View Full Version : Earwigs in the cage!

marvin's mom
06-23-2010, 09:22 AM
Okay - this weekend we released Marvin but he still comes back to his cage to sleep - and for shelter when it rains. Here's the problem, there are Earwigs (little beetle type things with pincers on their behinds) everywhere - including his nest box!! How do we get rid of them without harming Marvin? Thoughts anyone.....HELP!:thinking

06-23-2010, 09:36 AM
You may not want to hear this but.....it is my understanding that squirrels LOVE to eat earwigs....gross but true.:D

marvin's mom
06-23-2010, 09:47 AM
REALLY?!?! If so, he is in store for a major buffet!!:D

06-23-2010, 10:36 AM
Don't forget to put the salad out.:rotfl

06-23-2010, 10:40 AM
I powder Kibbles box beneath the fleecies that are in the bottom. Keeps any buggies in check. Of course then Marvin won't have any snacks come bedtime.

marvin's mom
06-23-2010, 11:11 AM
I powder Kibbles box beneath the fleecies that are in the bottom. Keeps any buggies in check. Of course then Marvin won't have any snacks come bedtime.

What do you "powder" the box with?

Nancy in New York
06-23-2010, 11:24 AM
Okay - this weekend we released Marvin but he still comes back to his cage to sleep - and for shelter when it rains. Here's the problem, there are Earwigs (little beetle type things with pincers on their behinds) everywhere - including his nest box!! How do we get rid of them without harming Marvin? Thoughts anyone.....HELP!:thinking

Just make sure that there is no moisture around...I thought these little buggers were drawn to dampness...:dono
Kiss that little baby for me, and I am so thrilled that he comes back home...:alright.gif

marvin's mom
06-23-2010, 11:31 AM
Just make sure that there is no moisture around...I thought these little buggers were drawn to dampness...:dono
Kiss that little baby for me, and I am so thrilled that he comes back home...:alright.gif

Oh I wish I could get rid of the moisture...but we've had about 4 inches of rain since Sunday!!! I read somewhere about making traps - maybe using a paper towel roll and covering in with duct tape with a hole in it? Do you think that would work...I know they like it where its dark.:dono

06-23-2010, 11:44 AM

This is from the above web site....Hope it helps:

Trap earwigs with rolled newspaper, bamboo
tubes, or short pieces of hose. Place these traps
on the soil near plants just before dark, and
shake accumulated earwigs out into a pail of
soapy water in the morning. A low-sided can
filled with oil and a drop of bacon grease or fish
oil also makes a good trap. Daily trapping will
reduce earwig populations to tolerable levels.

06-23-2010, 02:05 PM
Okay - this weekend we released Marvin but he still comes back to his cage to sleep - and for shelter when it rains. Here's the problem, there are Earwigs (little beetle type things with pincers on their behinds) everywhere - including his nest box!! How do we get rid of them without harming Marvin? Thoughts anyone.....HELP!:thinking
Without looking at any of the other posts I will tell you this.
Earwigs are harmless as far as I know ad Mugzi loves to eat 'em!!!!

06-23-2010, 02:29 PM
If they are harmless and they eat them, then I don't see a problem with just leaving them.

I personally get the heebeejeebies from them and would want them gone. I was just researching them today because I found 2 in my apartment (yep that's enough to freak me out!) and there is a product called EcoSmart that is natural and pet safe, you could try that. It's made from vanilla, cinnamon and something else and is apparently quite pleasant smelling.

marvin's mom
06-23-2010, 02:37 PM
If they are harmless and they eat them, then I don't see a problem with just leaving them.

I personally get the heebeejeebies from them and would want them gone. I was just researching them today because I found 2 in my apartment (yep that's enough to freak me out!) and there is a product called EcoSmart that is natural and pet safe, you could try that. It's made from vanilla, cinnamon and something else and is apparently quite pleasant smelling.

Oh I know!!! I am not a bug person! :eek: I looked up that EcoSmart...sounds like a good product here's the ingredients
Active Ingredients:
2-Phenethyl Propionate …………………………. 2.0%
Clove Oil …………………………………………………. 1.0%
Rosemary Oil …………………………………………. 1.0%
Peppermint Oil …………………………………………1.0%
Thyme Oil ……………………………………………….. 0.5%
Other Ingredients* ……………………………….. 94.5%
Total …………………………………………………. 100.00%

I think I would use the repellant for myself too...
Active Ingredients:
Rosemary Oil ……………………………………… 0.5%
Cinnamon Leaf Oil ……………………………… 0.5%
Lemongrass Oil ………………………………….. 0.5%
Geraniol ………………………………………………. 1.0%
Other Ingredients*………………………………. 97.5%

IT COULD BE MY NEW PERFUME!! Thanks for the suggestion!

06-23-2010, 02:49 PM
Didn't know there was a repellant too! I think I will be making a shopping trip tonight...

marvin's mom
06-23-2010, 02:58 PM
mjs I think they sell it at Home Depot and Walmart - I will be getting it too! Maybe all the other squirrelies will think Marvin smells fantastic!:D