View Full Version : allow me to introduce myself :)
06-26-2010, 05:46 PM
Hello everybody, thought I would do first things first and let you know who I am. My name is Jennifer and I have a female fox squirrel that I received on my birthday this past fall in September:D . Actually she was found by one of the neighbor kids and she was pretty young. Her eyes were opened and tail had just the beginnings of some fuzz and I believe she and the sibling we found making his way down the tree a couple of hours later had somehow lost momma squirrel. We have a squirrel hunting/killing cat next door :shakehead . I took her in and started researching what to do. She was very dehydrated and refused water or any kind of food. I decided to let her be overnight, kept her quiet and warm overnight and checked in on her from time to time. She was very friendly :). The next day I was finally able to get her to drink a little diluted pedialyte by use of a half cc syringe, and after that, she was gung ho. Drank like a pro and began to eat a bit, not much, she was mostly just turning the pecan pieces I gave her to sawdust, but she was trying. I was thrilled. Later that day she began to have I guess what was a mild seizure...couldn't stop her head from bobbing rythmically and she was obviously having a hard time. I rushed to the store and got some esbilac puppy milk and got that in her asap. She improved quickly and well, she is still here with me today. I have not released her because we also have a cat. Cat has learned to fear Snickers (her name) and so has our dog. Snickers thinks she is the biggest, baddest squill alive. So I am afraid she would think so outside too and find herself as a kitty delicacy. Or doggy. We have tons of both around here.
Anyway, I found this site recently and have found it to be extremely helpful but I do have a few questions that maybe some of you could answer. I won't post them here now, I will find the proper topic to post under. And I will also put some photos up as soon as I am able.
Thanks for reading!
Pointy Tale
06-26-2010, 05:54 PM
Hi Jennifer :Welcome to The Squirrel Board. Oh dear a squirrel hunting/killing cat, so glad you saved this one. So your cat and dog fear Snickers, that is too funny! I can't wait for you to share your photos, we love photos here.
There are many wonderful members and rehabbers on here who would be able to answer your questions and if I can help direct you to anything, please just let me know.
06-26-2010, 06:52 PM
Hello and welcome! You will find tons of really good advice and company here. There are the best people in the world..and everyone truly loves squirrels. Do check out the nutrition section... i learned soooo much about what to feed to keep my baby happy and healthy.
06-26-2010, 07:07 PM
Hi Jennifer! You sure came to the right place. Lots of loving folks here. Lots of good advice. :Welcome
06-26-2010, 07:35 PM
Thanks so much everybody! I have really enjoyed reading and learning things the last several weeks. And I know there are some totally awesome members out there who will give me tons of great advice :) . Looking forward to getting to know everybody. This is such a great place....always good to meet other people who share the same interests. And especially others who love squirrels! I adore them. When I was a little girl, I stayed with my grandparents much of the time and they have a huge pecan tree in the back yard. You know what that means, hehe. There was a squirrel that would see me when I came out to play and would run down the trunk of the tree. It would never come to me but we sure did have fun playing chase! Around and around the trunk of the tree until we got tired and go our separate ways.
Ever since that time I thought it would be so fun to have one as a pet.
Well here it is thirty some odd years later, and I was right! She's the best and I love her to death. So naturally I want to do the very best for her and keep her happy and healthy for as long as possible. I am so grateful I found TSB! Thanks guys :thankyou
06-26-2010, 07:40 PM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome Squillgurl, love them little foxers, hope to see yours soon.
Hi Jennifer, so glad you found this place. You and Snickers will be in great hands with lots of advice and support. I can't wait to see some pictures of your baby girl. :Welcome
06-26-2010, 09:27 PM
Here are a few pictures of my little girl :)
The first pic is day one, the second several weeks later...this is exactly where she would stay if I left the room, until I came back...the third and fourth were a few months ago...gotta love her :D
Pointy Tale
06-27-2010, 05:57 AM
squillgurl— :wave123 Snickers is absolutely adorable! What a beautiful face she has.:Love_Icon
island rehabber
06-27-2010, 06:02 AM
Snickers is an adorable foxer girlie!! Love her square face and her coloring. Well you've found the right place, and we're glad you did! :crazy
Make sure you MEMORIZE our 'Squirrel Nutrition' forum -- there will be a pop quiz on Friday. :D
Jackie in Tampa
06-27-2010, 06:21 AM
:Welcome :wave123
06-27-2010, 12:54 PM
Snickers is an adorable foxer girlie!! Love her square face and her coloring. Well you've found the right place, and we're glad you did! :crazy
Make sure you MEMORIZE our 'Squirrel Nutrition' forum -- there will be a pop quiz on Friday. :D
Thank you thank you! I know I am asking the best people! And nutrition is the reason I came looking for some advice. Snickers has been eating romaine, green beans, snow peas, grape tomatos, yellow squash, baby broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, nectarine, occasional grapes, occasional avacado, zucchini, walnuts, pecans, pear from our tree outside, peanut butter as a treat, and she has been doing far as I know. My concern is the calcium. I haven't given her any since she stopped taking her formula...didn't want it anymore. That was at about 12 to 14 weeks. She is now about 10 months old. She hasn't shown any signs of problems except that her fur for a while had become a bit course. It has been growning back out kind of in patches but the new stuff is very soft and thick and looks better. She does not like yogurt, or anything of the sort, so in order to get some extra calcium in her, I have been crushing calcium tablets and mixing with either a bit of peanut butter or nutella twice a day and shes getting about 400 mg a day. I have been doing this for a few days. I put vitamin drops in her water...VitaDrops for hamsters, rats, mice, and gerbils. She does have a full spectrum light in her cage. SO...I want to order the HHBs. Im just not sure right now which to get. Like I said, she is not showing any symptoms of MBD but I sure don't want her to. Advice please on which of the HHBs would be best??? I would take a picture to show her fur....but, being the squirrel that she is...and one reason I would NEVER advise anyone to keep one as a pet...she found my camera this morning and got my lense :sanp3 ...ahh, but I still adore her :D naughty naughty squill :Love_Icon
06-27-2010, 01:00 PM
Love Snicker's pics, so very beautiful your little girl. She looks very healthy to me. What is her personality like, does she bite at all? .
06-27-2010, 02:10 PM
Love Snicker's pics, so very beautiful your little girl. She looks very healthy to me. What is her personality like, does she bite at all? .
Thank you :) Well, she does have her own little personality! She is MY baby. Or rather, I am HER mama. I have two sons, the oldest she loves, the youngest she long as he doesn't hug on me or get in her space. She is a bit possesive of mom. She does, indeed bite...but never hard enough to break skin, and I'm sure if she ever got really ticked she could deliver some bone crushing chomps. But she only bites when we play...she loves to wrestle, and she doesn't bite hard. If she gets too rough and I say ow! she knows and backs off. She loves to be scratched, petted, kissed on, and talked to and when she feels especially lovey dovey will lay in my arms on her back like a little baby and gently put her teeth on my finger while I rub her belly. Likes the occasional hug too. She has to be told that SHE's the baby. When she is out and about and decides to have a rest, her fav place is on my knee where she stretches out. Always has to reach out and grab my hand and pull it under her little head and chest while she rests and gets luvvies. Then off she goes again to play. She is definitely boss of the cat and dog. Dog is usually outside so he doesn't have much interaction, but when he is in, he avoids it. Kitty cat, on the other hand has tried and tried to befriend Snickers. She is an unusually gentle kitty, loves the dog, and would like to love Snickers too, but Snickiedoo isn't gonna have any of that. Poor kitty will be innocently sitting in a corner while Snickers is out, carefully watching but minding her own business. If Snickers notices, kitty better watch out! Many a time she's been chased and had to retreat underneath the bed, hehe. Still, being a cat, every once in awhile she has to try to get that thing to play with her, so she will lie in wait for Snickers to scamper by and reach out to "get" her. Always winds up in a stand off and kitty back underneath the bed :D . I could go on and on, being a proud squirrel mom, but I'll stop there for now. Needless to say, I'm glad she's around. She's alot of work, and sometimes a real pain in the butt, but she has definitely brought alot of joy and laughter that wasn't there before her. Full time all the time a toddler that never gets older!
Ultra Peepi
07-02-2010, 01:47 PM
:Welcome she is sweet!!!:D
07-02-2010, 05:02 PM
Hey SG!:Welcome I am quite partial to Foxers, though I've only ever seen one or two in real life.:D Your baby sounds like a character. Is your youngest son the affectionate sort? I know when I was younger I loved hugging my mom, and just being with her (not that that's changed much, now that I'm almost 24:rotfl). I can't imagine how I'd feel about a squirrel trying to keep us apart. Though in all honesty, I'd probably try to befriend the squirrel. Probably end up getting myself in serious trouble. They sure have got some teeth on them huh?:sanp3
07-02-2010, 06:00 PM
what a sweet, sweet lovely girly face!!!!:Love_Icon :)
07-02-2010, 10:21 PM
She's beautiful. My sweetie headed for the trees last week and I haven't seen her since. I miss her sooooo much. Seeing Snickers sweet face makes me smile. She has personality to burn. Thanks so much for joining The Nut House--er--Squirrel Board--great folks here and Snickers couldn't have more knowledgeable advocates in her corner.
07-03-2010, 01:36 PM
Hello Feeze, astra, and Chickenlegs and thanks for the comments!
Feeze, my son is 9 and not really the affectionate type but he does love his mom :). I think he must be frustrated because Snickers is so cute and fuzzy and funny, but he can't get his hands on her to love on her like she lets me do. So he always comes and hugs on me when she is in her cage because he likes to hear her gripe about it....sort of a "get even" thing....sibling rivalry, lol. He has tried to make up to her and she will OCCASIONALLY let him pet her while she rests on my knee and I observe, but other than that, she's not having anything to do with it. Im just gonna chalk it up to squirrel attitude and like I said, sibling rivalry :rotfl
Chickenlegs, I feel for you. It has to be heartbreaking and I hurt for you just thinking about it. They have a way of attaching themselves to our hearts and I know it must be like losing a big piece of yours. Hopefully she will come back for a visit soon, and at the very least she is living a wonderful squirrely life.
Wish you all a safe and happy holiday weekend!
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