View Full Version : Found a baby squirrel, have questions and need help!

06-27-2010, 09:31 PM
Hi Everyone,

I found a baby squirrel tonight as I was walking my dog. I started to walk away but I realized that this little guy was probably orphaned because he started to follow us. I decided to leave (I hoped his mother would find him) and come back later. He was still following any humans he could find when I came back, so I decided that he was in grave danger and needed to be rescued. I brought him home and put him in a small cat carrier with a towel. Here are my questions:

1. Being completely ignorant, I fed him a bit of apple (which he chewed up), and also some heavy cream once from a syringe. He ate ravenously, so I figured he was starved. I'm really worried now that I've potentially caused him great harm. Do you think he will be ok? I have some pedialyte now, which I can give him later. What should I do?

2. I am in the greater Montreal area, and I need to get him to a local wildlife rehabber as I cannot continue to care for him. Does anyone know who I should contact?

He is currently curled up in the towel sleeping soundly, and he does not seem to be injured (he can walk/hop, and kept climbing up my leg).

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I desperately want to rescue this little guy.


psychotic feather
06-27-2010, 09:37 PM
If you have a heating pad you will need to place it underneath half of the carrier on low. I would take out the towel because the baby can get its nails caught on the loops and it will cause a lot of problems. If you have some t-shirts or fleece that would be much better to put in. A rehabber will be here to help you soon :grouphug you can also make a post in the non life threatening section in order to get more attention from the rehabbers

06-27-2010, 11:26 PM
Thank you for saving this little one!

I'm not a rehabber either, although they are usually pretty quick to respond so someone should be on to help soon.

I would suggest though to go back to the area where you found this little one and give a listen/look to see if there are any siblings. Squirrels typically have litters of 1 - 4 babies, so there could be other little ones out there that were to frightened to come out. I would hate to think of a wee one left behind :shakehead

Does the baby seem dehydated? (Pinch the skin and see how fast it bounces back, if it takes a while then he/she is dehydrated) I would think that giving it some pedialyte would be a good start - use a 1cc syringe (if possible) and go SLOWLY so that you don't aspirate the little one.

The rehabbers will probably want pictures to gauge the baby's age. Good luck, I am sure someone will be on soon to help!

08-08-2010, 10:13 PM
im in high shcool so im not home part of the day and my dad works all day, we found a baby squirrel by our pool and i have been caring for it this weekend but i have to be at my school from 6-12. will the squirrel be okay for that time i am gone?

Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2010, 06:20 AM
garnergirl...this is an old thread, I am going to try to start a thread for you...where are you located in texas?
we have several members there that may be able to help... I am sending you a pm with a link to YOUR new thread!
Thank you for helping him/her...:Love_Icon