View Full Version : My Female grey has no nipples that I can see...?

07-01-2010, 06:27 PM
This may be a dumb question, but, I have a female grey (At least I think it's a female. She doesn't have testicles) and I've noticed that she doesn't have any nipples that I can see. of course, it's hard to tell because she's such a little wiggle worm, but i've managed to pin her down a couple times and brush my figners through her tummy hair, and I'm not seeing any. Is this normal? I don't know if they develop them later or what.

Is it possible she's a male and was fixed? She was already pretty big when I got her, old enough to eat solid food and potty on her own.

Also, if she is a fixed male, wouldn't this make her NR?


ZuZu's mama :Love_Icon

07-01-2010, 06:29 PM
I'll try to get some pictures, if that might help. I'll have t wait for someone to get home, so they can take them while I hold her down. It's hard enough with only two hands, trying to do it with one is impossible.

Kelly Brady
07-01-2010, 08:52 PM
Hi ZuZu girl

I am not a licensed rehabber but may be of some help. I mistaked my little girl for a male when I first got her. Oh it is hard for me to admit that.:dono
She was so very sick and she was peeing on her own so I did not have to stimulate so I overlooked the sex evidently.
They do have a little penis that protrudes outward about a quarter to a half inch up onto the belly (depending on how old they are) to be a male. Sometimes they are so hard to see when they squiggle as you say. But after I got her well and with closer inspection to my surprise it was a girl.
Now my little girl is 8 months old now and I used to rub her flat little belly and never had any nipples present. All of the sudden ....There they are !!!!! running all the way down both sides of her belly. I believe she had her first heat about three weeks ago. Then they appeared. So a much more knowledgable person can sure chime in here however I am sure it takes quite a bit of time for the nipples to appear.

07-01-2010, 09:54 PM
I figured as much. Her..stuff is too far back for her to be a male, I think. You helped a lot, thanks Kelly :)

07-01-2010, 10:02 PM
What's her name, age, any pics? Would love to see the little cutie pie

07-01-2010, 11:23 PM
My Avi is her, and here's a few more. She's a teen. I'm not sure of her exact age. And her name is ZuZu. :)

07-02-2010, 09:15 AM
I too have made that mistake with Jackie. Thought she was a he. But your's is a she.:D

Secret Squirrel
07-02-2010, 10:39 AM
ZuZu is a pretty girl. Love her belly with the brown stripes:grouphug

Back to question about her nipples.....she has them, six to be exact but they are tiny. Since she is covered in fur it's hard to see them on a wiggly girl. Trust me they are there :D just not something she wants to show off. :)

Kelly Brady
07-02-2010, 05:33 PM
Zuzu she is beautiful !!!!!!

What a pretty girl.:bowdown Your pictures show most definitely she is a little girly.
Secret Squirrel is very right. Paco's little nipples were always there. Just so very tiny and flat. Now that she is,, ahem... mature, hers are getting quite pronounced. My little girl is growing up. Thanks for the pictures she is so gorgeous.:D

07-16-2010, 11:03 AM
I too have made that mistake with Jackie. Thought she was a he. But your's is a she.:D

Good. I honestly think I'd feel weird if she had testicles with how much she climbs on me. lol I've seen pictures of the guy squirrels!

07-16-2010, 11:05 AM
ZuZu is a pretty girl. Love her belly with the brown stripes:grouphug

Back to question about her nipples.....she has them, six to be exact but they are tiny. Since she is covered in fur it's hard to see them on a wiggly girl. Trust me they are there :D just not something she wants to show off. :)

Thanks :) I love her belly. I rub it and kiss it lol. And poke it when she's squatted down eating. haha. At my bf's once, she was on top of her cage eating peanut butter that was on her paw, and, the lazy thing, wasn't on her back legs, but Sitting on her BUTT, with her back legs spread out. It was SO cute and funny. I wish I'd had a camera.

07-16-2010, 11:07 AM
Zuzu she is beautiful !!!!!!

What a pretty girl.:bowdown Your pictures show most definitely she is a little girly.
Secret Squirrel is very right. Paco's little nipples were always there. Just so very tiny and flat. Now that she is,, ahem... mature, hers are getting quite pronounced. My little girl is growing up. Thanks for the pictures she is so gorgeous.:D

Aww, thanks. She's even cuter now that her tails filling out. The other day, she was sitting on top of the fan like she likes to do, and she she moved around and stuck her tail in the wind. It was so cute. I got pictures I'll upload later.

07-16-2010, 11:11 AM
:thumbsup Yep,definitely a girl, no question about it, and such a beautiful little girl at that.:wahoo

07-16-2010, 11:24 AM
:thumbsup Yep,definitely a girl, no question about it, and such a beautiful little girl at that.:wahoo

Thanks :) She is. I call her "lady" a lot now because she's growing into such a pretty little lady. hehe

Kelly Brady
07-16-2010, 11:25 AM
Aww, thanks. She's even cuter now that her tails filling out. The other day, she was sitting on top of the fan like she likes to do, and she she moved around and stuck her tail in the wind. It was so cute. I got pictures I'll upload later.

Would love to see pictures. :multi

One of my releases comes back to visit and eat of course and sits on top of a fan too. It freaks me out because I am afraid his tail will drop into the thing. They must like the vibrations from the fan. I am always shewing his tail away. I am just a worry wart:dono
Cannot wait for pics !!!

07-16-2010, 11:28 AM
Would love to see pictures. :multi

One of my releases comes back to visit and eat of course and sits on top of a fan too. It freaks me out because I am afraid his tail will drop into the thing. They must like the vibrations from the fan. I am always shewing his tail away. I am just a worry wart:dono
Cannot wait for pics !!!

I worry too. I'm constantly keeping one eye on her when she decided to hand out on the fan.

I'll go grab the other laptop and upload them. (It's a pain. The camera has no cord, only the chip, which I can't put into my laptop, so I have to upload them on the other, and transfer them over with a USB. lol) Don't have anything else to do, so I might as well do it now. :)

07-16-2010, 11:45 AM
I posted the pics in this thread:


07-18-2010, 09:26 PM
Your girl probably won't show until she's in season.
They are there, just not that apparent.

07-19-2010, 10:24 PM
Your girl probably won't show until she's in season.
They are there, just not that apparent.
When will that be? I saw somewhere it's like twice a year?

Secret Squirrel
07-23-2010, 11:40 AM
It takes a full year for a female to go into heat (season) and they have season twice a year, early spring and early fall.
Most captive squirrels will get nippy or restless during this time so be extra careful when in her presence.
Are you going to release her back into the wild or keep her in captivity ?

07-24-2010, 01:11 AM
It takes a full year for a female to go into heat (season) and they have season twice a year, early spring and early fall.
Most captive squirrels will get nippy or restless during this time so be extra careful when in her presence.
Are you going to release her back into the wild or keep her in captivity ?

I'm seeing how she does outside. She does like it, but as a trip, not for living. We've gone outside a few times, and she shows no interest in staying out there when me and the cage aren't. So, she's going to be getting a new cage as soon as I perfect my plans and go get the supplies. She'll be in it around the start of August. I was also thinking of getting a small bunny rabbit as a friend for her. Do you know if they do well? I was thinking a young female, like her, and I'd see how they do with each other.