View Full Version : How to keep her IN her cage?
06-17-2010, 01:01 AM
Maggie spends most of her time running free in my apartment, however there are times such as when I go out to run errands, or when I have clients in (I have a children's portrait studio in my home) that she needs to be in her cage. Recently she has figured out how to open the doors. Quickly. Her cage is in the bedroom, which is fairly safe but I still like to supervise just incase.
I started twist tying the doors shut a few days ago when she figured it out, but she has now learned to chew through them (THREE!). Today she escaped while I was getting groceries (nuts for her, ungrateful brat :sanp3 ) and chewed the bottom of my bedroom door to smithereens. :nono This is a rented apartment. From my Mother. Who did not want the squirrel down here in the first place. She is NOT going to be impressed if and when she sees it. Any suggestions to keep her contained?!
Nancy in New York
06-17-2010, 02:42 AM
Can you get a lock like these and put one up in the corner of her door on the top and one on the bottom? They also have those little spring ring clip things, not sure of the name, they come in different colors? Anything that she can't chew through....little stinker...:rotfl
The snap hooks that Nancy in NY shows above have secured and confused my two escape artist raccoons. Hardware stores and wallymart sell them.
06-17-2010, 01:37 PM
On my way to get them RIGHT now. Hopefully the little brat doesn't chew a squirrel door in my people door before I get back!!! :D :thankyou
06-19-2010, 05:54 PM
I use C ring clips they are smaller and take more effort
Mugzi can work the kind shown
He has....deft digits! :D
pushes down the nub and bingo. Squirrel on the loose!
I have these issues as well!!! :D
My Pop was even impressed...that's hard to do!
06-19-2010, 10:14 PM
What is a "C-Ring clip"?
06-19-2010, 10:59 PM
:rotfl :rotfl
Well that was short lived. I came home today to find the little muchkin fast asleep in my laundry basket. Then I looked left and saw sawdust. So much for my dresser. :shakehead
Here's a couple shots of Maggie and her "accomplishment" doesn't she look proud? :D
06-19-2010, 11:01 PM
Whoops! Those are huge, I've never posted from my cell phone before.. sorry... :dono
Nancy in New York
06-20-2010, 07:12 PM
Did a little resizing...How adorable is she?????:D
06-20-2010, 10:43 PM
lol, so cute!cant be mad at a little damage with a face like that!
06-22-2010, 07:17 PM
Thanks for resizing!
Definitely can't be mad at her - she's way too cute for that. Especially with her new habbit of kissing the end of my nose.. :Love_Icon
Does make me very happy that my new sette will not be arriving until after she has gone to her release home though!
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