Mars has explained.
However I do not feed a 7 week old every 4 hours...
I am old school...2 weeks old, every two hours, 5 weeks old, every 5 hours...
at 3 months old I do two feedings a day unless I have a nutritionally challanged sq that needs extra support..
however I am not a Licensed rehabber, just adding what I do...
Rhonda is right...peel everything that has skin, :nono no choking !

Here's a link to the nutrition forum

and my favorite link is the ABCs of Baby Sqs...
read all three articles that are highlighted purple...full of fantastic info!

:poke we love pics...and I love blacks...florida has no blacks naturally!

07-06-2010, 10:49 PM
Thanks everybody for the advice. This is only my second rescue and my first was a red squirrel . I have a lot to learn so I am glad that I found this forum.

07-06-2010, 11:48 PM
Cool, a red, too.
Sounds like you've done well with both.
You do know, pictures are required, right?:poke