View Full Version : I'm Doing the Right Thing... Right?!
06-23-2010, 12:57 AM
My little baby is set to be taken to her release home Thursday. A part of me is soooo excited, because she is quickly out growing my basement apartment and has SO much energy. She has built nests everywhere, and is constantly into everything. Chewing, digging, hiding my keys... :rotfl
Mostly I think she will be happier with her squirrel friends in their big pre release cage, but then there are moments when I get up in the morning and she peeks out of the laundry hamper (I've given up on the cage, my room is her "cage" now) and proceeds to leap onto me and run circles around my waist, only stopping every now and then to lick my cheeks. She does this every time I come into the room, or let her out in the apartment when I get home from appointments. She :Love_Icon 's me. Then I wonder, will she miss me? I'm hoping not. I'm hoping that she will enjoy having buddies that can keep up instead of her clumsy mom that can't run fast enough at the end of the leash. Do they usually adjust to other squirrels after being raised alone?
I know I will get her back if she isn't "fitting in" and her new friends aren't accepting her, but I just WORRY for her that I am making the right decision... Is it too soon? I hope I am doing the right thing. :dono
06-23-2010, 07:37 AM
hi there.........
im no expert, but i think you are lucky to be able to at least give her a chance to be wild n takes a huge sacrifice on your part, but at least you'll have the opportunity to find out if she's ready.............if she is ready, open your heart and let her go.............if she's not, take her right back and give it some more time :grouphug
Ultra Peepi
06-23-2010, 11:07 AM
be brave, it's hard to let them go. but if she is ready she'll be very happy i'm sure; if not, you may get to have your little friend around some more it seems. :grouphug goodluck!:)
island rehabber
06-23-2010, 11:19 AM
You're absolutely doing the right thing. Instead of running around your waist, she'll have tall trees to spiral around as fast as she can go, and as high as she wants. She will have squirrelly friends to chase and leap on and ambush from behind :D. She'll learn all the alarm calls, and the warning signs. She'll be a squirrel, as God and nature always intended....thanks to you. :bowdown :)
marvin's mom
06-23-2010, 11:22 AM
You are very lucky that your baby is getting new friends. I just released Marvin and he was all by himself - but has made new friends in the trees. He doesn't even come up to me so he must be too interested in his new habitat - I think they just become squirrels instead of our babies haha(not that they weren't squirrels before!:D ) I think the hardest part is for you missing your baby...but it's a great feeling to see them happy! Good luck and great job raising her!
06-23-2010, 11:42 AM
How old is she?
06-23-2010, 12:02 PM
Thank you everyone, I needed that. :grouphug
Great post Island Rehabber, I like the image in my head of her spiralling up the trees :Love_Icon
06-23-2010, 12:04 PM
How old is she?
I don't know exactly how old she is, but I have had her for 7 weeks today and she was eyes open, fully furred, and ears *almost* open when I got her. So I am guessing around 16 weeks? She will live in her outdoor cage with her buddies for 4 weeks before they open it, so that would put her at 20 weeks - is that too young?
island rehabber
06-23-2010, 12:09 PM
IMHO 20 wks is more than old enough for release....I release between 14-16 wks old myself but then they stay in the outdoor enclosure for another week to acclimate.
06-23-2010, 12:24 PM
You absoluty did the right thing...If she is healthy then she needs to be with other Squirrels :) We tend to think of them as family and it is hard to let go but she is a wild animal and they need to be free. We all cry and worry when we release but it's really all about the animals...And the animals need their freedom. They are wired inside for things that we can't give them. What we can give them is their God given right to be free :):bowdown
06-23-2010, 03:15 PM
Oh Annya, I can REALLY relate! My darling Kibbles has been working on assimilating into the backyard community of squirrels for about a month and a half. She was an only and it's not easy for her. They don't really want her there--and she's confused about what makes her happy. I'm not under any time constraints to push her out NOW so she gets to go in and out as she pleases. Your baby will have a family so that when she does finally head for the trees she already fits in. What a gift you're giving!
06-23-2010, 03:22 PM
t has to be one of the hardest things I ever did. On one hand you know in your heart this is what she wants, on the other side you want her safe and protected. But all in all letting them be free is the greatest gift you can give. Even though it leaves a hole in your heart for some time.
06-23-2010, 05:48 PM
But all in all letting them be free is the greatest gift you can give. Even though it leaves a hole in your heart for some time.
That hole is to be filled with another critter needing your care and love. The holes get bigger and bigger and your capacity to love does too. Great how that works huh?
Nancy in New York
06-23-2010, 06:35 PM
OMG I think what you are doing is one of the most unselfish release on someone else's property is so difficult, just not seeing your baby again, but knowing it is the best possible place...:bowdown :bowdown That is what you are doing...finding her buddies and a place that is nice and safe...what more could she ask for. Bless you for raising her and loving her enough to give her her freedom, and also be willing to take her back if she decides differently. I have released here, and always told don't have to go, it's an open door policy...but they always do eventually leave, and never look back...:shakehead And it's always so much harder on us..:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
06-23-2010, 07:14 PM
Thanks everyone - I will let you all know how is goes tomorrow morning. We just went for a nice walk and my little sister took some beautiful pictures and videos for me.
It is going to be SOO hard (I get all teary just thinking about it) but it is the right thing. AND I am very lucky that the lovely woman doing the release has invited me to come and see her any time. :Love_Icon
Nancy in New York
06-23-2010, 08:22 PM
Thanks everyone - I will let you all know how is goes tomorrow morning. We just went for a nice walk and my little sister took some beautiful pictures and videos for me.
It is going to be SOO hard (I get all teary just thinking about it) but it is the right thing. AND I am very lucky that the lovely woman doing the release has invited me to come and see her any time. :Love_Icon
Oh that is wonderful...that has to make you feel better...I know this is hard, just let your feelings out here...we know what you are going through....:shakehead :shakehead :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
island rehabber
06-23-2010, 08:58 PM
That hole is to be filled with another critter needing your care and love. The holes get bigger and bigger and your capacity to love does too. Great how that works huh?
:goodpost So very, very true. :tilt
Kelly Brady
06-24-2010, 12:40 PM
Dear Annya
What a wonderful thing you have decided to do. I have been in your shoes with my first two sibling squirrels. My heart was aching. But I felt it was selfish to have such an achy heart. Their hearts belong in the trees. Take a deep breath and pat yourself on the shoulder. You have done a wonderful thing, by the sounds of it your baby was more than ready.
06-24-2010, 02:20 PM
Just got back from taking Maggie to her new home. My heart is broken. :shakehead :Love_Icon
I know its for the best, but my heart aches for her. She has NO idea that she is a squirrel and was terrified of the other babies... :shakehead The lovely woman who took her was wonderful to both of us and I know she will take good care of my little girl. She even promised to bring her in and/or call me if she doesn't get "in" with the other babies and into the nest box before it rains. (I think she is going to join TSB too :thumbsup )
Will she make friends? Is she too old to figure this out? She is SO scared of the other babies! They are little and seems friendly towards her, but she is terrified. I brought a nest from home that she made and put it in and when I left she was laying on it and doing her best to protect it. She just kept reaching through the bars for me....
I haven't stopped crying all day. :shakehead
island rehabber
06-24-2010, 02:52 PM
oh you poor kid....most of us have had this experience and it tears your guts out. :grouphug
Please trust in the perfect design of squirrels....they are one of the oldest mammals on earth and have evolved to perfection (or, you might say God made them exquisitely perfect from the beginning :D). Your girl is prepared to be a squirrel...she just needs to realize that she can play with these nice little squirrels and have a blast. And you have an awesome release situation there, with a person who cares about her and will watch over her. (It's so much worse when you have to leave them at a "rehabber release site", as I've done in the past, and nobody goes there to check on them except you.) Either way, it will be fine. :grouphug
06-24-2010, 02:56 PM
Thank you! As soon as I know SHE is fine I will be too. I can deal with my empty apartment as long as she is happy. I just hope she figures it out soon, I feel so bad seeing her so scared. I just hope she doesn't feel abandoned.....
I'm happy to know that her instincts should kick in and she should realize that she is not people and she can play with the other babies... that's my biggest fear at this point I think.
Kelly Brady
06-24-2010, 02:57 PM
I understand your heart. My first release began much the same way. They have only been with you. I cannot tell you how fast they learn to socialize. I am sure you can visit to see for yourself. Your little one has ony known you but will soon really get excited to meet others. I saw it with my own eyes. Your baby is the perfect age to do this. I personally think the older they get the tougher it is to introduce. Adult squirrels are very territorial. Young just blend toghther. I have cried the day away also and I know everyone on this board has done the same. Keep us posted and I am sure that you will get such good news of your friend adapting squirrel life. They are amazing at wilding up as they call it. Chin up dear. Keep smiling:D
06-24-2010, 02:57 PM
She just kept reaching through the bars for me....
I haven't stopped crying all day. :shakehead
Oh Annya26 we have all been there and know exactly what you are going through...believe me she does know she is a squirrel and will realize that very soon. It is heartbreaking but it's more heartbreaking to have a healthy squirrel that wants her freedom. Bless your heart it will get much better and I really think it is easier releasing her on someone elses property this way you are not standing outside for days, weeks and months hollering her name and crying uncontrollably because you can't find her....Once she learns the ropes she will be a happy squirrel :bunny oops that's a bunny but he is happy :)
06-25-2010, 05:22 PM
Thanks again for all the responses everyone, it is really wonderful to have such supportive people to lean on while I'm missing my girl. :grouphug
Last night was just rough! I couldn't sleep, just thinking about her and if she was ok, if she found a safe place in the enclosure (or maybe even got into the nest box with her friends?) or if she was scared and alone in the dark... Lots of tears, not a lot of sleeping!
I just heard from the lovely lady who has her though and she said she took pity on my little girly and gave her a box of her own with the tshirt that I sent with her (as well as gave her cuddles and formula :Love_Icon ) and little Maggie took to it right away and started protecting her "nest". :wahoo So at least she had her own spot to sleep and feel safe last night... sounds like I had a harder time than she did. :Love_Icon Also she said that Maggie sat beside the other little girl squirrel April to eat her nut, no interacting yet, but at least the terror seems to be fading. Amazing little critters they are!
squirrely pearly
06-25-2010, 06:22 PM
you are definatey doing the right thing! when I released Pearly she had never saw another squirrel! except maybe through the window..I would have gave anything to have seen her interact with another squirrely before releasing her. she was scared to death of them out there at first.
your baby will do great , she has a chance to get to know their behaviors, and when not to bother them.etc. she won't be so shocked out there now when the male suitors come calling :alright.gif :Love_Icon
06-28-2010, 07:09 PM
Annya, please keep updating:grouphug :Love_Icon
07-02-2010, 09:40 PM
Annya, please keep updating:grouphug :Love_Icon
Nothing new to update yet, I have been waiting for a little while now for an update from her releaser. :dono
Last I heard from her was a little under a week ago and she said that Maggie had escaped while she was in fixing her bed. She spent three hours playing in the trees and then came back down for some snuggles and to go back in the cage. :wahoo Glad she came back!
I have sent a couple of emails but haven't heard anything yet - hopefully I will get an update soon!
07-15-2010, 03:33 PM
Horray!!! I received the best update today!!! Maggie is set to have the cage door opened in the next day or so. She is now bonded to another little girl named April and sleeps in the squirrel box with all the other little ones. They will be able to come an go as they please and there will always be food/water/shelter to return to. :jump
I am SO excited that she has figured it all out and will get to be a "real" squirrel now. Thank you all for the amazing support and help raising my baby, there's no way I could have done it without TSB! :grouphug
Also I feel so happy because the unofficial rehabber said to let her know if I ever want to foster more babies, which of course I do! So hopefully there will be some more little ones in my future!
Kelly Brady
07-15-2010, 09:00 PM
Oh Annya I am so darn happy for you.:multi
Isn't that a wonderful feeling? You did good Momma.
You should feel so proud! Congrats girl.:wahoo
I want you to know this made my night.:D
07-24-2010, 05:21 PM
It is the greatest feeling!
Just received another update and am thrilled to report that Maggie has officially been released and is doing fantastic! She and the other little girl squirrel still come back every few days to say hi to their foster Mommy and will even cautiously sneak in for the occasional snuggle :Love_Icon
This has been one of the best experiences of my life! Thank you to everyone here for all of the support, I KNOW I couldn't have done this alone. :grouphug
Also, thanks Maggie and the massive hole she left in my heart (as well as my door, my dresser, my closet, my cupboard :rotfl :rotfl ) I decided to adopt a puppy! Soooooooo everyone meet Felix! My new Italian Greyhound pup :Love_Icon He comes home on the 31st and I can barely wait for the mischief and snuggles to begin all over again... and this time I get to keep him :D
island rehabber
07-25-2010, 06:56 AM
Annya, you are my hero of the day! What a great success story this is -- and I think there are going to be more fuzzy little faces in your future :D :thumbsup
07-26-2010, 08:18 AM
:jump :wave :fireworks It's a day to celebrate:jump
:multi :multi :multi :multi :wott MAGGIE!!!! So glad you visit your Mama, she needs that and we all like to know you are doing well out there in your new and fabulous world of squirreldom.
Felix is super cute - he looks very snuggly!
08-03-2010, 05:44 PM
Another Maggie update! She is only coming home now about 1 time per week, apparently usually on Sundays. Her foster Mommy said that when she came last she allowed her to get close enough for a quick scritch on the head but then gave a good solid warning nip. I figure this means she is officially and "real" squirrel and am thrilled!
Puppy Felix is now home as well and filling almost the entire mischief quota that was left empty when Maggie left. :P
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