View Full Version : baby fawn

06-11-2010, 06:45 AM
We picked him up around 10:00 last night (yawn) Can't get him to take a nipple he just wants to lick it. We did get about 6cc of goats milk replacement down him this morning (yawn) via a syringe, He has some diarreah (stinky) He sort of looks like a squirrel...Can anyone help? I have PM Mandie

06-11-2010, 06:46 AM
it's early sorry I forgot the picture

06-11-2010, 06:53 AM
Oh Virgo!! I can't help, but I just want you to know that I hope all goes well with this little one. He is absolutely precious!!!!!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

06-11-2010, 06:59 AM
Goodness, how precious! I don't have any experience, but sending loads of prayers for this little one.

Nancy in New York
06-11-2010, 07:35 AM
OMG how adorable is this little one...good luck with him/her? :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

Just found these until Mandie comes on...:grouphug :grouphug




06-11-2010, 08:13 AM
Why did you take the fawn in? Often fawns are fine and rescued when they don't really need to be. If he was sitting somewhere real still, but was warm and quiet, then his mom was caring for him. You can tell they need help if they are making their little crying noise or wandering around (usually they do both). Unless of course you saw mom dead on the road and the little fawn near her (happened to me once :sad).

Diarrhea is a pretty serious problem with fawns. It isn't as bad as when cottontails get diarrhea but it is a LOT worse than when squirrels get it because fawns have more complicated digestive systems. I have never raised a fawn (helped care for one once but never had one myself) so I don't know what to do about the diarrhea, just know it is a serious problem.

I have talked to Gabe before about fawns and she recommends Land O' Lakes brand fawn formula (I think it is for goats or something, let me see if I can find it...http://shop.lolmilkreplacer.com/kidmilkreplacer.aspx I am pretty sure it is this one. She said one usually consumes 20 lbs. of formula as it grows up :sanp3).

Good luck with the little (well not so little but young :crazy) one.

06-11-2010, 09:11 AM
We received a call late last night that a woman had him in her house for the past two days and didn't know what to do with him. Apparently the dogs in her area found him laying on the ground. I am sure if she had just moved him further in the woods Mama would have found him but after two days it's a little to late. breaks my heart that Monnie Deer is crying for her baby :( Atlanta Squirrel Girl gave me some numbers to call

Momma Squirrel
06-11-2010, 09:17 AM
Prayers for a healthy fawn to be released back into the wild.

Absolutely gorgeous :Love_Icon

06-11-2010, 09:22 AM
I don't think he has diarrhea...Last night when we picked him up he pooped it was "soft" and had a smell. I have several calls into rehabbers with fawn experience. Thanks...

06-11-2010, 10:25 AM
That explains a lot. Do you know what the people fed him? Poor thing.

Ultra Peepi
06-11-2010, 02:54 PM
good luck with this fawn.:grouphug

06-11-2010, 03:02 PM
How precious. :grouphug

06-11-2010, 03:23 PM
:grouphug What a darling.We had a couple of calves that had diarrhea,and we used kaopectate and it cleared it right up ,I sure hope he does good.I can't believe how loving he looks.I would just cuddle up with him and spoil him rotten.:thumbsup

06-11-2010, 03:36 PM
:grouphug What a darling.We had a couple of calves that had diarrhea,and we used kaopectate and it cleared it right up ,I sure hope he does good.I can't believe how loving he looks.I would just cuddle up with him and spoil him rotten.:thumbsup

I read about the Kaopectate online I'm going to try it...I AM afraid that I will spoil him...Deer are bad to imprint and that concerns me...I can't stop holding him...His little cry just breaks my heart:Love_Icon because I know he wants mommie. We sat up with him till wee hours this morning, slept a couple of hours then started over again. I can't wait to get home after my Knothead time he will be all mine for a few hours. I spoke with a fawn rehabber and though she can't take anymore right now she is just a phone call away.

06-11-2010, 03:37 PM
I raised several fawns back in the 70s and 80s. People brought them to the state park where I lived. Never lost one, they seem pretty hardy.

Fed them calf starter in a pop bottle with a nipple on it. No other feed or treatment needed. There may be much better recommendations now.

Funny how small they are. One came in and when I went out for the midnight feeding it was gone! Looked all night. Turned out it walked out of the snow fence pen and was about 10 feet away. Oh, we kept all of them outside.

Always fed them all summer and winter then cut back on the feed the next spring and slowly they wandered away till I didn't see them anymore.

Fond memories. Or should that be fawn memories.

06-12-2010, 10:59 PM
Hi Virgo. Baby fawns depending on their age do have mushy poop. The bad smell would worry me though. It is very normal for a Fawn not to want to Suckle on a bottle. They are very smart and they just know the rubber thing is not what nature intended. It normally take up to 3 days to get them to suckle. His best chance is either to be brought to a rehabber that has fawns on a bottle (they will imitate the other fawns) Or for you to keep trying but to every time you fail Tube the baby his formula. We just did the very same thing With Ever and she is fully taking her bottles now. He needs food in his belly or his Tummy will shut down. If he has been wothout food for awhile he will also need probiotics. I emailed you my cell number. :)


06-12-2010, 11:18 PM
We've done a small Muley.
I would suggest contacting Deezer.
Experience counts for lot right now.

06-13-2010, 09:35 AM
What a precious creature, breaks my heart too to read about the little Fawn crying for it's mom. Best of luck to both of you.

06-13-2010, 06:06 PM
Spot is now taking the bottle:wott It took him a few days to figure out my ear lobe did not produce milk....he is sucking like a champ. He is the sweetest little Buckaroo. I think we can move this post out of the life threatening......I'm plannig on releasing him in the Battle field where there is no hunting I'm just trying to figure out how to get a big grown Buck in my backseat:thinking

he is now taking about 4-6 oz every 4 hours...Deezer, mandy does that sound about right?

06-16-2010, 04:23 PM
Ever Takes about 250-300 Mls every 4 hours. :thumbsup

They do well with 10% of their body weight at each feeding. :thumbsup

Bucks really should not be raised as singles. Doing so can make him nonreleasable. B.c he will imprint and when his hormones kick in this can be a lethal combination since he may begin to act like humans are competition for females and someone could get hurt during rutting season. :osnap


06-16-2010, 06:27 PM
Here is spot...We are looking for someone with other fawns to take him :(
We do know how dangerous full grown Bucks can be..We just want what's best for Spot
Is he not the cutest little buckaroo :)

06-16-2010, 06:44 PM
You need to read Jet's story. He was literally delivered on the side of the road from his mama's dead body, and grew up a "house deer," hanging out with his humans and his "mommy" Drake, a VERY PATIENT male great dane.


Nancy in New York
06-16-2010, 07:39 PM
Spot is so adorable....how lucky that you are getting to see a little one first hand and up close...wishing you all the best and hope you find a place for him to have other playmates......:grouphug :grouphug

06-16-2010, 07:53 PM
Let me know if you need me to make some calls on your behalf.

06-16-2010, 09:25 PM
ASG we are looking for a place for Spot to go. Our garage is no place for him and if we are going to transport him we neeed to do it while he is still small. I would like someone within 1 to 1.5 hours from me if possible or if someone can meet us halfway that would be awesome. I have called a few rehabbers but no one has called me back. This little guy needs someone who already has fawns or a large fenced yard NO HUNTERS......Thanks for your help :) He is precious and I wish we had the facility to keep him :(

06-16-2010, 10:16 PM
I'll make some calls to see if I can find somebody around you, and will not call the hunter.

06-16-2010, 10:19 PM
If not we will just have to buy a fence......

06-16-2010, 11:41 PM
:D You may want to just go ahead and do that. Based upon early conversations, sounds like there is a shortage of rehabbers up your way.

06-17-2010, 06:57 AM
Virgo, do you want me to call the 2 rehabbers I know? One of them is the animal curator at the Nature Center and surely would know someone.

06-17-2010, 08:06 AM
Baxied would you do that for me? And yes ASG we need rehabbers in this area so bad...It's almost impossible to find anyone to help.

06-17-2010, 08:48 AM
I'll do it right now. It may be awhile before I can let you know. I've got to go get some permits pulled this morning, so I won't be home until later this afternoon.

06-17-2010, 09:17 AM
Thanks Baxied....I am a very patient person :) I have started him on the Fox Valley and I'm going to try a little Kaopectate on him....his little butt is raw from the diarreah. I spoke to two fawn rehabbers last night about 2 hours from me and they can't take him.

06-17-2010, 10:12 AM
I just spoke with the Director at University of Knoxville she has been rehabbing fawans for 15 years..She can't take him but she offered up some good advice. First he needs to eat dirt...Dirt helps with diarreah:thinking Who would have thunk it:thinking I have tried taking him outside but he wants no part of that so tonight we will turn the garage into the great outdoors:multi

Nancy in New York
06-17-2010, 01:26 PM
Thank God that you have this little baby with everyone being full and not being able to take him....what would have happened to the little guy? Thank God for you!!!!:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
To a person who has no clue what they are doing with a deer, that would be me, if I came upon one and had no place to put it...seriously what do you do? I mean taking in a little squirrel or chipmunk is one thing...but a deer? I'm sorry, but to an expert that already has 15 and knows what she is doing, to not be able to take just one more is sad. Now you have to uproot your whole life and garage...:D I just guess that I am shocked, because I don't know how one would go about taking care of a deer, and to think that this could happen to anyone of us....:dono :dono
I have to go clean out the garage now...it's good to be prepared....:rotfl
Good Luck and God Bless you and your hubby!!!!!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

06-17-2010, 01:51 PM
Awwww...what a sweetie. :Love_Icon

All the best, you guys! :grouphug (More pics! :poke )

06-17-2010, 02:06 PM
Nancy, the lady who owns the barn where I board my horse grew up on a horse farm in NJ - her mother bred Arabians. Her mom rescued a fawn and he grew up in the master bathroom, which was huge. Robin says all the kids used to sit in there and play with him when he was a little bugger. When he got bigger, he moved into the barn with the horses - went out with them in the morning and back in at night - had his little special place to sleep, and lived there on the farm for years. He thought he was an Arabian!

Nancy in New York
06-17-2010, 02:37 PM
Nancy, the lady who owns the barn where I board my horse grew up on a horse farm in NJ - her mother bred Arabians. Her mom rescued a fawn and he grew up in the master bathroom, which was huge. Robin says all the kids used to sit in there and play with him when he was a little bugger. When he got bigger, he moved into the barn with the horses - went out with them in the morning and back in at night - had his little special place to sleep, and lived there on the farm for years. He thought he was an Arabian!

Oh I bet he was adorable...I'm just saying that if I ever got one...I don't have a hamper big enough for a fawn....:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :poke
Sweet story Crittermom...:grouphug

06-17-2010, 03:01 PM
Oh I bet he was adorable...I'm just saying that if I ever got one...I don't have a hamper big enough for a fawn....:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :poke
Sweet story Crittermom...:grouphug

The Garage is not going to be big enough in a few weeks:rotfl
I bet Jeffery would love this little fawn...Riding around on his back biting his ears. Even my spoiled, selfish dog is tolerating him unless we are eating pizza then the fawn can't come in. I found a nice dog lot in Resaca (where I got the fawn) strange....for $200.00 it's 10x20 with a top. Our luck we will buy it and someone will take him...But never know what may show up next :)

Nancy in New York
06-17-2010, 03:25 PM
The Garage is not going to be big enough in a few weeks:rotfl
I bet Jeffery would love this little fawn...Riding around on his back biting his ears. Even my spoiled, selfish dog is tolerating him unless we are eating pizza then the fawn can't come in. I found a nice dog lot in Resaca (where I got the fawn) strange....for $200.00 it's 10x20 with a top. Our luck we will buy it and someone will take him...But never know what may show up next :)

Oh Lord...if you get something that big, you can't turn anything down....might want to just go with a hamper....:D
So your little puppy is pizza aggressive? That's great that he tolerates him...I would hate to think how difficult it would be if he didn't...I used to have cats and I trained them not to ever come in the kitchen...they were excellent about that...can you imagine if I had a cat now though with Jeffrey...oh that would be something I would never want to see, Jeffrey strictly cage bound....:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead

06-17-2010, 03:36 PM
oh that would be something I would never want to see, Jeffrey strictly cage bound....:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead

It's heartbreaking:grouphug but you did a fantastic job with him...He is one happy squirrel...may I call him a squirrel:jump Or is it Sir Jeffrey?????

06-17-2010, 04:39 PM
Virgo, I've left messages but no responses yet. I have a feeling one may not respond at all - she does that, but the other is usually on it. I'll let you know if I hear something.

06-17-2010, 04:42 PM
Thanks at this point I don't have any options coming my way :(. I could put up a fence the only worry is the two dogs that live down the hill from me. They are small animal killers. But a couple rounds with a BB Gun to the butt might help :) These are really sweet dogs but they have a problems with cats and wildlife

06-17-2010, 04:46 PM
I started googling and found some other people near Nashville or Knoxville. I could make calls if you want me to. I could also help with transport if you need especially toward Nashville. I need to go to Monteagle soon anyway.

06-17-2010, 04:48 PM
Don't worry I won't actually have to pop them these dogs are so gun shy if they even see a gun they will turn tail and run. Bi Lo usually keeps them out of the yard and if I can convince Bi Lo that this is his "toy' they won't get within 100 yards...Bi Lo is VERY selfish with his toys.

06-17-2010, 04:49 PM
I started googling and found some other people near Nashville or Knoxville. I could make calls if you want me to. I could also help with transport if you need especially toward Nashville. I need to go to Monteagle soon anyway.

Baxied that would great

06-17-2010, 05:51 PM
Virgo, could you PM me your phone number. The rehabber gave me a name & number so I called and will be talking to them in a few minutes. Apparently there are only 2 rehabbers with the space and time to rehab deer in East Tennessee. Are you sure you want to give him up before I talk to them?

06-17-2010, 06:11 PM
No I want to keep him:hissyfit I'm already in love....But it's not about me:Cry

06-17-2010, 06:32 PM
I made many calls, and have 2 options for you. Am sending you PM now.

06-17-2010, 06:57 PM
Thanks ASG and Baxied for all the help. Hopefully this little guy will have a new home soon.

06-17-2010, 07:08 PM
You know I'm beginning to think this little guy was abandoned when we first took him in it sounded like he had plastic under his skin....very strange made a kriinkle noise when you touched him...Now that noise is gone he is just as soft as a baby's bottem. I think he was dehydrated. If that's the case I feel much better about having him :)

06-17-2010, 10:30 PM
Ok since I am a virgo you all know I can't make a decision...I'm at a fork in the road.....I spoke with one lady tonight that has 18 fawns but she is licensed in the State Of Tennessee and her fawns are managed by the Tn Management which means she rehabs these fawns for hunting :( I know where ever he is release he stands the chance of being hunted but I don't want him managed. I had him outside tonight and he played and jumped like he should be doing he had a ball:). So he needs to be with other Fawns. I can raise him and release him in the Battlefield where there is no hunting but I hate the though of him being by himself and having no one to play with :( Any suggestions? Should I just suck it up and let a rehabber take him so he can be with other fawns and not worry about his future? Of course I will have to sneak him into the Battlefield and if I get caught I will be looking for bail money to have me released:rotfl What would YOU do?

06-17-2010, 10:31 PM
I'm sorry this is not life threatening I posted on the wrong thrread..>We can move this :)

06-18-2010, 06:56 AM
If it were me, I would keep looking. I know you have your back to the wall and it is easy for me to say. But I could not let him go to that situation where the risk is so high he would be hunted. JMPO. I wish I could help. I don't have any experience with deer/fawns and raising them. I know there were a few options according to others, maybe one of the other ones they were talking about has a better situation? Heck, wish you were closer, I have a giant kennel and live right on the woods with a ton of deer out back!

06-18-2010, 08:01 AM
Sorry, Virgo. I would cut my own heart out before I let him be raised to be killed. I would absolutely keep looking...

06-18-2010, 08:16 AM
Gosh Pappy I wish you were closer to then I would not have to worry about him...I have a few more rehabbers to call but I believe when you are a Licensed Fawn rehabber the State boys want to know where these guys are going. This lady already had 18 fawn on 20 acres.....18 acres is not enough for 18 Deer. We are still looking and making calls. There is one I'm waiting to call he is in the Gulf now cleaning birds and he lives about 1 hour from me. he will be back on the 28th. I have a good feeling about this one :)

06-18-2010, 08:21 AM
Sorry, Virgo. I would cut my own heart out before I let him be raised to be killed. I would absolutely keep looking...

I know I feel like such a "non" rehabber wanting what's best for this boy. I guess when you rehab 100's each year you can just turn them loose for the hunters to prey on :( Well, I don't have hundreds I have one and his name is SPOT....I KNOW I can't keep him. Since he is a Buck they imprint so fast and a big rack buck can be dangerous.

IR can we move this threzad out of the Life threatening???I feel bad posting here

Nancy in New York
06-18-2010, 08:21 AM
Ok since I am a virgo you all know I can't make a decision...I'm at a fork in the road.....I spoke with one lady tonight that has 18 fawns but she is licensed in the State Of Tennessee and her fawns are managed by the Tn Management which means she rehabs these fawns for hunting :( I know where ever he is release he stands the chance of being hunted but I don't want him managed. I had him outside tonight and he played and jumped like he should be doing he had a ball:). So he needs to be with other Fawns. I can raise him and release him in the Battlefield where there is no hunting but I hate the though of him being by himself and having no one to play with :( Any suggestions? Should I just suck it up and let a rehabber take him so he can be with other fawns and not worry about his future? Of course I will have to sneak him into the Battlefield and if I get caught I will be looking for bail money to have me released:rotfl What would YOU do?

Don’t worry about bail…we’ll pull through for you....:D
What a dilema…Is there any way that you could get another one around the same age so your little one has company? I’m not sure that you could or would want to take on two though…:dono
Bless you for doing what you are for this little one. I’m sorry that you keep running into dead ends…At what age can you release this little guy? I know this must be so very difficult for you…I’m sorry you have to go through this…:Love_Icon
Hope that guy who is in the gulf is the answer to your prayers...:thumbsup

06-18-2010, 08:55 AM
Did you talk to the two people I emailed you last night. I spoke at length with one of them, who currenly has 2 fawns. While a longer drive for you, he releases on land that is owned by a deputy, protecting it from being hunted about as much as anybody could hope for.

06-18-2010, 08:58 AM
Is that the guy with the 3200 acres?

06-18-2010, 09:04 AM
Is that the guy with the 3200 acres?


Did you talk to the guy who has 18 fawns not far from you? Did he give you any indication of how/where he releases?

06-18-2010, 09:07 AM
Don’t worry about bail…we’ll pull through for you....:D
What a dilema…Is there any way that you could get another one around the same age so your little one has company? I’m not sure that you could or would want to take on two though…:dono
Bless you for doing what you are for this little one. I’m sorry that you keep running into dead ends…At what age can you release this little guy? I know this must be so very difficult for you…I’m sorry you have to go through this…:Love_Icon
Hope that guy who is in the gulf is the answer to your prayers...:thumbsup

I would take another in a heartbeat then I could justify a $1000.00 fence :)
I think he can be released at 5-6 months but they can stay with mama for a year or more. I still have some options

06-18-2010, 12:55 PM
Sorry, Virgo. I would cut my own heart out before I let him be raised to be killed. I would absolutely keep looking...


Hope you find someone, virgo. Tough situation. It almost sounds like there isn't enough land around there... :thinking

06-18-2010, 01:00 PM

It almost sounds like there isn't enough land around there... :thinking

There would be if people would CHILL OUT and not demand a Walmart on every corner...Get in your horse and buggy and drive 5 miles to the store. Take the stupid Cell Phone out of your big fat ear and lead your horse!!!!!

The land is fading and it's our fault this is one reason why I am so passionate about the animals I feel guilty that we have taken their land away from them.

There are so many empty houses WHY are we building new ones????????

Walmart can bite my buttocks...I never go there anyway. I use the locals

Whew, I feel much better

06-30-2010, 09:01 AM
I spoke with the rehabber in Blairsville and he found a Vet who uses the Holistic approach to animal care. The Vet suggested green clay for the foot. He put it on little Louis and the next day most of the swelling wa gone and minimal pus. Little Louis can now walk on that foot:wahoo Since the green clay is a natural substance the Fawn can lick it with no problems. Good information to have on hand. Oh spot ran away again but he came back. That little Buck is a handful:rotfl He has found a friend a little doe named Sasquatchiea (spell check) they name their fawns strange names:dono

06-30-2010, 10:24 AM
:wave123 I'm just catching up with this thread I sure hope this all works out for little spot,I hope he stops running away,I would hate to see a hunter get him.:grouphug Would that other one be named Sacajawea,after the American Indian squaw that helped with the Lewis and Clark expedition?:thinking

06-30-2010, 10:56 AM
[QUOTE=lilbitsquirrelyWould that other one be named Sacajawea,after the American Indian squaw that helped with the Lewis and Clark expedition?:thinking[/QUOTE]

yes that's it!!! He tried to explain why they named their deer those crazy names but I'm not familier with the Lewis and Clark stuff. All their fawns are named after that adventure...You are very smart. They renamed Spot Alexandria something and call him AM...I like Spot but hey, to each his own

my Twiggy
06-30-2010, 10:57 AM
It may be way too far from you, but I wanted to let you know that we raised a baby deer about 3 years ago. He was brought to us by a farmer that was cutting hay, and the baby deer was in the field he was cutting, he kept moving him, and after being out there most of the day, and not seeing Momma, brought him into his barn, and someone we knew called to see if we would take it from him. We kept him for 1 1/2 years. He was in our barn, had his own stall, and we would let him out, and he would run around our indoor arena, and play up and down the hall ways. We just could not ever let him really loose outside, we were afraid our dogs woud not leave him alone, and did not want to always keep him in, so we found a place called Broadbent wildlife sanctuary, they have 3,500 acres of guarded protected land, and have thier own vet. When they got Ledoux (our deer) they were at that time bottle feeding 20 plus baby deer. They were great, and we knew we were sending him to a place he could roam free and not fear hunters. Oh, Broadbent Wildlife Sanctuary is in Kentucky.

06-30-2010, 12:07 PM
:flash3 Wow he must be a History buff,:thinking Alexandria was a city in Egypt,that was discovered by the king of Macedon popularly known as Alexandra The Great.At least he loves the babies so much ,he makes them famous.:rotfl :rotfl I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm not as smart as you think.I just recognized the names from history class which by the way I hated,and I am smart enough to look them up on Google.Where would we all be without this thing called the internet.You are the smart one you found the perfect place for Spot.and looks like he will be well taken care of.Thank:bowdown God for people like you who are willing to sacrifice for the love,and care of the less fortunate,on this planet.:Love_Icon :grouphug

06-30-2010, 12:07 PM
that's good information...That place looks amazing I wish we had something like that closer. I must say Blairsville Ga is a little piece of heaven

07-15-2010, 06:54 PM
Updates? What happened with this baby????

07-16-2010, 09:09 AM
Spot...AKA Alexander is doing great he is the biggest one in tha pack. He is warming up to the new rehabbers. They really love him :) They will release him at about 6 months old. He has found a new friend that he plays and beds down with a little Doe named Sacagawea. This family is awesome they bring the babies in the house every night just as a extra protection so you know they must love them:Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
07-16-2010, 09:16 AM
Spot...AKA Alexander is doing great he is the biggest one in tha pack. He is warming up to the new rehabbers. They really love him :) They will release him at about 6 months old. He has found a new friend that he plays and beds down with a little Doe named Sacagawea. This family is awesome they bring the babies in the house every night just as a extra protection so you know they must love them:Love_Icon

This is the perfect update.....what a way to start my day...:alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif

Jackie in Tampa
07-16-2010, 10:07 AM
does a heart good to hear such a wonderful update!
:bowdown Great job by all! Oh lala!:Love_Icon

07-16-2010, 01:13 PM
That is great news! I am assuming the potty issues have resolved?

07-16-2010, 01:22 PM
Oh yes we cleared that up before we took him all he needed was some dirt to eat. Can you believe that? The lady who runs the Exotic animal department at the University Of Tennessee gave me that piece of advice. As soon as we took him outside he immediately started eating the dirt. He was sure a cutie I think when I get my license I may start of a Fawn rescue in this area :)

07-16-2010, 02:30 PM
That's great!