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06-25-2010, 01:25 PM
tinfoil Hello hello~
The squirrels I've been feeding are Plantian. aka Callosciurus notatus. Theres a family of them.
Heres link: http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/vertebrates/mammals/notatus.htm :Love_Icon

The male is much braver, is the 1st to report for lunch. It takes me 4 months to be able to hand feed this squirrel. The female behaves abit more cautious. She still suspects anything offered to her and would 'test' the offer. If she feels anything wrong she runs! It takes alot of patience in the starting months first you need to built their trust and confidence level.

The squirrels now appear upon my whistlings. They are much fatter then before- you won't see any neck (I treat them like national treasures and absolutely adores them.) The male is abit spoilt. 1st one to arrive at feeding scene, picks food, throws my brocolli down to ground, and expects his bonus peanut everytime. How cute! And usually I give it to him... I mean how can I disppoint the little guy right =) :rotfl

island rehabber
06-25-2010, 01:50 PM
:Welcome to TSB, SquirrelsinSingapore!
Plaintain squirrels are absolutely beautiful -- thank you for posting that link! Their coloring is very unusual compared to most of our breeds up here.

06-25-2010, 02:34 PM
:Welcome :thumbsup :Welcome

06-25-2010, 04:56 PM
:Welcome The Plantain squirrel looks very unique and beautiful, wished we had some here.

06-25-2010, 07:37 PM
Whooooh! They're little rays of sunshine. Nuthin like being made a member of a squirrel family. Welcome!

06-26-2010, 02:19 AM
Hello and welcome! These are beautiful squirrels!

06-26-2010, 03:59 AM
Hi, Thanks for posting. I love seeing squirrels from other parts of the world. The Plantain squirrel is absolutely beautiful.

Michele in Tampa

06-26-2010, 09:47 AM
WELCOME....to the BEST Squirrel site on the W.W.W.
Great looking squirrels...you have there..Mine is unique ,as well. We live in Costa Rica, and Rama Rota is a Veriagated Tri-Color.
Maybe you can post some of your photos of your
Furry Friends???

Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )

06-28-2010, 01:28 PM
Promise more pics for you squirrel lovers around the world =)

06-28-2010, 02:37 PM
Hello everyone here! This is my little ronaldo! I'd gave him that name becos he's fast, and that he was named during this world cup... He is also the little darling of the park. Since he is less shy and would appear in front of your viewing to hint he should be fed. I am calling the mother sq 'girl-girl'. She is real busy, sometimes I spot her transporting fine sticks to make sq house, she takes a more cautious approach, and is prone to be sq chased if she crosses ronaldo. I also spoted that when mum is here, the kiddo won't be too far away. He hides and waits till given all clear. He's name is honda (after japan's keisuke honda). The family of 3 live in wild. I envy you guys whom have sq pets n that kind of bond n sq trust money cannot buy. The plaintant sq hardly comes down their tree. Nevertheless, I love ronaldo, girlgirl,and lit honda just as much. Their appearance alone brings light to the lifeless park. Its a joy just to watch them sometimes. I'm experiencing with different sq food too. The last thing i did was to try and cook my sliced brocolli and carrot for them. The result was positive. I will try and post a seperate posting on brocolli cooking soon. At the moment sq family are doing ok. I'm just worried what happens when I found employment. Bet i'll be like looking out of da window if it rains wondering hows sq family doing.. etc etc

Of the troopers, ronaldo appeared more approachable to humans. As i write I hadn't seen ronaldo for 2 days. His absence is noticable to me because whenever theres feeding he runs up and make himself noticable. (As in reporting in or something) And afterwards he'll check out the days' menu. Its so funny. I am also working on a balanced diet for my sq. I fed them brocolli, carrot,raw mixed nuts,corn and baby corn. I hope he just overslept and missed feeding sessions. If he is sick, theres no way I can treat him. He won't come down tree, and still do not allow touching yet (I'm working on this part..) :thinking anyway, hope he reports tomorrow for lunch =)..

Lastly this is a short clip of how ronaldo had to be fed in initial months >
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv7py4AwG6w -Enjoy

FYI* sq = squirrel

06-28-2010, 02:49 PM
Love that bright orange belly!! The upside down pic is great! Does Ronaldo still eat from chopsticks?:Welcome

06-28-2010, 03:11 PM
Hello Gina,
Ronaldo now can be hand fed (took me 4 mths)
He seem to like huge walnuts, other stuffs he smells and hops off
Girlgirl and honda still needs the stick feeding. They shivers abit when coming too close :alright.gif I guess they needed more time :)
oh its not chopstick just random tree stick from da area.. =)

06-30-2010, 08:16 AM
Ronaldo is back to chase other squirrels. Relieved to see him back. After 5 months of squirrel feeding, I finally touched one.

Ronaldo was fearless (as usual). I wanted to feed/show him a walnut. He misses it drop to the ground. He then to my surprise touched my fingers with his little paws. I could feel his little teeth. The 30 seconds encounter is simply facinating. Plaintian squirrels r known to shun humans and seldom come to ground level. They forge on little tree cracks and ferns.

By now it is clear kiddo Honda and mummy squirrel piority is on safety. Whiles
ronaldo's is on the biggest peanut he can possibility find.

Hopefully in another 5 months time I'll get to pet them...
keep you posted =)

island rehabber
06-30-2010, 08:25 AM
What beautiful squirrels they are!!! The shape of their heads reminds me of Indian Palm Squirrels, but they are a lot bigger, I think. I love the way some squirrels will put their hands on you when they take food....:Love_Icon You are very lucky to have such a close encounter with these wonderful animals.

07-01-2010, 02:47 AM
"Callosciurus," Latin for beautiful squirrels, really is accurate. Thanks for posting pictures of these little guys, SquirrelsinSingapore. It's great to see squirrels from around the world. :thumbsup

From the video ronaldo looks shy. It must take a lot of patience to get them to be comfortable with you.

07-01-2010, 03:12 AM
This is great!
Check out the ears.
Wonderful squirrel.:thumbsup

Ultra Peepi
07-02-2010, 02:37 PM
wow, very cool to see squirrels from so far away, thanks. :thumbsup love the 3rd pic of the upside down hanging guy, too cute!

07-30-2010, 07:19 AM
Hi, Thanks for support from all of you here.
Its school term again so i'm trying not to miss feeding sessions.
Theres now a family of 4! We have fearless papa squirrel (ronaldo), mum squirrel (i'm going to name her Paris), Kido girl squirrel (britney) and of course little guy (honda)
Their character has developed that britney always tags on to mama around. So she sees what paris does and follow suit. I believe honda n britney is now sharing a nest at a different tree. Probably they have grown in size and are won't fit all 3 at a nest as well.
So either paris is going to give britney a lesson of house building or britney's gona built it on her own.
Recently I am lucky enough to witness 2 squirrels accidentally banging onto another. And then they make a noise, resembles cursing or telling off one another its so funny. The incident i saw is almost like soft toys were to crash to one another. Its hilarous
Britney is a follower. She hides in the background and waits like a patient kuala bear tightly hugging the tree. So you bet it won't work trying lure her out. Til today i think britney remembers n hates me for trying to photograh her, cause the flash red caught her unpleasantly. (she barks and moves up)
So the 1st sound i recieve from princess britney was "BAaDd" And I do have to understand what she means by that. No more pictures or autographs for britney! :nono


07-30-2010, 07:24 AM
Their diet now includes......
Cut apples,
Peeled Bananas,
SunFlower Seeds,

I am trying to get grapes and the smaller oranges then i'll peel them pcs by pcs n lay them on tree or something.

Oh they love sliced papayas too. Will give to them maybe once a few months

08-31-2010, 02:24 PM
Squirrel way of saying 'Hi'..
Looking down at Todays' Menu...



09-11-2010, 04:42 PM
The pics are over exposed. will try and improve my camera skills. They all shot with Nikon P100 -which is a semipro. The juice seen is actually pokka carrot, its rich in vitamin C and many minerals. These squirrels absolutely love it!
Meanwhile, they have learn that once they tropple the water can, it will be mysteriously refilled!

Loves them to bits. But no luck in getting to touch them :poke

09-13-2010, 04:28 PM
very cute pics! I had to look up "Pokka Carrot" juice.... yum! Lucky squirrels!

09-15-2010, 12:54 PM
latest today....

09-15-2010, 02:17 PM
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon *sq=squirrel
Spotted a cat 'quarrelling' with my squirrels this morning. At appears sqs are challenging this cat to "come up tree and talk" Lolx. And indeed cat looks like its really gona spring up! So naturally I got to break the fight. Chased the cat away.. I then realised sqs must have been hungry to hang out so low cause usually they are higher up and cats can't reach them. :crazy

When home and bought down pistacchio nuts, mixed nut, red grapes, sq hydration, pcs of coco cornflake(mineral contents gd), and imported shandong nuts. Shandong nuts looks very huge, I bought them for 99cents for 120g, but later realised that it is abit roasted. So have to ban it from now... Nevertheless, sq ate/hide up everypiece... :multi

Having said that, its been abt 2 weeks not seeing Ronaldo sq. Rumours from our senoir citizens is that he went cross the road, to a little plantation where there is raw mango... (will upload that as well) My concern is: its a 4 lane road, with streetlamp post serving as connecting point. If the trees on both sides are trimmed, chances are Ronaldo's never gona make it back. Or worse is if he misses a branch.....

The oldies also mention some sad sq have fell in their quest to reach other side of pasture. Died on road. Fell hard on concret road and dashed by oncomings which is pretty sad. So I went over and took pics of the mini plantation as well. No sqs are spotted. I just wonder what would farmer think if his mango farm was attacked by sqs.... Keeping my fingers crossed.

Hence, I am feeding my sqs (Little Britney Princess) and mummy Elizabeth making them fat, so that sqs on the other side can see that, and want to come back home.... to our humble exercise park.

Oh, btw Elizabeth does nice poses for me to shoot today. Maybe as thanks to feeding her baby girl, taking care of intruder cat. Not only she came to level ground but also posed for more then 25secs. Enough to do zooms and close ups.


09-15-2010, 02:24 PM

She is making herself noticable. Maybe they have recognised me. And the food, of course.

Does she look heavier? Looks like she gain some weight recently. Could she be pregnant?

Thats the fattest I've seen her become...


09-15-2010, 02:27 PM

And before I forget,

The upper 2 greener pics is my princess Britney (shes latest; newborn.)

The one that comes down tree and say Hi is her mother Elizabeth

They some times share a nest

09-18-2010, 02:48 PM
This is the 4 lanes and street lamps I've been describing.
My view is Ronaldo and Honda (both male) has been using tall street lamps to cross over other side.. What do you guys think?

The last picture is mcsquirrels happy meal foodpack. I use the bigger plastic tab for sq waterbottle, smaller tab I could give them treats like carrot juice once a while. (pokka carrot has no preservatives, vitamins A,C,E)

The tub caps is then placed undernealth to be stabliser so that it doesnt topple over.

09-18-2010, 02:52 PM
pic uploading..

09-20-2010, 05:07 AM
A rodent corpse

was seen in wee hours morning yesterday.
It was just near that lamp post on above picture -the tall lamp post I suspected sqs used for bridging when crossing other side.

The corpse was too small to be that of a cat's. A closer look indicates feet of a rodent's. By time I obeserved corpse was already as flat as a pancake. No further indication of a bluffy tail to suggest it was indeed a sq.

No signs of Daddy sq Ronaldo, little Honda, Princess Britney, and Queen Elizabeth today. My guess is they could be attending sq funeral....

On a further note the last time we had rodent corpse on the road was only about 5 months ago.

But then again there is chance corpse is a ground rat.
Am keeping fingers crossed...

Amen -to the dead rodent, what ever you may be

10-05-2010, 10:33 PM
It amazes me how squirrels manage to survive at all in such busy areas. I think they are wiser then we give them credit for most of the time - crossing by the lights is safer then the street but, yikes, such a long fall. The light poles are not rough like a tree so they are even more at risk for falling when wet.

Love you pics and so glad you are out there giving these guys nourishment. Hope you see the "regulars" soon.:grouphug

10-06-2010, 08:15 PM
They sure look similar to our Gray squirrels except yours have cute "Teddy Bear" ears.:Love_Icon

10-07-2010, 01:06 PM
Have a orange belly also, check out the earlier picture entries =)
But they are not as big sized as a fully grown grey.
Yah, i liked their telly tubby ears too

10-09-2010, 04:47 PM
!! Birtney Squirrel Spotted

Hi guys!

yes that certainly made my day. She seem grown and is running up branches really fast. Thats my britney girl.

I noticed she might have moved nest to a higher twig with direct view to her daily food supply. What a smart squirrel

Yes, I missed little ronaldo but being the most physical squirrel of the lot, I think he has made it safely across to another land that grows papayas. Honda is a growing squirrel, so i'm not sure if he'd make it. Elizabeth and britney plays it safe by investing in squirrel properties, and peanut savings.. :osnap :osnap

Oh that really made my day:peace
she reacted when saw my pack of squirrel food packed in transparent bags. YuM yUm and now i must be taken as mr. food delievery man

I just love to see them fattening up

10-10-2010, 12:11 PM
They sure look similar to our Gray squirrels except yours have cute "Teddy Bear" ears.:Love_Icon

I am glad just to be here on the Squirrel Board. My puter died and I just got back on after a long time.. We have had no little babies to help this year and for that we are grateful. Good luck to those who are helping these little critters. Keep up the good work.

10-16-2010, 08:25 AM

Aww am saddened with your losses. Meanwhile we have nothing to cheer about here either,

THIS evening, squirrel watching was interuppted by the sight of a low flying eagle. I was watching britney have dinner and i pointed at the eagle that flew by just above us. Britney gave a huge response. She tiled her head highly as in expressing her alertness of that obvious predator. And i thought her reaction was cute.

With that, I begin to relate to the missing squirrels. Ronaldo, Honda, Elizabeth, and the 3 rodent roadkills of this recent months. If squirrels are too smart to take bad risk, then the appearance of this eagle will have explained their disapearances. And if britney is only remaining sq here, how is she going to reproduce on her own? This thoughts saddens me. That eagle went by low and slow. It could have known theres squirrels in this park. ANd if so would return. I could only tell britney to becareful of that thing... =\ am afraid i'll lose her the same way i've lost her daddy, and mum Elizabeth (not seen for 2 weeks)

A sidetrack: After dinner she went to get her water. Then at the water spot, she look me and with several head ups which translates, "dude wheres my drink? no drink?" :soapbox I thought thats so really cute

island rehabber
10-16-2010, 09:13 AM
Your squirrels are SO beautiful, S/S! I hope the ones you haven't seen lately are home with babies and not taken by that eagle. I know, he has to eat too, but let him go eat something ELSE :nono. Please keep those beautiful pix coming.

10-25-2010, 01:36 PM
Proud to bring the news,

2 squirrels spotted today. Yeay! One smaller then the other. I do have problem sorting who is who...

They are 10-12 inches long not including tails. The tail can grow to as long as their body is. Their body width here is about 2-2.5 inch diameter. =)

Will keep u guys posted. and definately more pictures coming right after my exams! :jump

10-26-2010, 02:41 AM
When i whistle to it, it actually barks back... haha.....
oh BTW, britney must be abt 10 mths only now.. :D :D :D

11-09-2010, 03:05 PM
Cat hunting ground.

It was night time when I pass a cat undernealth a isolated palm tree. Shoo it away and was shocked to find Britney above! That tree is isolated so that skinny cat must have chased her out of her usual place up that tree n camped there. My Britney have no way to run she could only look down and hold on.

I when home, brought touch light, some peanuts and water down she's sill here eyes opened. So I am afraid it could be injured or something... She looks afraid. Afriad of this big bad cat that has been stocking her and Paris for afew months now.

Tomorrow first thing morning I plan to try have SPCA (pets association) to take that damned cat away the neighbourhood to at least sterilise to neutralise its hunting instinct. Its the same cat that I shoo away for some months now I'm annoyed. Britney has to sleep out of her nest tonight until morning I will check on her again. She must be shocked of the encounter

Heres a pic of when i found her

12-12-2010, 05:31 AM
[Food Picture]
Lessons taken from TSB.. =)
They do not seem to want to eat my broccoli yet although the carrots are now gone. Do I have to cook the broccoli?

Squirrel behavior – I noticed they seem to mark out the dead routes. They bite off the tree branches leading to nowhere…

[squirrels down]
This evening…

02-17-2011, 10:59 AM
short video on one of them... taken somewhere early 2010...


mjs mjs mjs

02-17-2011, 11:28 AM
Hehehehe Cute! :D

02-19-2011, 12:41 AM
:thankyou scootermum,

The next video is by uploaded by someone else… It is a longer vid, gd quality and taken near my location. This squirrel seemed quite relaxed and not fazed by cameraman. it is very clear, can see it chews slowly...swallows food.... then start again looking for food source.

To squirrel fans around the world, especially TSBers......

:squirrel1 :Squirrel :squirrel1 :Squirrel :squirrel1 :camera
Take care forks!

02-19-2011, 08:56 PM
Squirrels in Singapore, I have been enjoying your thread. I love seeing your squirrels with the white stripe down their sides. In Maryland, we see mostly eastern grays and the black phase of them. You really take good care of your squirrels. Such good food for them. I will look forward to more squirrel adventures from your part of the world. :wave123

03-06-2011, 02:12 AM
Just want to share with TSB people,
Picture taken from a friend of mine :D

:Squirrel went handsfree, about to run away I guess :sanp3


Hey thanks Marty.

Will certainly post more on their advanture and stories
Yea they have black strips on both sides of stomach kinda like belt :rotfl
My mum often compare their tail to the brush for house cleaning.... Makes me want to laugh:osnap


03-06-2011, 12:05 PM
The ears, or nearly lack thereof, cracks me up.:rotfl

03-06-2011, 02:14 PM
The ears, or nearly lack thereof, cracks me up.:rotfl

Yes, to us their ears are so tiny compared to our eastern greys. Even our foxers with their shorter ears, they still seem short. Cute, cute squirrels you have. Have you seen your regulars in the park lately? :Love_Icon your photos. Hope to see more when you have time.


03-06-2011, 08:22 PM
Your guys are WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing them with us (squirrel addicts one and all!)

03-06-2011, 09:36 PM
Long, long tail... short lil ears and sooo adorable:Love_Icon

03-25-2011, 08:07 AM
Heres an Update...

Unlucky me, spotted no :Squirrel the entire week (although food keeps missing.) :thinking

Looking at feed results, I think :Squirrel here don’t like my cabbage... :dono :sanp3 :sanp3

One time I got in an argument with an elderly, also a regular. Apparently he's been pouring in huge amounts of pecans on daily basis. He got the guts to confront me, for replacing his pecans with veges. Also he warns to stay clear of ‘his feeding spot’. - Which is ridiculous. :dono

I never had a chance to go into the MBD vitamin thingy because he was so mad about the matter. What foolish old man...

On same day, I want to police to file a threat. POs says they can’t do anything unless he’s physically hurting me. And obviously they cared less about sqs. Hence I hope these outdoor :Squirrel would know to balance their diet and choose and pick wisely? Yea?

Hi Marty, no sights on Ron, I hope he’s much alive and have started own :Squirrel family in place not far off here. He is true fully missed, being the friendliest sq at our neighbourhood. :grouphug One way to recognize ron is when all sqs run, ron comes. He is gutsy enough to earn the freshest peanut.=)
Its also getting crowded here, (my country is 2nd most crowded city after Monaco). Thus I am refraining from hand feeding to avoid curious stares. Childrens tend to imitate these actions very quickly.. :poke :poke

With Love
Josh Lim

03-25-2011, 02:01 PM
Its a hot day, so i figured mjs want some water. Bought fresh bottle for them. The one placed 1 day ago was nearly empty...
I am just glad they are around, the squirrelly :D
Knowing they are safe and sound sure feels gd

island rehabber
03-25-2011, 02:40 PM
josh you're such a good person to take care of these wild squirrels. They sure are beautiful, too....so different from ours! The old guy with the pecans -- all he is doing is making 'junk food junkie' squirrels. It's like you only feed your kids candy, nothing with nutrition (pecans are all sugar :shakehead) Keep bringing the squirrels your good veggies and steer clear of him! :crazy

04-09-2011, 03:23 PM
IR Thanks for your kind words

Met this retired man one day. He said he use morse code to communicate with squirrels. Giving rhythmic taps on a metal bar, and sqs come down trees in packs of 2 or 3s to get fed. :rotfl
He fed sesame bread. But has the notion :Squirrels with pointy tails are males. :rotfl I had to correct him of course

Glad to report, Elizabeth and princess Britney are both spotted lively, living the life of happy free sq. The down side is there is this aggressive trimming on tree branches going on in the area. I hope their nests/peanut hidings are not affected :dono Fingers crossed

Tml I’ll be leaving them 2 shares of green grapes, cucumber pieces, sliced apple, some bread piece, banana stem, and bring refill to their water tub. :alright.gif

04-09-2011, 05:54 PM
How interesting that the retired man has taught the squirrels to respond to the taps. Such wonderful creatures. Glad to hear that Elizabeth and Britney are safe in the trees. I know you are worried about the tree trimmers. Maybe you could talk to them and ask that they try to be careful. Don't know what response you might get but worth a try. Your squirrels are very fortunate to have you taking such good care of them. Great menu! :rotfl

04-10-2011, 09:49 AM
Sure Marty

I shall prompt about which tree they are going to trim if i pass them. It is also a concern they are over doing the job. Because eagles can see straight in without the dense vegetation.

Once when we were out feeding and chatting abt sq, we spotted an eagle gliding, doing circles above us. The funny thing was we pointed the sky to alert our :Squirrel, she held head up as if responding to us, n that she sees the big bad eagle. :D

04-10-2011, 08:57 PM
Squirrels are so smart. Yes I hope they don't go too crazy cutting back limbs so not to expose to that eagle. I know they need to eat too BUT NOT at your park. Move along eagle. We don't want you at that park. :nono


05-10-2011, 01:01 AM
~pICTures Time~

05-10-2011, 01:13 AM
Above is Britney and Elizabeth :Squirrel... Mum and daughter :D
Britney's dad left them to play at another forest. Seperated by traffic.
Brit and Eliz grew close, never fought amongst themselves....
Once, i saw their jumps cross path. Kinda like soft toys banging each other mid air.
Recovered, and one of it started 'talking'..
Kinda look like she explaining to another squirrel...
She goes like this: 'bec! bec-Bbark'.. then put her arm up
:rotfl :rotfl
You have no idea how hard i laughted

:Welcome , thanks for stopping by!

Squirrely Steve
05-13-2011, 05:14 PM
Hi Josh :wave123

I love your Thread :thumbsup
Your pictures and stories are great :thumbsup
I love the upside down picture the best :)
Ronaldo and Paris and Britney and Honda and Elizabeth are so Cute. :flash3
I love there orange bellies :Love_Icon
You are doing such a great Job feeding them :)

That's something about that old man feeding them all those pecans :sanp3
I hope he leaves you guys alone.

I looked up your country and printed out a map today.
You have a pretty country with some awesome Nature Reserves. :)
Wow you are a Looooong ways away on the other side of the world.
Is the seasons different or opposite than USA's ?
or are you in a warm area were its stay warm like year round ?

I put Carrot juice on my shopping list for tonight.:thumbsup

Thanks for the idea and cool pictures and stories from your part of the world. :thankyou

Squirrely Steve :wave123

05-15-2011, 03:29 AM
Scenaries from around =)

05-15-2011, 03:34 AM

05-15-2011, 10:46 AM
Wow Josh, great to see your pictures and where you live. It looks so beautiful. How are the tree cutters doing? Hope not too much trimming:shakehead Are your regular squirrels back? Let us know when you see them. :wave123


05-16-2011, 03:45 AM
Hi Steve

Yea, many people tells me they like upsize down picture best. (Thats acrobatic Ron showing off)

Actually we got confused here giving more names… Technically there is just 4 sames sqs doing circles. Appearing here, disappearing there… got us giddy many times :dono

Yea we are avoiding the stubborn old man. I'm not talking to him… :surrender

Oh you did? Haha yeahs, its that small little dot below Malaysia. I’m at South East Asia side. This zone is usually sunny 12pm-4pm. Other times it is just normal weather… No showy or autumn though :crazy

CM2028 I'll like to have snow sometimes... That could be fun:jump I can ski~

OK, be sure to get Pokka brand Carrot juice for the pureness, no preservative kinds are good :multi

Your Olympus SP-565UZ looks pretty cool. Mines are also shot with 10MP, but cMOS lens. Think you can do more by experimenting with modes like Indoor, Sunset, Quick Capture, to catch Sparky and Chuck :D There is also Red eye reduction in your set so it can come pretty handy.:thumbsup I would use flash less to create the blurness to help subject blend nicely into backdrop, creating a smoothing effect. You can try Night Scenes if its dark or do different lighting with White Balance Control. It makes a whole lot difference and help to achieve various effects :flash3


05-16-2011, 04:20 AM
Hi Marty

The loss of Trembles got me eyes red. It has been so unfortunate.
Been a busy few days, got my beginner driving sessions, my cousin’s baby due.

Haha you are so right my days are your nights :D
Yep that’s from around. Cutters certainly gone, it was so short this time last longer for next trim. I am not seeing my sqs for a couple of days now. Its been said they will dash the road to another side for the sake of it. I’m keeping fingers crossed and praying for their safety.

Food continues to disappear :thinking . I place diced mango pieces, apple slices, and of course ice cubes like you told me :thumbsup

I wish there are fox sqs heremjs I’ll buy them anything!


05-18-2011, 10:24 AM
Saw my Brit and Eliz :Squirrel yesterday morning… :D :osnap

One sniffing leafs, the other inspects food zone… :jump
I then have her attention with food box. Felt like her eyes widened abit.. She knows what she sees :thumbsup

Tough animals aren’t they. Maybe they hide and hibernate during bad weather :dono

Anyway its been a good day here

05-18-2011, 10:40 AM
:jump :wahoo :wahoo :jump :wahoo Great news , Josh! :alright.gif Welcome back Brit and Eliz.!


05-20-2011, 12:15 PM
This is the 2nd video
Eliz's less shy, she wants abit more with me this time..


:crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy

05-21-2011, 01:12 AM
I loved your video!:thumbsup She really does get close to you. I wonder if she would jump on you? That might make me scared if she jumped on me. Just be sure to have food with you.:rotfl I am so glad they returned to your park. She does look very healthy. :thankyou for the videos. I love watching them. Yes, good night to me and good afternoon to you.:rotfl


05-21-2011, 05:18 AM
I loved your video!:thumbsup She really does get close to you. I wonder if she would jump on you? That might make me scared if she jumped on me. Just be sure to have food with you.:rotfl I am so glad they returned to your park. She does look very healthy. :thankyou for the videos. I love watching them. Yes, good night to me and good afternoon to you.:rotfl



It lifts my mood whenever i have relooked these videos. I think she enjoys teasing me. Yep, It is about as close i've got. I welcome jump ats as long not to the face... However if that inflicts reactions from the jogging people then i'll be on local entertainment news next morning. :rotfl

I am refraining from getting too close, to allow Brits and Eliz grow a concept of distanting themselves with humans. Of the 3, Britney is most innocent. Momma Elizabeth knows I’m friendly but plays it safe. (Eliz have seen Ron very close to me. But when she investigates, she’ll be chased all around by the dominating Ronaldo, superfast like furry pinballs:ohthedrama ) Brit is however unsure I can be trusted at all. Sometimes I find her laying very still just looking at me; as if to test my reliability. And if I moves a lot, she heads home! Cute!!

Do you think wild sqs actually recognizes who is who. Like when to appear when to hide? Right now I just know they recognizes food. - their universal signage...:sanp3 :sanp3

05-21-2011, 08:15 AM
I love ronaldo, girlgirl,and lit honda just as much. Their mere appearance brought life to here.

To clear any misunderstandings: ...

Britney was mistaken for Honda for the tiny covered penis. If there was Honda, he should be with :Squirrel pa (Ron), and have went to opposite side to another park. :skiing

Anyway, Honda is seen as a slow, gentle male unlike Ron, his sq dad runs to food like he is King, and have no problem placing himself centre of attention... I miss him already :Cry

05-21-2011, 04:17 PM
I definitely believe squirrels can recognize people. When I go out to feed in my backyard all the squirrels come running out of the trees. When my hubby goes to feed the squirrels stay up until he leaves. They really are amazing creatures. Funny, you would be the evening news if the squirrels jumped on you!:rotfl You would get the name of "crazy squirrel man". Nothing crazy to us at TSB, however. Lots of "crazy" squirrel people here.:multi


05-21-2011, 05:04 PM
Do you think wild sqs actually recognizes who is who. Like when to appear when to hide? Right now I just know they recognizes food. - their universal signage...:sanp3 :sanp3
Pola definitely recognizes me. I go away every summer for almost two months, and she still knows me when I get back. Last summer was the first time I'd left after she started eating from my hand, and I was worried that I'd have to get her to trust me again but she acted as if I hadn't been away.

05-23-2011, 08:19 AM
I definitely believe squirrels can recognize people. When I go out to feed in my backyard all the squirrels come running out of the trees. When my hubby goes to feed the squirrels stay up until he leaves. They really are amazing creatures. Funny, you would be the evening news if the squirrels jumped on you!:rotfl You would get the name of "crazy squirrel man". Nothing crazy to us at TSB, however. Lots of "crazy" squirrel people here.:multi


Hi Marty, oh you are so popular with your sqs. Mine just observe from a distance, only to come near when its starving.

Once when noone is looking, I tried singing to :Squirrel, it worked! She remained for a good 30 seconds :wahoo they are so funny...

05-23-2011, 08:52 AM
Pola definitely recognizes me. I go away every summer for almost two months, and she still knows me when I get back. Last summer was the first time I'd left after she started eating from my hand, and I was worried that I'd have to get her to trust me again but she acted as if I hadn't been away.

Hi Cleo. Awwh this is so nice. No wonder we give them names…

Here is somemore pictures from my harddrive…

05-23-2011, 08:57 AM

05-23-2011, 09:35 AM
:wave123 Josh, Great pictures. I notice that this is one of the males. Is this one of the males you know or a new visitor? I love the picture with the squirrel looking down at you with his mouth kind of open. Was he chattering or eating? Also the one sitting on the branch with his head kind of turned . He looks like he is saying, "What's for lunch today?":rotfl One of the squirrels looks darker in color. Is that just lighting or is he just darker? Hope all of your squirrels have returned to the park and everything is "normal" again.
Thanks for sharing your squirrels with us. Nice to see that part of the world too.


05-23-2011, 11:23 AM
Hi Marty
Male is Ron, he is such a good model for me, acting comfortable around me. Unlike others he’s not in hurry to rush home. Oftenly he likes to demonstrate how good an acrobatic he is...

Other sqs don’t pose for me. Though Mommy Elizabeth will look like she recognizes me….

The mouth open pic was lit Brit’s expression to camera red led flash. She was there a good 30secs before running away….

Nope they are more or less same color. So it’s the work of lighting and my camera mode


05-23-2011, 06:35 PM

05-23-2011, 06:58 PM
:thumbsup Yes, that's the best one! I love it. Great shot. :thankyou


05-23-2011, 07:05 PM
She has beautiful teefs!

05-24-2011, 07:11 AM
:thumbsup Yes, that's the best one! I love it. Great shot. :thankyou



Thats about best of my 10.3 MegaPixel's work by far... :)


06-04-2011, 04:47 AM
After a few days of experimenting, I find the 2 wild sqs respond to my whistles... I mean I know they are sensitive to humans getting close to their 'feeding trees' -which are drop food zones. So I blew sharp whistles and sure enough they appeared.. hahhaha... Its a call for lunch time~! tinfoil ""

Today they had first taste of rock melon. Hope they enjoyed it :D

Meanwhiles, i hope to upgrade to a D5000 or D5100 soon.. :tilt
Take better pictures of Elizs and Brits, maybe put them on facebook. And the 'related' status.. :rotfl

06-05-2011, 03:34 AM
those singapore squirrel looks like same species with my indonesian squirrel :D

06-05-2011, 07:28 AM
:rotfl Yea, their anchestors may have migrated here or they have distant relatives somehow ...

06-11-2011, 06:52 PM
tinfoil Hello hello~
The squirrels I've been feeding are Plantian. aka Callosciurus notatus. Theres a family of them.
Heres link: http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/vertebrates/mammals/notatus.htm :Love_Icon

The male is much braver, is the 1st to report for lunch. It takes me 4 months to be able to hand feed this squirrel. The female behaves abit more cautious. She still suspects anything offered to her and would 'test' the offer. If she feels anything wrong she runs! It takes alot of patience in the starting months first you need to built their trust and confidence level.

The squirrels now appear upon my whistlings. They are much fatter then before- you won't see any neck (I treat them like national treasures and absolutely adores them.) The male is abit spoilt. 1st one to arrive at feeding scene, picks food, throws my brocolli down to ground, and expects his bonus peanut everytime. How cute! And usually I give it to him... I mean how can I disppoint the little guy right =) :rotfl

Your squirrels are so PRETTY!!!!:)

06-11-2011, 10:02 PM
After a few days of experimenting, I find the 2 wild sqs respond to my whistles... I mean I know they are sensitive to humans getting close to their 'feeding trees' -which are drop food zones. So I blew sharp whistles and sure enough they appeared.. hahhaha... Its a call for lunch time~! tinfoil ""

Today they had first taste of rock melon. Hope they enjoyed it :D

Meanwhiles, i hope to upgrade to a D5000 or D5100 soon.. :tilt
Take better pictures of Elizs and Brits, maybe put them on facebook. And the 'related' status.. :rotfl
:wave123 Hi Josh ,Good morning to you and all. Do you really need to upgrade your camera? :rotfl Your pictures are already wonderful. Squirrels do come to certain sounds. When my squirrels hear my gate open to the back yard, the trees in my yard become alive with squirrels coming down to the feeders. How are Eliz. and Brit? Time for some more babies soon! Would be nice, huh? So did they eat the rock melon? Have a good day! :thumbsup

06-13-2011, 03:14 PM
Squirrels do come to certain sounds. When my squirrels hear my gate open to the back yard, the trees in my yard become alive with squirrels coming down to the feeders. How are Eliz. and Brit? Time for some more babies soon! Would be nice, huh? So did they eat the rock melon?

Yes they finished all the rock melon (otherwise known as honeydews I think!) There is another kind hearted uncle leaving peeled and sliced bananas for them so they remain fat :rotfl

Not sure :dono if there going to be new member anytime soon as both are females:thinking . Branches are trimmed so Ronaldo cannot get back to the park unless he dash roads again... I miss Ron a big deal but would rather he stay put…He'll terrify the 2 girls anyway.. :starwars

Sqs the other side respond to Morse Codes. I am tempted to give them a visit and try tapping onto medal bars.. We’ll see if it works… Haha... :tilt

06-13-2011, 03:28 PM
Thank You Moneypenny4Millon

Thanks Marty.

Wow you guys are more addictive then my PlayStation3!

Yes I recently acquired a D5100. Comes with superfast Shutter Speeds to capture superfast Squirrels… and sensitivity high low ISOs. So I am still waiting for Britz or Eliz to come out inspect my gear. :multi

Usually these fellors are curious about my camera. Elizabeth stares at my Nikon P100 a lot. She must have thought that’s was a supergun or something.. :Cannon

I have a pic if you can scroll up, she went down tree… forward tilt head… minimize eyes as if she’s focusing on what I was holding. At that point the camera could do 26X zooms so I took pics from a distant…. She could be on patrol scouting for enemies i suppose…

I just want to share some old pics taken on my Nokia e63… As you know its only 5MPs but I do not want to waste them. And also, I should be starting my first ‘serious’ job since graduation as early as nx week. So here are the (old)photos:…. :D enjoy

06-15-2011, 09:02 AM
I wonder why my Window7 PC can hang when I finish typing the whole thing, :dono I guess I have to retype over. Not the first time..:frustratedx I need to take some :chillpill:chillpill

Anyway this must be off topic,..
I want so share my favorite neighborhood cat
She is called Batman for obvious reasons,...
She lives across the street, no problem with sqs...
Her Mandarin name is 'Fei-Fei' which means Faty

She gets 2 fishes a day, plus a night cookie snack....
Batman is the jewel of the neighbourhood; even tourist takes pictures of her
She sleeps in a basket. Which has since been ‘upgraded’ to a more luxurious version, decorated with ribbons…...

She sometimes thinks she’s queen and deserves Royalty treatments,
Meows at you demanding to get massaged

I think she's too adorable.

No luck with the Sqs, they didn't show up today, but managed to clear the food and water somehow :thinking


06-15-2011, 11:13 PM
Batman is adorable, indeed.
Is she a stray cat?... Sorry, just when you said that the whole neighborhood loves her, I just assumed that she, somehow, belonged to the entire neighborhood because she is "ownerless" (can't say that she is "homeless" because of her new digs "upgrade";-).
And she has very interesting colour pattern, with that mask.
I hope, your precious squirrels will show up soon for more photos.

06-16-2011, 01:35 PM
Hello Astra

Yes she is a stray
She is well loved
, I personally pass her once, twice daily to give her belly rubs..

Thanks for dropping by:wave123

Now she knows how to roll down the floor, to ask for rubrubs
No sqs sighted

06-17-2011, 02:40 AM
I told mum, having born in Rat year of Chinese Lunar Calendar, I have this association with rodents, in particularly with Sqs…
Hence I be naming the pair Britney Lim, Elizabeth Lim – Adding family name like some guys here already did… Feels more like family this way… =D

OK Sqs talk aside… back to Batman….

2 years ago she would plant those eyes sideways to spy….. It took 2 years to build trust. She still runs from kids and gardeners though....
Batman caught my eye one day when I was patting my favourite Tiger-Strapped Cat (who passed last January)

She laid next to him, expecting to be pat too…. That’s when I first noticed her.....
I was later told her name was ‘Batman’ :You see she’s wearing a hoot, black cape, distinctive pink nose, no gadget belt,
exotic look with those silver-grey eyes. :osnap

Yes she's neutered, clean, (someone towel wipes her) and has her own space below the block. Generally Batman is like a civilian…
I’ll not be surprised if she gets a mailbox someday:rotfl

06-22-2011, 02:47 PM
have to hijack this seriously funny Sq photographs...

See this funny idea?.... :rotfl
Well it sure look like a little busy Sq restaurant to me :D

we have 2 happy :Squirrel customers... with corn order....

Have a laugh and you can go to the link here:
pictures from:

06-25-2011, 07:43 AM
introducing Brocolli...


Brocolli placed at sensitive food points. I later rearrange pieces hopping to get some Sq attention.


Brocolli still untouched. Turns bad and is discarded.
I have the presumption they do not realize its part of their menu program..


Replaced with fresh brocollis, left with bits of peanut biscuits. Later that day, about 50% brocolli, biscuits gone. I don't think birds eat biscuits? Meanwhile, Any suggestions to make :SquirrelBrit and :SquirrelEliz want to have veges?? I'll stay on monitoring ...

06-25-2011, 11:53 AM
Birds will eat biscuits. Some even take peanuts. Could be other animals besides squirrels that take the food. Hopefully its the squirrels though.

06-25-2011, 02:29 PM
Birds will eat biscuits. Some even take peanuts.
Hello cutesquirrels :Welcome

Yea I see that. Thanks for bringing the point.. :)
My main intention is to try and entice my 2 wilds to accept veges, starting from broccoli

This has been the 2nd attempt, so far...:alright.gif
I have my broccoli diced smaller potions this time.
want my Sqs to grow fat and strong :strong ...

Thanks for stopping by cs :thankyou
We'll see what happens tomorrow.... :D
:jump :jump :jump
Anyone has tips for :squirrel1 to eat vegetables?

06-25-2011, 03:37 PM
Hi SquirrelsinSingapore,
I've been on the forum for a few weeks now and I just noticed your thread. I read your original post and thought I'd say hello. I'm looking forward to reading more of your thread as time allows. The pics of the squirrels you linked to are beautiful, I've never seen a squirrel with a yellow underbelly! Wow! And, you mentioned it took you 4 months to be able to hand feed the male. I have yard squirrels that I've been feeding for several months now and only 1 female will let me hand feed her. That took about 3-4 months for her to trust me enough. The others are pretty skittish.

I thought I'd say hello. See ya around and I'll check out your thread when I have more time. :D

06-26-2011, 06:11 AM
Hi SquirrelsinSingapore,
I've been on the forum for a few weeks now and I just noticed your thread. I read your original post and thought I'd say hello. I'm looking forward to reading more of your thread as time allows. The pics of the squirrels you linked to are beautiful, I've never seen a squirrel with a yellow underbelly! Wow! And, you mentioned it took you 4 months to be able to hand feed the male. I have yard squirrels that I've been feeding for several months now and only 1 female will let me hand feed her. That took about 3-4 months for her to trust me enough. The others are pretty skittish.

I thought I'd say hello. See ya around and I'll check out your thread when I have more time. :D

hello veganhead :wave123

Yes their underbellies are so beautiful, but i don't suppose i'll ever gotta chance to touch their undertummies :poke I'll probably end in ICU wards

Yeah and after 4 months, he'll be looking around you as if see anything else you brought for them... (see my 2nd video link) :thumbsup

Today is 4th day of my 'Brocoli Experiment'. I am proud to say result is almost 100% :alright.gif . Though I am not there to witness a Sq pickup brocoli, but can anyone tell me what are the odds for birds to eat up all bits of brocoli?

AND if Sqs sees birds eating broccoli, will it propel themselves to WANT to eat broccoli? or any vegetables in general....

Thanks veganhead for visiting:Welcome

Meanwhile, any suggestions will be welcomed and entertained

06-26-2011, 11:17 AM
Omuhgosh! Batman is the spittin image of my kitty Tyson--only Batman's ears aren't all chewed up from mosquito bites--or actually an allergic reaction to mosquito bites. Hi Batman!!!!

06-26-2011, 02:37 PM
Omuhgosh! Batman is the spittin image of my kitty Tyson--only Batman's ears aren't all chewed up from mosquito bites--or actually an allergic reaction to mosquito bites. Hi Batman!!!!
Hello chickenlegs! :Welcome

Oh i got what you meant about their ears. The right side aeh?
From where i am, clipped right ears are to show it is neutered.

They are trying to control or reduce strays bleeding.
Not all strays are conditioned and loved like those 2...

Thanks chickenlegs for stopping by :wave123

now how about a image of your lookalike kitty.
does she has nice teary eyes like my batman?
n does she wears black cape? :rotfl

06-26-2011, 09:08 PM
And here she is. She has a cape but one side of her cowl is missing.

These pix were taken pre mosquito season. Poor girl's ears get mighty chewed up and you'd think I was putting hot coals on her if I medicate. Silly ol cat! Tyson is 4 years old last April. I got her when she was not yet 3 days old. She's got barn cat genes but I've screwed with that programming. I don't let her chase my squirrels and now she won't chase the rats that live in the woodpile. Tsk!

06-27-2011, 12:54 PM
And here she is. She has a cape but one side of her cowl is missing. These pix were taken pre mosquito season. Poor girl's ears get mighty chewed up and you'd think I was putting hot coals on her if I medicate. Silly ol cat! Tyson is 4 years old last April. I got her when she was not yet 3 days old.
Hello chickenlegs,
nice kitty you have there ..
Batman should be 35 or more by now. Counting in 'cat years'
She is my 2nd favourite since Tarzan left us nearly 2 years ago.....
My batman is an intelligent, lazy cat. She does no work all day, and still expects to be fed. I can really see her health deteriorate.

Mice run right pass her and its like none of her business :rotfl


the 2 drank up alot that day consuming brocoli. (Eachday I place approximately 50cc water in little tub, on a trunk.)

It makes me happy knowing they got right nutrition values... :thumbsup

Think I am throwing in fruits into the mix. (they like variety right)
hopefully that keeps them happy....:wahoo

I have also gave them a clean break of 1 to 2 days, so the pair can explore other natural minerals... eat other things.

I have noticed this big bellied uncle who is regular at our resident's hill. He feeds Brit and Eliz bananas... :alright.gif

So there are always slices of bananas remain on food spots... which should be good... only prob is he ONLY leave them bananas..

SO in a way i am trying to introduce other varieties to this 2 wild Sqs.

I like them a big deal :Love_Icon

Emjs & Bmjs
A Mother and Daughter Tag Team Partnership...

06-27-2011, 10:43 PM
Is that Tiger-Strapped Cat in those pictures? - such a beautiful cat...
Are Batman's eyes really that turquoise blue?... Amazing!

Good luck getting your wilds eat veggies ;-D.
My wilds will never touch them. I tried.
The best they can do is eat some apple slices, grapes, some other fruit and avocado. That's about it. They want nuts, nuts and more nuts.
They will go for the fruit only if there are no nuts left.
Spoiled little guys... but let them be spoiled, because very soon I have to move and there will be no one to spoil them ;-(

Have you tried giving yours avocados?...

06-27-2011, 11:44 PM
Hi Josh, I see you are a cat person. Me too! (Actually a dog person too. I have 3 dogs) I have 4 cats. My cats are strickly indoor cats. I have a tiger striped Tabby just like the one you showed us. I actually have 3 Tabby cats. The other 2 are Tabby striped long haired with white feet and tummies. I also have 1 black cat with a small white spot just barely seen on his chest.
So how are Brit Lim and Eliz Lim?? I can't get my wilds to eat brocolli much either. Sometimes I see a crow take it. I don't know if they will eat it or just can't figure it out.:rotfl Have a great day! Love all the pictures. Keep them coming.:poke


06-29-2011, 01:58 PM
Is that Tiger-Strapped Cat in those pictures? - such a beautiful cat...
Are Batman's eyes really that turquoise blue?... Amazing!

Good luck getting your wilds eat veggies ;-D.
My wilds will never touch them. I tried.
The best they can do is eat some apple slices, grapes, some other fruit and avocado. That's about it. They want nuts, nuts and more nuts.
They will go for the fruit only if there are no nuts left.
Spoiled little guys... but let them be spoiled, because very soon I have to move and there will be no one to spoil them ;-(

Have you tried giving yours avocados?...

Hello Astra,
I call him Tarzan.
Tarzan is always picking up fights with other male cats.
Somehow or rather he clicked with Batman.

The tarzan-batman partnership was a force to be reckon with.
When they on night patrol, no cockroaches or rats came.
So that block had the cleanest lobby....

Until Tarzan’s passing.
Some said Tarzan grew up with them in the estate.
They watch him grow. Like one of theirs
One resident became so upset, she lounge police report claiming on suspected animal abuse.
Which was not the case as Tarzan was then old and had visibly grew weak.

RIP Tarzan.. :violionist .

Batman's eyes are only turquoise blue under flash, :flash
normal lighting she’ll give me that ‘exotic cat look’ that is due to hers tinted greyish eyes..
She has one fang, white belly, a distinctive pink nose.
Kinda resembles Slyvester from Loony Tunes -black white cat aftering Tweety the yellow bird…

Oh yes thank you. For the experiment, I am left to physically witness my Sqs pick and consume.
I’ll be waiting with my newest camera equipments… hope that sums up Vegetables Challenge :bounce2

Avocados here are expensive my friend, all imported from Australia. Nevertheless, I’ve left them avocados before.
I peeled, sliced, and cleaned the core. Brits and Elizs took some time to realize its edible

Yea they kept wanting nuts.. Nuts and more nuts.
If I have the ability to open a nut bank trading with :Squirrel:Squirrel:Squirrel, I'll be a rich man.
They'll have to gather coins to exchange their prize.:osnap *terms, conditions apply. Hahaha (evil laughter)

I’m sorry you have to leave your Sqs and move away.
Perhaps you can drop by again and give these animals a treat - good old times sake. I know they’ll love it.

Lastly, a photograph brings back many memories. Be sure to snap some on your favourite :Squirrel.
I am glad I have Tarzan's shot before he became ill and lost fur

Thanks for visiting, Astra


06-29-2011, 02:18 PM
Hi Josh, I see you are a cat person. Me too! (Actually a dog person too. I have 3 dogs) I have 4 cats. My cats are strickly indoor cats. I have a tiger striped Tabby just like the one you showed us. I actually have 3 Tabby cats. The other 2 are Tabby striped long haired with white feet and tummies. I also have 1 black cat with a small white spot just barely seen on his chest.
So how are Brit Lim and Eliz Lim?? I can't get my wilds to eat brocolli much either. Sometimes I see a crow take it. I don't know if they will eat it or just can't figure it out.:rotfl Have a great day! Love all the pictures. Keep them coming.:poke


Hi Marty,

I am a cat, dog, and squirrel person.
I can’t keep pets at home, so I will always
be on the lookout for cute strays.

How wonderful it is if we can also have you leave some tabby photos.
Yea, tabbies are cute i agree. Kinda like mini tigress.

I would certainly hope its them and not the birds taking out brocolis.

Yea, I got the latest Nikon. But no time to shoot!
I may need to re-understand the squirrel scheduling
Maybe they come out playing once I’m packed for the day!

Hope to produce some stunning shots like Daniel Lang!
See ya

06-29-2011, 10:44 PM
Hi Josh, I will try to post the tabby pics in the morning. I do love tabby cats.
Your photos are wonderful now with whatever camera you are using ... what will the new Nikon do that you aren't already doing?? Have there been any Brit and Eliz sightings this week?? About time for those girls to begin a new family of babies. :rotfl How are your studies going? I hope you get to take some summer vacation. :poke Waiting to see new pictures with your new Nikon soon. Have a great day!


06-30-2011, 08:29 AM
(taken today: 7pm, default flash, pet portrait mode)
Let me show you my Kung fu...
you won't want to mess with me...
*best with Batman theme song

06-30-2011, 08:36 AM
Some warming up...
sit and reach!!

06-30-2011, 08:40 AM
this is
drunken fist!!!

06-30-2011, 08:41 AM
watch my
spinning heel kick!!!

06-30-2011, 08:43 AM
...non shadow
high kick!!!

06-30-2011, 11:23 PM
I love this black and white kitty. She looks to be nursing or at least not so long ago. The pics are great! :thankyou The high kick is soooooooooooo cute.:Love_Icon


07-02-2011, 01:00 PM
Hello Marty, hello TSB,

Today I had the camera..
The Squirrel right ahead,
abt 10 ft in front..

Sq makegood little poses…
I got Good distance…

Realized...... I've done all, but

It ran away after I got it reloaded (damn..) :hissyfit

So I now realize how precious are nice Sq photographs... :bowdown :bowdown .

Just when i thought thats a picture perfect shot...
with a blink of an eye...
Now you see, now you don’t!

07-02-2011, 03:24 PM
Hello Marty, hello TSB,

Today I had the camera..
The Squirrel right ahead,
abt 10 ft in front..

Sq makegood little poses…
I got Good distance…

Realized...... I've done all, but

It ran away after I got it reloaded (damn..) :hissyfit

So I now realize how precious are nice Sq photographs... :bowdown :bowdown .

Just when i thought thats a picture perfect shot...
with a blink of an eye...
Now you see, now you don’t!
oh darn it!

07-04-2011, 11:37 AM
Some consolation.. I got Batmans' private villa :rotfl

Her 'property' sits on a raised 3ft by 3ft concrete platform :) ,

Batman also sleeps on a fancy luxuriously decorated warm basket

-Not bad for a kitty. :tilt

Mansion include 'cat-sized' pool, some private gardens, etc etc.

Wow what a life!

07-04-2011, 12:20 PM
Some consolation.. I got Batmans' private villa

Her 'property' sits on a raised 3ft by 3ft concrete platform :) ,

Batman also sleeps on a fancy luxuriously decorated warm basket

-Not bad for a kitty. :tilt

Mansion include 'cat-sized' pool, some private gardens, etc etc.

Wow what a life!
Hi Josh, Wow! I would say, what a wonderful villa for any cat. Humans too. I'd sleep in that basket! :rotfl It is too bad about the battery thing.:shakehead. I have to say, I have done some crazy things too. Rather make that DO crazy things all the time. :sanp3 With the new camera you will have many more perfect shots, I'm sure. Next time, Josh! :crazy

07-04-2011, 02:30 PM
Hi Josh, Wow! I would say, what a wonderful villa for any cat. Humans too. I'd sleep in that basket! :rotfl It is too bad about the battery thing.:shakehead. I have to say, I have done some crazy things too. Rather make that DO crazy things all the time. :sanp3 With the new camera you will have many more perfect shots, I'm sure. Next time, Josh! :crazy
Thank You, Marty
I'll work harder to showcase nicer pictures mjs

Maybe I can ambush around the tree, :sanp3
dress like a Sq, camouflage in green or something :sanp3:sanp3
:crazy :crazy
Looking forward to my next coming weeks :jump

07-08-2011, 07:58 AM

Saw in this video, what is called 'Bearded dragon' being fed live pinkies!
Poor O PinkieS are lively at the point and peppered calcium powder!!!

It screamed for mommy and were lost for ways !

tinfoil CAN HE DO THAT?!



I am very heart brokened to realize if there is such demand supply, trading of pinkies.

I have no doubt baby is stolen off nest, and traded. Like in a pet shop or something.. One should really befriend the video guy and ask him where he got those.

I have spolited my cover, as soon as I blew off my top watching this video. Yea I scolded him!

I am very angry man now..


:soapbox :soapbox :soapbox :soapbox :soapbox :soapbox :soapbox

IS THERE something we can do about it

I wonder how many times its being repeated

07-08-2011, 10:01 AM

Saw in this video, what is called 'Bearded dragon' being fed live pinkies!
Poor O PinkieS are lively at the point and peppered calcium powder!!!

It screamed for mommy and were lost for ways !

tinfoil CAN HE DO THAT?!



I am very heart brokened to realize if there is such demand supply, trading of pinkies.

I have no doubt baby is stolen off nest, and traded. Like in a pet shop or something.. One should really befriend the video guy and ask him where he got those.

I have spolited my cover, as soon as I blew off my top watching this video. Yea I scolded him!

I am very angry man now..


:soapbox :soapbox :soapbox :soapbox :soapbox :soapbox :soapbox

IS THERE something we can do about it

I wonder how many times its being repeated
I am not going to watch it, but I've heard about stuff like that... I know some pet stores use pinkies (e.g., rat pinkies) as feed...
Your alert will get more attention if you post it somewhere else: some non-life threatening forum or off-topic forum or something like that.

07-08-2011, 10:42 AM
I am not going to watch it, but I've heard about stuff like that... I know some pet stores use pinkies (e.g., rat pinkies) as feed...
Your alert will get more attention if you post it somewhere else: some non-life threatening forum or off-topic forum or something like that.

And Yeah Thats the problem,

Have no clue how to post a new thread with different heading.
I mean, is that even legal? Is it permissible?

Can their license be removed for so?

Nevertheless, I have alerted IR
Yes I hope in anyway, we can help reduce or eliminate these low class acts.
That he so proudly post to internet

What if they have to kill mummy :Squirrel just to take babies


07-08-2011, 12:08 PM
And Yeah Thats the problem,

Have no clue how to post a new thread with different heading.
I mean, is that even legal? Is it permissible?

Can their license be removed for so?

Nevertheless, I have alerted IR
Yes I hope in anyway, we can help reduce or eliminate these low class acts.
That he so proudly post to internet

What if they have to kill mummy :Squirrel just to take babies

TO start a new thread:
From the TSB Home Page (where all forums are displayed), click on the forum you are interested in. It will open the forum with all threads in it.
Look in the upper left corner - there will be a button that says :" Start a new thread" (or " New Thread", or something like that). Click on it and it will open a blank field for you to type your thread's title.

As for the pinkies - it is horrendous. I am sure there are limits as to how/under what circumstances/etc one can do that... although, as I am thinking right now, I am not so sure - I wouldn't be surprised if there are no regulations regarding this...:soapbox :soapbox :soapbox but it's worth looking into...

07-08-2011, 02:44 PM
TO start a new thread:
From the TSB Home Page (where all forums are displayed), click on the forum you are interested in. It will open the forum with all threads in it.
Look in the upper left corner - there will be a button that says :" Start a new thread" (or " New Thread", or something like that). Click on it and it will open a blank field for you to type your thread's title.

As for the pinkies - it is horrendous. I am sure there are limits as to how/under what circumstances/etc one can do that... although, as I am thinking right now, I am not so sure - I wouldn't be surprised if there are no regulations regarding this...:soapbox :soapbox :soapbox but it's worth looking into...

Thanks for your help Astra,

Yes, doing excately that.

My heart sinks a mile watching the last struggles of young one

Thank you for helping me get the attention it deserves.

I want to help them

07-09-2011, 05:21 PM
Unfortunately after almost a year,

SOmeone perhaps a new cleaner, removed Batman's Beautiful Ribbon Tied Basket.

i reckoned batman's body must be aching without the curved support of a rounded basket bed.

feel sorry for little guy, so prone to take afternoon naps on a hot day.

Now i have to find batman's sleep spots to locate her hideout again


07-10-2011, 01:24 AM
Unfortunately after almost a year,

SOmeone perhaps a new cleaner, removed Batman's Beautiful Ribbon Tied Basket.

i reckoned batman's body must be aching without the curved support of a rounded basket bed.

feel sorry for little guy, so prone to take afternoon naps on a hot day.

Now i have to find batman's sleep spots to locate her hideout again

I am sure you will find Batman's sleep spots, but who bothered moving his basket?:soapbox

07-10-2011, 04:10 AM

07-12-2011, 11:37 AM
So an idea strike me
maybe I can design a costume for my cat friend..

07-12-2011, 11:45 AM
Honoring her dedication
keeping the city safe,
from cockroaches...

Without further to do
we welcome BATMAN...:rotfl :wahoo :multi :D

07-14-2011, 07:43 AM
The women featured was batman's foster mum.

She basically is a retired women who used to stay here.

So I went up that park today

Britney was having a nice time having 'feeding tree' all to herself

I remembered a long time ago, 3 Sqs all hang by the same tree.

Funny they know what time to gather..

Today actually Britney intended to run away (obvious body gestures)

Thankfully I bought some bananas, So I dangled bananas ....:peace

She waited same spot, with some 'squirrel patience'. Prone position (pancaked)

And thats like 50 seconds... Oh yes she barked (know that sharp squirrel sound?) I think she meant, "Hey can you hurry I don't have all day"

Alright, now for more SQUIRRELY ACTION! YEAH!!! tinfoil tinfoil

I especially liked that shot she dive into container... :rotfl

:dono Apparently someone left her pecans for the day

And also, one jogger stop running. It occurs to me he is afraid of tree rats. hahas... how typical.

I think there is generally more people afraid of them, than wanting to hunt them, or that adores them. :thinking

07-14-2011, 07:56 AM
Britney leaving...

"Going home, to see mama"

byebye Sq, go home ~

visit us soon ~~

I'll bring apples ~


07-16-2011, 04:49 AM
:wahoo today 16/7/11, 15 pcs apple slices all disappear in 1 hour!

Good GIrls:D

island rehabber
07-16-2011, 08:13 AM
Those are such beautiful squirrels! I know I've said it before but that stripey action along the sides is just amazing....:)

07-16-2011, 01:41 PM
Those are such beautiful squirrels! I know I've said it before but that stripey action along the sides is just amazing....:)

Yea those black belts..

They know karate....

07-16-2011, 11:28 PM
Yea those black belts..

They know karate....

Hi Josh, I love the Batman kitty. Seems like a sweet kitty. IR is right those black stripes are so unusual to us. Funny how alike our squirrels are but how different too. :D Is that Brit eating from the food cup? Great idea to keep the feeding station off the ground.

07-17-2011, 05:53 AM
my mum says

She prefers fat fat

chubby Sqs over your side :-)

I think she meant those hibernating foxers


Soooooooo adorable.... :multi

Love to keep one in my pocket :Love_Icon

07-17-2011, 07:06 AM
Earlier news is these Sqs are so smart,

they moved in a centralized tree. -where the drink and food is.

They say property is all about location, location, location.

How true...


Same day while returning home, I encounter TWO 10-12 yr old boys,

throwing sticks up this particular feeder tree, that i was referring abt.

So I gave both of them a loud and deserving lecturing.

Lucky they are just 10-12 yr old kids. Not teenagers.

Then there was also a time i caught a roughly 14 yr old children in his sch uniform,

trying to destroy tree roots.

:nono He got a lecturing too. I won't care who his mum, or dad is! :soapbox

I will protect B&E as long I lives here.

07-17-2011, 07:22 AM
Hi Josh, I love the Batman kitty. Seems like a sweet kitty. IR is right those black stripes are so unusual to us. Funny how alike our squirrels are but how different too. :D Is that Brit eating from the food cup? Great idea to keep the feeding station off the ground.

Yea Marty,

Congrats on becoming a rehabber yourself. Its a real accomplishment :bowdown and a plus to our community

Food cup is made by the stubborn old man who only feeds pecans.

He yelled, "Let the Sq choose what to eat!" - well fair enough...

But after I replaced his pecans with veges, we were not on talking terms anymore. But that was also because he confronted me angrily. Without offering to listen.

Thats why I call him Stubborn Old Man. SOM

BUT his lousy food cup is no match for this!
:osnap :osnap

07-18-2011, 12:21 AM
No kidding, Josh, Those are great feeders. Yes the cup dose look sad compared to the feeding stations. Keep up the good work setting those kids straight. :thumbsup


07-18-2011, 02:08 PM
Black White Cat, AKA Batman, affectionately known here as 'feifei' (meaning: fat /prosperity) is one special cat, at least to me.

I always remember that morning in 1998. I was giving Tarzan his relaxing massage therapy paddings. 'Meow' One new cat emerged, laying down beside Tarzan's spot. New cat wants next on to-be massaged list. :rotfl That's how i came across Batman...

A year passed, Tarzan passed. Feifei became my favorite neighborhood cat. Unlike Tarzan she never really trusted 100%, always kept a spying eye on you. It took me 2 years to convince I meant her no harm.

When relaxed, Feifei gives people a warm feeling. For a family that cannot keep pets, she is like a home pet to our household.

When she fractured a nail I went visiting in the clinic. I felt she was locked away like pretty lonely. So I visited daily. Hoping to make an impression that she could recognize me. And to her credit, she did

Now some years later, she is losing fur again, coughs, lose weight, sleeps like forever, generally looking restless. I really doubt she have another 5 years in her...

I talk to her, try to comfort and smoothen her pains, basically just cherishing what remaining time she has.

Looking back, it feels as though I've known her through my life. I've took pictures of her doing cute things. Hopefully by that time's up, we can have good lasting memories of a well loved, chubby feifei cat.

AKA sleepyhead batman.

07-18-2011, 11:47 PM
what a beautiful story about Batman...
as for SOM, well, Josh, let's look at it this way: it might be just a flimsy cup, but it's a feeder of some sort and, I am sure, squirrels are grateful. At least this SOM cares about them in his own way, doesn't consider them a nuisance and doesn't shoot them with bbguns or whatever else, you know...
He might not understand about veggies, but for wild squirrels that's not a big deal - they eat a lot of their own "veggies" (greens, leaves, buds, flowers etc), so it's ok.
The most important thing is that SOM feeds them and doesn't kill them!:thumbsup
So, he can be considered a Good SOM :) :grouphug

07-19-2011, 05:15 AM
what a beautiful story about Batman...
as for SOM, well, Josh, let's look at it this way: it might be just a flimsy cup, but it's a feeder of some sort and, I am sure, squirrels are grateful. At least this SOM cares about them in his own way, doesn't consider them a nuisance and doesn't shoot them with bbguns or whatever else, you know...
He might not understand about veggies, but for wild squirrels that's not a big deal - they eat a lot of their own "veggies" (greens, leaves, buds, flowers etc), so it's ok.
The most important thing is that SOM feeds them and doesn't kill them!:thumbsup
So, he can be considered a Good SOM :) :grouphug

Hi ast

I appreciate where you are coming from, and I hope you are right.

You know I didn't like the amount of unhealthy pecans SOM pours daily. In a attempt to educate SOM, he refutes what he has done over many years, and that a newcomer don't need to tell him what to do, what not to!

His attitude was so bad, it would have easily turned into a fight that day...

So he has such high opinion of himself, nobody needs telling him anything. So i listened to IR, to stay clear of SOM instead. I see theres no point talking.

Sales of weapons of mass destruction :rotfl , even bbguns are illegal where we live. So nobody shoots Sqs or even hunt here.

This afternoon 20th July,

I removed a pile of twigs I finally knew what was meant for.

Those should be supplies for naughty boys. Yep they are out to hurt Britney Elizabeth. With guns or without

Pebbles near Sq zone are also removed.

:shakehead ..

Where is the l:Love_Icon ve?

It is no wonder they run at the sight of humans

07-23-2011, 11:24 AM
Most recently

I mixed a few MM of pure un-enhanced preservatives free fruit juice into their drink. :Drink
(to up their vitamin C)
I find the result encouraging, they basically lick it clean. :D

It seem to come to me that, as long as it is offered not too often
they should like it...

Having said that, the variety is just as important...

If you are looking to offer new solid food or a new kind of vege,
Try mixing w peanut smell. Becos they go crazy over peanut smells like that: :wahoo

Fragrance attracts them :Squirrel:Squirrel in first place
Size is also important, make it easy for size of a Sq's mouth
Being curious they bite, so if it didn't taste too bad, then viola!
You have your new food successfully introduced.

I wouldn't taper with the taste if I were you. Natural is always good :thumbsup
Remember to check TSB's food/fruit chart and intro the right mix! :peace

07-23-2011, 12:19 PM
Then this is for Pet Sqs


07-25-2011, 12:45 PM
Recently squirrely activities are reduced to 1, active squirrel.

I hope the older Sq (Elizabeth) are okay, not injured, sick or whatsoever.

These days of hot weather, I gave them a full tab water, even mixed with little bit pure fruit juice... and the usual apple slices, bananas

For 2 days straight I discarded pebbles and sticks, to make sure nothing can be hurled to hurt anybody :nono

Theres a kindergarden (pre-school) nearby. So B&E have active kids to deal with. :nono As you all know some kids can be very naughty.,...

Lets hope B&E will come out and play more often, get some rays, and be active Sqs; generally speaking

:banana :monkey

08-12-2011, 11:56 AM

Came pass squirrel mum Elizabeth, the queen
Nowadays i can't really tell the diff, except this one's got a bigger butt..

I am assuming mummy as Princess Britney's not given birth, so yes shes virgin squirrel :sanp3

If not, then maybe she has really gone fat,. haha (this part of mine and big belly uncle's plan to fatten the two) :thumbsup :alright.gif

Anyway today's eat your wilds day. So theres no food to offer :sanp3 Just refilling clear water :Drink Weather's quite hot this week...

Today's encounter quite funny. Eliz looked excited when i came. Sort of greeted me (i felt). She went to drop food zone to the plastic cup, then look back at me....

HA HA. Yeah i got the idea., 1pm- lunch time. Eliz wants be fed....

I was suppose to showcase this new equipment, for the camera people in this board; its Nikon DX 18-105mm 3.5-5.6/G AF/S. :gun2 :ohthedrama A longer zoom lens =)

Eliz look receptive so i waved 'Hi' And then she turn and ran instead =(

So, no shots., Till next time.. I could do some good zooms on the duo


08-12-2011, 12:26 PM
Good morning.
Stopped by to see how things were going with your furry friends.

08-12-2011, 12:36 PM
Good morning.
Stopped by to see how things were going with your furry friends.
Good morning to you!

Its close to 1am here, so bedtime me and two furry balls :wave123

Have a great day Skul!

08-19-2011, 11:16 AM
This is Marvin.
Marvin is a NR that is going have 4 front teeth and to repair the cleft palate,

This surgery is about 1,200

You can help Marvin at:

08-19-2011, 11:29 AM
Saw Britney:squirrel =) in fact both of them
It is still exciting to see healthy Sqs running around,
chasing one another.... :starwars

The mere sighting brightens my day,
I felt it signified a good day ahead. :thumbsup

Later the day I got calls for not 1 but 2 interviews :multi

:peace Cheerios

I am so topping their supplies. The pair brings squirrel luck !

08-20-2011, 09:22 AM

08-20-2011, 10:01 AM

island rehabber
08-20-2011, 10:07 AM
:multiLove the pix!! Beautiful coloring on those babies, and those trees are so gracefully beautiful as well! There is something about the light in your part of the world.....white and soft, like in Australia. Very different from our light up here. (Hope that makes sense -- anybody else know what I mean? It's like, when movies or TV shows are shot in New Zealand but they're supposed to be set in Europe, I can always tell it's not really on location because of that white Southern Hemisphere light.)

PS: you did good camo, baby - I couldn't see you at first. :D

08-20-2011, 10:09 AM
big belly UNCLE reportedly sights 3 sqs

I spotted a smaller newcomer, though is unsure a male or female

I don't think is mr.Ronaldo. :dono

It'll need a name too if it hangs around enough.....

We are really unsure where this 3rd Sq come from, considering

all longer branches are recently trimmed :wott

08-20-2011, 10:28 AM
:multiLove the pix!! Beautiful coloring on those babies, and those trees are so gracefully beautiful as well! There is something about the light in your part of the world.....white and soft, like in Australia. Very different from our light up here. (Hope that makes sense -- anybody else know what I mean? It's like, when movies or TV shows are shot in New Zealand but they're supposed to be set in Europe, I can always tell it's not really on location because of that white Southern Hemisphere light.)

PS: you did good camo, baby - I couldn't see you at first. :D

I'm glad you enjoyed the pics
I have tons of them,
these are my careful selections... :D

oh oh the light,
about 5pm when sun isn't too strong we have better lighting
that is good for photography...
You won't like the 12noon sort, its too heavy, cast too long a shadow

Plus, I work my graphics with Photoshop CS5 to give a final touch
before publishing. It alters light so many ways I just have to find the
best results :jump

Its a challenge on the eyes when they keep still.
These pinesqs can camouflage so well,
Sometimes i had trouble spotting them too...

Looking/relooking at B&E's photographs lifts my day too! :crazy
It looks like my zoom lens paid off nicely too :alright.gif


08-21-2011, 05:48 AM
hm due to 1MB restriction image quality are dropped.... otherwise some would look more vivid :D

what puzzles me is the 3rd :Squirrel.
No linking branches, whatsoever. How did it came about?

one argument was disappearance of Elizabeth the mummy Sq.
She went AWOL one whole month
and now reappeared with a smaller buddy

putting the pieces together that seems to be her new baby? :thinking
If so, who's its daddy? :dono

sleeping koala
08-24-2011, 06:13 AM
Your posting along was the one about Enzo have to two of my favourite postings on TSB.
Hoping you get good news regarding those interviews.

08-24-2011, 09:13 AM
I get a kick out of those small ears.:rotfl
They make your squirrels pretty cute.

08-24-2011, 03:23 PM
Your posting along was the one about Enzo have to two of my favourite postings on TSB.
Hoping you get good news regarding those interviews.
Thank you sleeping koala
I am glad you like it here

I'll put something up real soon

08-24-2011, 03:29 PM
I get a kick out of those small ears.:rotfl
They make your squirrels pretty cute.

tiny roundy mini ears

emergence of a 3rd Sq got us excited
we are increasing our rounds and supply
in hope little newcomer would stay with us


Hava nice day skul

08-26-2011, 06:29 PM
If you took Stosh's Rama Rota, and flipped the dark stripe around, he'd look like your squirrels. (don't look at ears.:D )

08-27-2011, 12:53 PM
If you took Stosh's Rama Rota, and flipped the dark stripe around, he'd look like your squirrels. (don't look at ears.:D )

Yess Skul I have noticed...
It is too cute! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
They could have been long lost families..:D

I hope Western :Squirrel stayed save
in the event of typhoon Irene...


08-27-2011, 01:46 PM
Look at those cute little ears! Oh jeez, I think I must have an thing for squirrel ears. Those guys are beautiful!

08-27-2011, 05:56 PM
Look at those cute little ears! Oh jeez, I think I must have an thing for squirrel ears. Those guys are beautiful!

Hi Jake
I visited your website and think
Mojo is particularly cute.. :wott
along with first pic of nameless Sq taking a bow :D
He seem polite :rotfl

Cheers mate :peace

09-01-2011, 02:21 PM
hi guys

nothing to report..

but i really love this video.. :


AND is that Squirrel Hiccups? LoL

(Watch with Sound for best effects....)

sleeping koala
09-13-2011, 08:23 AM
Any more news on the girls ?

09-13-2011, 10:04 AM
SquirrelsInSingapore, what did you use to attach the cup to the tree with? I have been trying to figure out feeding stations for the yard that blend in really well and the cup idea is great. If anyone else has suggestions for feeding stations I would love to see them. I am really interested in finding out if we still have SFS in the woods next to our house.

09-13-2011, 05:50 PM
SquirrelsInSingapore, what did you use to attach the cup to the tree with? I have been trying to figure out feeding stations for the yard that blend in really well and the cup idea is great. If anyone else has suggestions for feeding stations I would love to see them. I am really interested in finding out if we still have SFS in the woods next to our house.

Hi ALittleNutty

The elderly forks used a gell-like, eco-friendly glue. It is odorless and has the plasticy look. Complete with nailing a horizontal reinforcement twit unit.

They drill many smaller holes on cup bottom to ease any water building up, and to prevent mosquito breeding.

I hope that roughly gives you an idea


09-13-2011, 05:56 PM
Any more news on the girls ?

Hi Sleeping Koala :Welcome

Recently the park is undergoing upgrading
Workers carrying cement up to level floors
and rebuild stairs.

I have been leaving huge cherry fruits on trees, as many as ten
each time they were gone the next morning :D

Water consumption went up too ever since a 3rd sq appear
But I top them up each day, or other day :thumbsup

I have been gearing up for a pet Chinchilla
A 3 month old standard grey
It is rodent, so I guess will be putting up pictures shortly... :crazy

I am also employed:alright.gif , so you'll notice lesser of my writings :)

Have a great work week!

09-13-2011, 06:01 PM
I am also employed:alright.gif ,congrats! that's great!:thumbsup :grouphug :wahoo

09-13-2011, 06:07 PM
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

That gives me some great ideas to utilize and a great use for some of the plastic ware that I lost the lids for. :) Recycle time!

09-14-2011, 03:09 AM
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

That gives me some great ideas to utilize and a great use for some of the plastic ware that I lost the lids for. :) Recycle time!

I just want to re-clarify
there are no nails

All pasting is with the gel.
The more contact area you got, stronger is your element

Hope it brings the creative spark in you too


09-14-2011, 08:28 AM
No nails is just what I was looking for. Thanks! I am pretty sure a clear silicone caulk would work with the least amount of damage to the tree.

09-26-2011, 04:16 PM
Just sharing with you guys, my 3 month old
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/317164_10150464554704408_533894407_11264212_516380 252_n.jpg
The one below belongs to another persons'

09-26-2011, 04:28 PM
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl Love the sign! They are both so cute!

09-26-2011, 07:13 PM
The fur on those things is almost as soft as a flyers.:thumbsup

09-29-2011, 04:38 AM
ALN: Yes!!
Skul: Softer then tissues. Their ball of fur puff digs into humanly inaccessible slots and in my opinion helps housecleaning too :rotfl

On the downside, these guys are chewing my cables. I was surprised a 3 mth plus baby Chincinlla bit out the rubberly coat of cable exposing inner copper layer. :nono

So last night i was assembling my medias, little fur ball (his name was bulb bulb) wants a piece of wires around :shakehead For souvenir sake perhaps?:thinking When I hand block him, bulby did a little shutter run :wahoo in attempt to outwit me! Too funny

I am trying bitter spray first, hope it works for us. If not i might enclose his playtime to a certain area. I just refuse to give him up. I bought little bugger for a steal at around 600 USD. Plus I :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon him :wott

10-01-2011, 04:59 PM
as promised :)

10-01-2011, 05:01 PM

10-01-2011, 05:03 PM
This guy makes me laugh everyday:osnap

10-01-2011, 10:18 PM
This guy makes me laugh everyday:osnap
i didn't even know you got a fuzzer now. How did I miss it?...How did you get him?... What's his story?.... he is so-o-o fuzzily cute!:grouphug

10-02-2011, 03:54 PM
Yes Astra!

I actually adopted this little friend. So far he has been a wonderful addition for us. We love him. All of us :D

For 1 week he's my sweetheart, i his happyslave CM0712
In return I earn bulbbulb's trust and :Love_Icon doing his chores: cage cleaning, :poop collecting, making his home as fresh as new each day. This guy is born here. So no issue with climate. :wott

Think my little guy settled well... Even mummy likes him now :D (she was against it initially until I brought BulbBUlb home..)

You see, Bulbbulb allow 'touchy touchy' only on his 3rd day stay :troll
His wake timings are nights here. We are night people. So it is working nicely for everyone. - I wanted a pet, and mum come home pretty late :alright.gif

My bitter spray seems working... BB used to attack tv console
Now he'll happily slot :skiing himself through openings.

For that I am stuffing books to these gaps....

Yes it is funny watching him run about the house :D Everynight he'll have his playtime /exercise.
For now he roams kitchen and the living. I had so much joy doing BB house's interior design. :crazy

Yep, bulby's a fun character
I'll be adding PICTURES


10-04-2011, 05:12 PM
2 weeks. His bites is starting to hurt!

On a good note, we are
celebrating Bulby's first month with us tinfoil
:alright.gif :alright.gif

A toast :Pals to :troll

:troll = Bulby

10-04-2011, 05:32 PM
2 weeks. His bites is starting to hurt!

On a good note, we are
celebrating Bulby's first month with us tinfoil
:alright.gif :alright.gif

A toast :Pals to :troll

:troll = Bulby
ouchy... but he is being what he is, right?...
:multi :wahoo One Month Celebration, yay!
:alright.gif :flash3

10-07-2011, 03:10 PM
ouchy... but he is being what he is, right?...
:multi :wahoo One Month Celebration, yay!
:alright.gif :flash3
Yes I think so

But with those sweet sleeping poses, cutie jump-jumps, and adorable face, my angers are almost instantly gone. :)

He is turning 4 now. (months)
His favorite spots are behind my piano, beside my cpu, in the utility drawers, and underneath sofa. Many times he naps outside cage before resuming play.

And yeah, he likes to roam around the house. Like mini Christopher Columbus. And when he spot a good chew or a spot, goes gnawing again


10-07-2011, 09:57 PM
Sorry I haven't been on in so long, busy at work, so a belated Congrats on the newest family member!
My daughter has been raising chinchillas for a long time and we've always found them adorable. :) We only have the one at the moment. His name is PITA which stands for Pain in the A$$ :rotfl
As a baby he was most adventuresome and could escape from his cage until we fixed the door. He was having too much fun to allow us to capture him and hid in the basement among the storage boxes for nearly a week before we got him back in the cage. We think he use to come back in at night to feed and snuggle with Mom so we didn't dare fix the loose door until we had him in hand.
HInt - my daughter has found out that an urn filled with dust is irresistible so since he refuses to be clicked trained it's the best way to captured the little fuzz butt.

here's a pic



10-08-2011, 02:14 AM
Hello Mousehole

Pita look like a standard grey. Just like my little :yarly...

WHAT? PITA could escape the cage? :shakehead oh dear..
Bulb being a 4 month chinchilla looks like has rather short memories...?
I would hate to wake up to find Bubbly where he shouldn't be
He's too tiny and a sure hazard. :thinking

Yes, yes, I was also told the dust bath container could lure chinchillas out.
Tried before, it works. Do call out names to get attention first because :Squirrel could be napping and haven't noticed...
Remote, dark corners are the favorite hideouts. I always felt they feel safer in there...:dono

As mentioned, mine sleep under our sofa. We didn't understood it was a 3+1 seater.
Until Bulby showed us he's seat is underneath! :hyper :rotfl

You are right these are adventurous creatures. Bored they do gnawing :nono
I find pleasure looking how my baby discover things each day,
and his reaction to it.
Today he found my 65cm Pilates ball and :troll wanted to palm roll it! :eek:
Then just a day ago, he was so determined over his piece of paper that for the first time, I have to wrestle a rat!

Thanks for loading :kewlpics
Pita's looking terrific:thumbsup - in chinchilla terms
Minus-ing chewed corners off furnitures...
My! I'm having great fun!

10-18-2011, 04:39 PM
You guys should see this....


:multi :D :peace
freshly made :troll 's home video for the TSB crew! :alright.gif

:wott :wott

10-19-2011, 09:52 AM
Director's Cut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-KfEFTET4o

Alright and now photos!! tinfoil tinfoil

10-19-2011, 06:08 PM
You guys should see this....


:multi :D :peace
freshly made :troll 's home video for the TSB crew! :alright.gif

:wott :wott
cute how BB runs up and then hides, runs up to the bunny and hides:crazy :)

10-19-2011, 06:08 PM
Director's Cut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-KfEFTET4o

Alright and now photos!! tinfoil tinfoil
:D :Love_Icon

10-20-2011, 06:34 AM
yeah, he's all over the place, having great fun i suppose

I felt he understands "No" now.. :alright.gif

10-21-2011, 03:29 PM
Found this handsome fellow

02-25-2012, 03:26 PM


03-04-2012, 05:35 AM
Now can anybody (perhaps the admin) teach me how I may start a new trend?

Anyways.. heres an update on my favorite neutered neighborhood cat
Doesn't she look like Slyvester from loony tunes? :D

03-04-2012, 05:39 AM
snapshot#2 -yess she's sleeping inside cupboard box... lolx

03-04-2012, 03:32 PM
:wave123 S in S

I saw your question about how to start a new thread. If you go to the forum page that has all the different categories like; Welcome, Emergency Help, Non-emergency help etc., go to the category that fits your new thread. Example, if you want to start a thread for your chinchilla or the kitty, go to the category for Guinea Pig, Hamster, Gerbil, Mice, Chinchilla etc and click on the category link. Up toward middle of the page you will see 'New Thread' (It actually says New Tread--I don't know if that is a misspelling or computer lingo I don't know:rotfl ) Clink on that and you are starting a new thread in that category. Same thing for all the other areas--like emergency posts. Hope this helps.:thumbsup

That is a cute chinchilla you have there. I have never seen one in person--just in pics. Cute kitty pic also. After squirrels, of course, cats are my favorite pet.

06-04-2012, 01:47 AM
Thank you Moneypenny4M :wave123

sleeping koala
06-04-2012, 04:28 AM
Long time no see - hope the girls are going well and you are still feeding them ?


06-05-2012, 12:48 AM
For everyone's information:

Now BB has his own thread here: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?p=762198#post762198

06-08-2012, 02:38 AM
Thanks!@Astra for posting the link, :thumbsup
I had trouble finding my threads too

@sleeping koala recently the park had had a make over. They are doing fine and have gotten notice by residents and kids I believe

Thanks! @HRT4SQRLS i followed your advise basically to get me launch new thread on my chinchilla exclusively :alright.gif :alright.gif

I will find time to write more the next time