View Full Version : new mom, help me!

06-25-2010, 11:28 AM
Our son squirrels name is WInston Peter Curtis. He is cute little handful. This morning he was jumping up in the air and playing and then attacking the ground for fun, and then after that he was chasing his tail. My husband found him weak and starving. We think the neighbors had him then dumped him.
I am having some trouble trying to figure out how to use this. But I am on a mission to give the best care to our squirrel. He is weaned and everything, but I want to make sure I am feeding him the right stuff. I tried to give him kale but he doesnt seem to interested, he would rather eat sunflower seeds. and that concerns me because i know he needs the calcium. How can I get him to eat more greens?
ANd I think his nails are getting to long. We give him boards to crawl up and down to help his nails but I think we are going to have to take him into the vet for a trim?
Also, why does he make a ticking purr noise? When he does that he fluctuates his tail like he is on guard or something. I think its because he is scared or sees something new?
and last but least, can they be poddy trained? He pees and poops everywhere. I gave him a box with hay like shavings but he wont go in there. He only wants to pee in the corner under the computer desck or behind the computer itself. Yikes.... we love him to death!

island rehabber
06-25-2010, 11:40 AM
:wave123hello, and :Welcome to The Squirrel Board!

First and foremost, in case you're not aware of it, it is illegal to have a pet squirrel here in New York state. Please PLEASE do not advertise to neighbors or friends that you have him -- if someone reports you to the DEC (Dept of Environmental Conservation), he can be seized from your home and euthanized. This happened twice last year in NY. PLEASE be careful. For the same reason, it is difficult to find a vet in NY who will treat squirrels. I may be able to help you with that, though, since we have some wonderful members who are rehabbers in upstate NY. :)
As for his diet, our Squirrel Nutrition section has loads of great info on the healthy diet for Pet Squirrels. You must limit the sunflower seeds or eliminate them entirely, for the sake of your little guy's health! MBD is a deadly disease, and low calcium is the cause; it's probably the #1 crippler and killer of pet squirrels. :(
Here are some links to get you started:


The flicky-tail and purring thing are alarm sounds when he hears, sees or smells something that spooks him. There is also the bark and whine alarm that usually means a predator has been sighted! Chattering his teeth means he is warning whoever is messing with him that they are about to get bitten -- take it seriously. It's like a rattlesnake's rattling.....

Oh, yeah, and potty training a squirrel? Um...... no........:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:osnap

We'd LOVE to see a picture of your boy -- glad you found us! :thumbsup

06-25-2010, 11:47 AM
How old is your little guy? What kind of squirrel is he?
He can not be trained to go in a litter box, they pee where they want:D
Give him Henrys Healthy Blocks (2) in the morning and veggies throughout the day, he will learn to like it. His noise that he is making sounds normal, mine all have little noises...some sound like squeels,purring,grunts..all kinds, its cute.
Nail trimming can be done at home, you can do it yourself but you have to be very very careful, I dont suggest using a nail file but clippers are okay. Maybe even some very low sand paper put on a board for him to run up and down? Just twice a week and only a few times..you dont want those little paws getting cut up.<--I'm going to personally try this one myself because trimming nails is a p.i.t.a! Got the idea from a sugar glider wheel made to trim their nails.
Hope this helps.:)

06-25-2010, 11:49 AM
:Welcome Listen to IR she knows her stuff and God Bless you and your husband for taking Winston Peter Curtis under your wing. Sand paper on some of the tree limbs you might want to provide will help keep his nails trim when he climbs up them.What a huge name for such a little guy,how did you come up with it? :) :wave123

06-26-2010, 01:32 AM
Hello and welcome, we would love to see pics of your baby. I have a small pile of rocks for my Scrat to climb around on to help with nails, so far i have not had to trim hers, but she is just over 3 moths old

island rehabber
06-26-2010, 07:07 AM
Hello and welcome, we would love to see pics of your baby. I have a small pile of rocks for my Scrat to climb around on to help with nails, so far i have not had to trim hers, but she is just over 3 moths old

That's such a good idea, Ronda :bowdown! I never thought of that -- thanks!

06-26-2010, 07:18 AM
WELCOME SquirrelMum,
You found the LAST PLACE you'll ever have to LOOK for info & advice.
The PROS are HERE.
Support and LOVE ABOUND.
So glad to heve you & WInston Peter Curtis in our EXTENDED family.

PHOTOS make us SMILE. ..do you have SOME ????

Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )

06-26-2010, 07:28 AM
:Welcome SquirrelMum and Winston Peter Curtis (love his name!)
I got Wayne and Garth to eat kale by making little avacado burrito's. I just pick off the leaves, butter with avacado and roll up. This got them used to the kale. It was not long before they began eating the kale by itself. Thank's for taking in this little boy, can't wait to see pictures of him.

06-28-2010, 08:44 AM
Winston is around 3 months old. thanks for all the replys. I lost the connecter to my camra, so i cant put up any pics right now although i wish i could he is so cute, i will keep looking for it though. so everyone just cleans poops and pees as they see them like I do? I dont keep him a prisoner he is free to roam the house and so he is very at home here, although I might find nuts in my pajama sometimes!

06-28-2010, 08:50 AM
:rotfl yep, clean the poo and pee as you go! They keep ya busy in the poop department, that is for sure:D

06-28-2010, 09:19 AM
Have you thought about how you're going to release your guy? In another month or two he'll probably be looking forward to a life in the trees and will be old enough to fend for himself. If you don't have the appropriate place outside for a release cage there are several rehabbers on the board in N.Y. who may be able to help you out. For now, enjoy his sweet youthful stage :-)

06-28-2010, 12:17 PM
If the little guy is running free, so to speak.
It's a very good idea to make sure all toilet lids are down.
Hot stove tops are also a hazard.

06-28-2010, 02:04 PM
If the little guy is running free, so to speak.
It's a very good idea to make sure all toilet lids are down.
Hot stove tops are also a hazard.
:flash3 So are electrical wiring,electrical cords, TV, appliances, computers and so on,anything that has a plug in.I had lilbit eat the cord to our TV in the motor home and it cost 150.00.He also ate some of the keys off a $3000.00 lap top shortly after my husband got it that cost $ 120.00.But its more than money he could get electrocuted,and die.:shakehead Please keep an eye on him,its like having a baby that never grows up.My son had a ferret we let run loose,she got out the front door,and a black chow killed her and tore her to pieces.We never knew Teesha got out until my nephew found what was left of her she was very quiet.I would try and put a collar with a bell on him.:) Better safe than sorry:multi

06-28-2010, 02:35 PM
Chattering his teeth means he is warning whoever is messing with him that they are about to get bitten?? Oh my god, and i thought he means he wants eat.. I must have been close, haha. Anyway so cute to see squirrel chattering his teeth I thought it is a new trick!

06-28-2010, 02:55 PM
:flash3 So are electrical wiring,electrical cords, TV, appliances, computers and so on,anything that has a plug in.I had lilbit eat the cord to our TV in the motor home and it cost 150.00.He also ate some of the keys off a $3000.00 lap top shortly after my husband got it that cost $ 120.00.But its more than money he could get electrocuted,and die.:shakehead Please keep an eye on him,its like having a baby that never grows up.My son had a ferret we let run loose,she got out the front door,and a black chow killed her and tore her to pieces.We never knew Teesha got out until my nephew found what was left of her she was very quiet.I would try and put a collar with a bell on him.:) Better safe than sorry:multi

You can buy the wire protector that contains many seperate wire into one bundle and coils up easy for maintaince, access, neatness, and protection. In case your squirrel bites it it will be harder as the material that coils the wire around is itself a protecting agent
They cost cheap too. Approach your hardware store for help =)

Ultra Peepi
07-02-2010, 01:42 PM
:Welcome thanks for taking in this little one, look forward to pics. :)